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Gross- breast implant risks...


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Grade IV - breast hard, painful and looks abnormal (greater distortion)


Photograph 2 shows a 30-year-old woman’s left saline-filled breast implant deflation


Photograph 3 shows the same 29-year-old woman in Photograph 1 one year after removal of her silicone gel-filled breast implants without replacement. Patients with large implants, particularly those inserted subglandularly (on top of the muscle and under the breast glands), may have a major cosmetic deformity if they choose not to replace them or to undergo additional reconstructive surgery.

not to mention:


Women may feel pain of varying degrees and lengths of time following breast implant surgery. In addition, improper size, placement, surgical technique, or capsular contracture may result in pain. You should tell your doctor if you have pain.


Dissatisfying results such as wrinkling, uneven sizes, implant shifting, incorrect size, unanticipated shape, ability to feel implant, scar deformity, irregular or raised scarring, and/or sloshing may occur. Careful surgical planning and technique can reduce but not always prevent such results. For saline-filled implants with valves, you may be able to feel the valves. Repeated surgeries to improve the appearance of the breasts and/or to remove ruptured or deflated prostheses may result in an unsatisfactory cosmetic outcome.


Infection can occur with any surgery and at any time. Most infections appear within a few days to weeks after the -surgery. Infections with an implant present are harder to treat than infections in normal body tissues because infection may not respond to antibiotics. The implant may have to be removed and replaced after the infection is gone.


Hematoma is a collection of blood inside a body cavity and a seroma is a collection of the watery portion of the blood around the implant or around healing. A small scar can form or a rupture may occur if the implant is damaged during draining the incision. Post-operative hematoma and seroma may contribute to infection or capsular contracture. Swelling, pain, and bruising may result. A hematoma usually occurs soon after surgery but may occur at any time or after injury to the breast. While the body absorbs small hematomas and seromas, large ones will require the placement of surgical drains for proper healing. A small scar can form or a rupture may occur if the implant is damaged during draining.


Feeling in the nipple and breast can increase or decrease after implant surgery. The range of changes varies from intense to no feeling in the nipple or breast after surgery. Changes in feeling can be temporary or permanent and may affect sexual response or the ability to nurse a baby.


Calcium deposits can be seen on mammograms and can be mistaken for possible cancer, resulting in additional surgery to biopsy or remove the implant to distinguish these deposits from cancer. Calcium deposits may be felt as modules or bumps under the skin around the implant.


In some cases, the incision site fails to heal normally or takes longer to heal.


Unstable or weakened tissue covering and/or interruption of wound healing may result in extrusion, (when the breast implant comes through the skin). Surgery needed to correct this can result in unacceptable scarring or breast tissue loss.


Necrosis, the formation of dead tissue around the implant, may prevent wound healing and require surgical correction and/or implant removal.

A permanent scar may form.


Pressure of the breast implant may cause the breast tissue to thin and shrink. This can occur while implants are still in place or following implant removal without replacement


Interference with mammography due to breast implants may delay or hinder the early detection of breast cancer either by hiding suspicious wounds, injuries, or tumors or by making it more difficult to include them in the image. Implants increase the difficulty of both taking and reading mammograms. Women who undergo reconstruction and have some breast tissue remaining must continue to have mammography of that breast, as well as of the other breast, to detect breast cancer. Mammography requires breast compression (hard pressure) that could contribute to implant rupture. When making appointments, women with implants should tell the scheduler that they have breast implants. Before mammography, women should also tell the radiologic technologist about their implants. The technologist will then take extra care during compression to reduce the risk of implant rupture. The technologist will also use the special displacement views to see as much as possible of the breast tissue.


Following breast implant surgery, your body may begin to produce milk. This production may cease spontaneously or after medication is given to stop milk production. In other cases, removal of the implant(s) may be needed.


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those are some very heart breaking pix. but many boob jobs go right & give girls who were ashamed of their bodies more confidence. elective surgery is just that your choice. but it is still surgery and with any surgery things can go wrong! ur taking a risk which even means disfigurment or death.

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Originally posted by tranzwhore

those are some very heart breaking pix. but many boob jobs go right & give girls who were ashamed of their bodies more confidence. elective surgery is just that your choice. but it is still surgery and with any surgery things can go wrong! ur taking a risk which even means disfigurment or death.


more go rite than wrong! that dosent mean 4get the statistics but u cant be afraid to live! do what u gotta do, let your heart lead u in the rite direction! Whatever will make u a happier girl i say go 4 it !!!!

Now how bout more GOOD PiCS!!! ;) ..NOT TO FRIGHTEN US GiRLS!:D

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Originally posted by sweetestkitty


more go rite than wrong! that dosent mean 4get the statistics but u cant be afraid to live! do what u gotta do, let your heart lead u in the rite direction! Whatever will make u a happier girl i say go 4 it !!!!

Now how bout more GOOD PiCS!!! ;) ..NOT TO FRIGHTEN US GiRLS!:D

but knowing the risks and side effects makes a difference!

be aware, not scared!

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well, the thing is that those complications happen in a very small % of people. especially the serious complications like necrosis & extrusion, that doesnt happen in routine enlargement, it is more common of people who have cancer reconstruction and have NO tissue or are on radiation. of course that is going to be lumped into the statstics though... mammography is only obstructed with over the muscle implants (which are mostly used for people trying to correct saggy breasts). tissue atrophy happens to everyone, that is why poeple sag, calcium deposits can happen to anyone regardless of whether they have implants too.

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the point is... is that it happens.. too many girls.. especially young girls.. think that breast implants can only be good :)

but whoever said "be aware not scared" got my point ;)

everything in life, good or bad, has its risks... the point is to just be aware of them.. dont stop living ur life b/c of them...

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