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smoking cocaine


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I know you can get drugs anywhere, that's not the point

A lot of times those who fail the treatment - fail it because of somebody else in the group. It could be called "negative support"

My ex is a Clinical Psych. specializing in addiction/treatment.

She worked at major NYC clinic for years. She did tell me a lot of stories....

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Originally posted by PCR

I know you can get drugs anywhere, that's not the point

A lot of times those who fail the treatment - fail it because of somebody else in the group. It could be called "negative support"

My ex is a Clinical Psych. specializing in addiction/treatment.

She worked at major NYC clinic for years. She did tell me a lot of stories....

I understand- when it comes to addictions- the stories are endless- but saying that- its like saying- hey, I don't want to take drivers eduscations- becaude it could lead to an accident lol

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First you need to get away from whoever you do this with.Move in with relatives whatever. You can not be around that stuff right now or you will want to do more. you do have to keep yourself busy, find something you like writing drawing photography, and bury yourself with it.

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Originally posted by babbo

you had me until that last statement- its a lame one- you dont need to go to an AA meeting to score drugs/booze etc. thats bs- its helpful more than any other

i know at least three people who go to NA meetings to meet people to do drugs.....or were there with good intentions at first and then met somebody and started getting high with them....it depends on the location of the meeting, the type of meeting, and your own intentions.....beginner meetings-most of the people will never stop using...and are there to meet like minded people

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Originally posted by podes881

i know at least three people who go to NA meetings to meet people to do drugs.....or were there with good intentions at first and then met somebody and started getting high with them....it depends on the location of the meeting, the type of meeting, and your own intentions.....beginner meetings-most of the people will never stop using...and are there to meet like minded people

and i know zero who that has happened to, and I know hundreds who it has helped- whats your point-you looking for perfect solutions?? there isnt ANYTHING perfect- again- if you want to learn how to drive a car- you go to drivers education classes. to say drivers education classes lead to car accidents is lame

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First of all... ecko: you didn't freebase. In reality the coke that was in you newports didn't give much of a buzz . Regular coke for snorting (HCL) has a higher flash point than base and doesn't burn as efficiently.

As far as you feeling like you're hooked. You probably are. If you're even experimenting with smoking coke, you'll eventually get turned on to base sooner or later. I'm no preacher but I'll give you my opinion. Freebase is one of the best highs i've ever experienced and it took me 2 years to finally get off it. You'll never experience the same high you had the first time, but you'll keep chasing it. The best way to beat any addiction is to get your life together. I personally don't believe in the NA or AA approach in that they both advocate that if you're an addict you shouldn't use any type of substance. I also dont believe that all the counseling in the world can turn anyone around. I was in and out of several detox/rehab programs back in the day and I can honestly say they weren't effective for me. I'll also take it a step further; 9 years later I still use drugs occasionally in social settings and havent relapsed into addiction and I basicly stoppped feebasing cold turkey (not easy and physically painful). Maybe I've just been lucky and what works for me may not work for you. Alot of it definately has to do with the people around you but if you don't make the decision to change niether will the people you choose to be around. The main thing is to make a decision and find the strength to stick to it. There are probably other problems you're going through and you should definately at the very least "cool it".

As far as all the hysteria about one addiction being any worse than any other. Thats just bullshit. Granted there are definately health issues that you should consider but any addiction can take over your life if you let it: sex, greed, booze, food, even .... shopping.

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Originally posted by bumpdaddy

First of all... ecko: you didn't freebase. In reality the coke that was in you newports didn't give much of a buzz . Regular coke for snorting (HCL) has a higher flash point than base and doesn't burn as efficiently.

As far as you feeling like you're hooked. You probably are. If you're even experimenting with smoking coke, you'll eventually get turned on to base sooner or later. I'm no preacher but I'll give you my opinion. Freebase is one of the best highs i've ever experienced and it took me 2 years to finally get off it. You'll never experience the same high you had the first time, but you'll keep chasing it. The best way to beat any addiction is to get your life together. I personally don't believe in the NA or AA approach in that they both advocate that if you're an addict you shouldn't use any type of substance. I also dont believe that all the counseling in the world can turn anyone around. I was in and out of several detox/rehab programs back in the day and I can honestly say they weren't effective for me. I'll also take it a step further; 9 years later I still use drugs occasionally in social settings and havent relapsed into addiction and I basicly stoppped feebasing cold turkey (not easy and physically painful). Maybe I've just been lucky and what works for me may not work for you. Alot of it definately has to do with the people around you but if you don't make the decision to change niether will the people you choose to be around. The main thing is to make a decision and find the strength to stick to it. There are probably other problems you're going through and you should definately at the very least "cool it".

