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I've heard it done.

If you present a quality case, with photographic evidence and preferably a police report, i've heard of people getting claims from transportation departments. Sometimes they will toss some cash at you just to keep things out of court.

It's definitely worth a shot.

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Guest brwneydtrouble

Yeah, especially if it gets your car fixed and your insurance lower by eliminating a claim. Here in Fl we mostly have palm trees that jump out at you.

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I recall in a law class I took a while back that you will have a solid case if the road condition was previously documented by another civilian to the DOT (and on record) and they did not resolve the situation (i/o/w fix the pot hole, etc.) within a week or two of the complaint.

With that said, it doesn't mean that you might not have a case against the DOT... however, the burden of proof will fall heavily on your shoulders. To play the devil's advocate - how are you certain that the salt on the road was left by the DOT? It could have easily been deposited by a third party corporation en route to one of their clients. A salt sample might possibly help, but the formula is probably consistent unless your area uses a different mixture (i.e. two parts salt, one part sand). Just think outside the box and you might have a case... but even then it's still doubtful. Keep us informed.

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Dude, serioulsy they have to stop with the salting up here.

They put down way too much after this snow storm.

I live in Vernon and i cant stand all the salt on the road. Sucks that you got into the accident, but i say definitly try to get some money. 4000 for a Saturn is about 1/3 the cost of the car.

Crazy. Good luck man.


rally driven.......................

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well I got the final estimate on my car. Total $4500 in damages, that is bull shit. I just gonna go to the junk yard and get the partd there, put them on myself and have the shop recharge the airbags. Get a rental fro 5 days to make them think the work is being done. and bang, $2500 in my pocket. yeah that feels good.

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then with your newly fixed saturn, go and trade it in, use the 2500 as down payment on something nice and new and let the joke be on the stupid insurance company and the town dept of public works.

and i seriously agree - salt sucks. I'd rather have sand.

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