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America NEEDS another Great Depression.


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I want to see another depression because America needs it!

Americans need to learn some simple lessons in life.

They need to learn that we cannot get away with taking more from life than what we put into life.

They need to learn that a person's financial net worth is not determined by the size of his or her mortgage or car loans, or credit-card debt.

Americans need to learn the virtue of saving, and the importance of not blindly following the crowd and mainstream press when investing.

Americans need to learn firsthand about the financial and cultural fallacies of big government -- especially when it starts to collapse in the coming years. This includes government-business partnerships, socialistic welfare handouts, draconian healthcare regulations, government-run schooling, and the insidious War on Drugs.

The U.S. military-industrial complex (i.e., the worst polluter, the most ridiculous waste of money, and biggest provoker of terrorism in the world) needs to go bankrupt in order to restore hope and dignity for the future of humankind.

Another great depression would negate the need for a libertarian revolution, since the corrupt government would simply collapse unto itself instead of the bloody alternative!

Remember the U.S.S.R.'s demise in the 1980s? It, too, was a healthy and necessary event, wasn't it?

Here's to America...


music artist: Queen

song title: "Hammer To Fall"

Words and music by Brian May


Here we stand or here we fall

History won't care at all

Make the bed light the light

Lady Mercy won't be home tonight yeah

You don't waste no time at all

Don't hear the bell but you answer the call

It comes to you as to us all

We're just waiting

For the hammer to fall

Oh ev'ry night and every day

A little piece of you is falling away

But lift your face the Western Way

Build your muscles as your body decays yeah

Toe your line and play their game yeah

Let the anaesthetic cover it all

Till one day they call your name

You know it's time for the hammer to fall

Rich or poor or famous

For your truth it's all the same (oh no oh no)

Lock your door the rain is pouring

Through your window pane (oh no)

Baby now your struggle's all in vain

For we who grew up tall and proud

In the shadow of the mushroom cloud

Convinced our voices can't be heard

We just wanna scream it louder and louder louder

What the hell we fighting for?

Just surrender and it won't hurt at all

You just got time to say your prayers

While your waiting for the hammer to hammer to fall

It's gonna fall

Hammer..you know..hammer to fall

Waiting for the hammer to fall now baby

While you're waiting for the hammer to fall

Give it to me one more time

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Originally posted by DiscoProJoe


I want to see another depression because America needs it!

Americans need to learn some simple lessons in life.

They need to learn that we cannot get away with taking more from life than what we put into life.

They need to learn that a person's financial net worth is not determined by the size of his or her mortgage or car loans, or credit-card debt.

Americans need to learn the virtue of saving, and the importance of not blindly following the crowd and mainstream press when investing.

Americans need to learn firsthand about the financial and cultural fallacies of big government -- especially when it starts to collapse in the coming years. This includes government-business partnerships, socialistic welfare handouts, draconian healthcare regulations, government-run schooling, and the insidious War on Drugs.

The U.S. military-industrial complex (i.e., the worst polluter, the most ridiculous waste of money, and biggest provoker of terrorism in the world) needs to go bankrupt in order to restore hope and dignity for the future of humankind.

Another great depression would negate the need for a libertarian revolution, since the corrupt government would simply collapse unto itself instead of the bloody alternative!

Remember the U.S.S.R.'s demise in the 1980s? It, too, was a healthy and necessary event, wasn't it?

Here's to America...

But what would happen to my internet??? And would I still be able to afford gas for my behemoth SUV..... or buy Polo jeans & Lorac cosmetics??? I can see I'm going to have to give some serious thought to this 'depression' issue.:what:

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If we fall into a depression then the whole Global economy falls into a depression as well....Don't you agree?

If so then what would be the financial environment you would like to see in place? A place where credit doesn't exist? You do realise that with out the stock market and especially credit we wouldn't be communicating on the Internet. You understand that right?

Granted people are spending more then they earn but that graph you posted fails at telling what the credit is for. When people hear credit they automatically thing high interest credit cards, often forgeting that mortgages and a rising population are at play. Credit is how businesses expand and when companies expand jobs are created. Credit is the most important factor that seperates us from a third world country....

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Yes, the Internet would still exist. Just invest heavily in gold bullion, and you'll make it through far better than most people will! In a deflationary depression, gold behaves less like a commodity and takes on a role as the ultimate safe-haven money of last resort that's outside of the banking system and financial system, unlike cash. And with the 100% fiat U.S. dollar being the world's reserve currency and with 2/3 of the U.S. dollar supply existing outside the country in the hands of foreigners, this puts it into an extremely, excruciatingly vulnerable position of being sold-off by billions of people when the U.S. economy eventually tanks, and the dollar could become practically worthless.

Also, the Fed lowering interest rates, buying up long-term bonds, and raising reserve requirements won't do jack shjt if consumers are debt-saturated and credit-worthy individuals won't borrow. That's where government deficits come into play to temporarily offset the effect. But in the end, nothing can stop the deflationary economic bust.

You people put so much blind faith into politicians, bureaucrats, and central planners that it would make George Washington and Thomas Jefferson turn over in their graves.

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you are fucking insane

we went through a war on two fronts our economy survived

we went through multiple other wars our economy still exists

we have been attacked many times by terrorists our economy still exists

our resources are to vast for us not to be the worlds economic leader

bazooka joe you are the kings of hypothetical bullshit

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I'd also like to mention that during the last great depression and World War 2, foreigners could still exchange their U.S. dollars for gold at the U.S. Treasury. Therefore, they had no big reason to liquidate their dollars in the 1930s & '40s.

But in 1971, Nixon closed the gold window, and the U.S. dollar became 100% fiat. So..."Make the bed, light the light; Lady Mercy won't be home tonight." :blown:

you are fucking insane

Hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm glad I rocked your boat! :D :D :D

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no one rocks my boat quite like simons anti-american propaganda

i just dont understand why you people are always looking for a conspiracy to justify things

you want to be revolutionaries for some reason seriously i just do not get it

maybe cause im a war hawk conservative who wants to get filthy rich! right jamiroguy????

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