As far as all the hysteria about one addiction being any worse than any other. Thats just bullshit. Granted there are definately health issues that you should consider but any addiction can take over your life if you let it: sex, greed, booze, food, even .... shopping.

thank you for clearing up exactly what i did, i wasn't sure what i was doing. i have, however, smoked cracked before with the biggest junkies walking the streets of bay ridge and each time i have i swore i would NEVER do it again, chasing that high is ...god, i can't even find the words...just something i want to stop, but somehow end up doing again.

i know what i want to do, and that's stop this vicious cycle. i've decided to see a personal counselor at my college so maybe i can find out what the REAL problem is, get to the root of all this bullshit.

last night i took the first step and actually STAYED home, did not return phone calls...and to avoid any disruptions, i'm taking up painting again. i need a new outlet.

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I am very soory you are doing this, Ireally feel for you, If I can help you in anyway I will, let me know. My first thing I would do is stop doing coke.

But seriously let me know if I could help you

Originally posted by eckobarbie1

i know. and i want to stop. i didn't enjoy it at all. i'm just not sure where to turn now.

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I've done my share of goodies in my time and I've heard and seen nightmare stories on all different levels. I've also heard people say how there's no high like {heroin/freebase/crack/oxy/black tar} and because there's no high like it, I don't want to feel what it's like. I don't want to feel that "good" because eventually reality has to kick back in at some point. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against hitting the bong now and then, or even dropping a pill or blasting a line a few times a year, but when you do it all the time, you need to ask yourself "is this really fun?" I think talking to someone and getting back to your art is an excellent idea and I wish you the best of luck!

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Originally posted by Crackorn

I've done my share of goodies in my time and I've heard and seen nightmare stories on all different levels. I've also heard people say how there's no high like {heroin/freebase/crack/oxy/black tar} and because there's no high like it, I don't want to feel what it's like. I don't want to feel that "good" because eventually reality has to kick back in at some point. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against hitting the bong now and then, or even dropping a pill or blasting a line a few times a year, but when you do it all the time, you need to ask yourself "is this really fun?" I think talking to someone and getting back to your art is an excellent idea and I wish you the best of luck!

honestly the high is not that good, it's never ever as good as the first one you'll ever take, honestly i'd rather eat a pill any day over smoking crack..

anyway..i'm already doing much better, i think, i've stayed home for a few days..spent time w/ my family, haven't spoken to certain people etc. :)

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Originally posted by bbbooom


you're right, instead of wasting time trying to get advice from insensitive pieces of shit like you. it's called HARM REDUCTION BOARD for a reason, jerk off.

anyway, for anyone who does care, i fucked up again. *shrugs*

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Originally posted by eckobarbie1

you're right, instead of wasting time trying to get advice from insensitive pieces of shit like you. it's called HARM REDUCTION BOARD for a reason, jerk off.

anyway, for anyone who does care, i fucked up again. *shrugs*

gave you the best advice your gonna get asshole go suck dick for coke

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Don't beat your self up too much for fucking up. Everyone fucks up now and then. Like anything else in your life, you shouldn't focus much on the past. Just think about the future and improving your life. See yourself at the bottom and the only way to go is up. You're already in the right direction because you know what you're doing isn't good and can only lead to bad things.

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Originally posted by Crackorn

Don't beat your self up too much for fucking up. Everyone fucks up now and then. Like anything else in your life, you shouldn't focus much on the past. Just think about the future and improving your life. See yourself at the bottom and the only way to go is up. You're already in the right direction because you know what you're doing isn't good and can only lead to bad things.

smartest post on this board yet

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by eckobarbie1

and like i said before its a fucking retarded cycle..you'll get bored of it.

Too true ... i never smoked crack but I did smoke crystal for quite a while - almost 2 years - and in the end when I stopped it was because of all the bullshit basically .. So many people I knew became fucked up, it was getting harder to get and the motivation for me to try and get it just wasn't there .. I got over it which is guess for an escape route from its addiction, is a lucky one!

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