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Lookout Red Sox fans, Yankees got Mike Lamb!

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We are in trouble this season, I'm a fan, but mark my words. The make shift starting rotation is going to need a lot of help from the $30 million bullpen. But dont worry, we may have Mike Lamb at 3rd base :laugh: Spring training is right around the corner! :aright:

NEW YORK -- Looking for extra help at third base, the New York Yankees have worked out a trade to get Mike Lamb from the Texas Rangers.

The deal for minor league pitcher Jose Garcia cannot be finalized until the Yankees clear a spot on their 40-man roster for Lamb, the Rangers said Tuesday night.

Texas designated the lefty-hitting Lamb for assignment on Jan. 29, giving the Rangers 10 days to send him outright to the minors, trade him or ask waivers for the purpose of his unconditional release.

New York's need for a third baseman arose when All-Star Aaron Boone wrecked his left knee in mid-January playing pickup basketball. It is not certain when, or if, Boone will return this season.

The Yankees already had at least four possible candidates to replace Boone. Utilityman Enrique Wilson, rookie Erick Almonte and free agents Miguel Cairo and Tyler Houston all can play the position. (((they are going to borrow a page from the New York Rangers and try to sign Wade Boggs out of retirement next)))

Earlier this week, Drew Henson said he was leaving baseball for the NFL. Once considered the Yankees' third baseman of the future, Henson struggled at the plate and in the field in the minors.

Lamb, 28, was once regarded as a top prospect for Texas. He hit .283 with nine home runs and 33 RBI in 314 at-bats for the Rangers in 2002, getting a chance to play full-time after Hank Blalock had trouble as a rookie.

I am obviously kidding. Who the hell is Mike Lamb?

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Lamb was a top prospect for the Rangers two seasons ago coming into spring training, but got hurt, and with the emergence of Mark Teixiera and Hank Blalock, he was expendable. Lamb isn't going to make anyone forget about Boone (who knows if he could handle NY anyway after last post season), but he has decent range and is projected to hit .280 14 65 over 500 AB's. The Yankees are stacked top to bottom with the lineup, so much so that Boone, an all star with Cincy, was going to bat 9th. Boone is the least of the problems. Brownie staying heathy and Javier turning into what he should be, a 20 game winner, matters a lot more then what the 9th place hitter in our lineup does. Plus, teams know they have us by the balls, so Lamb is a good stop gap until the trading deadline, when Lowell, Glaus, and a few other good 3rd baseman will be available. Whats wrong with playing a few kids, instaed of trading even more prospects? Look at how well the Boone deal has worked out so far. Minus his HR agaist Boston, we gave up a young lefty who may be the next Pettiete, and we may end up releasing Boone. It's time for the Yankees to go back to 96, when we had friggin charlie hayes at 3rd base, and young guys up and down the lineup. Giradi was our catcher, who hit 260 1 40, but was a club house guy. This mentality of needed an all star "name" at every posistion is what got the Mets in the mess they are in now.

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Originally posted by poohjn1

Lamb was a top prospect for the Rangers two seasons ago coming into spring training, but got hurt, and with the emergence of Mark Teixiera and Hank Blalock, he was expendable. Lamb isn't going to make anyone forget about Boone (who knows if he could handle NY anyway after last post season), but he has decent range and is projected to hit .280 14 65 over 500 AB's. The Yankees are stacked top to bottom with the lineup, so much so that Boone, an all star with Cincy, was going to bat 9th. Boone is the least of the problems. Brownie staying heathy and Javier turning into what he should be, a 20 game winner, matters a lot more then what the 9th place hitter in our lineup does. Plus, teams know they have us by the balls, so Lamb is a good stop gap until the trading deadline, when Lowell, Glaus, and a few other good 3rd baseman will be available. Whats wrong with playing a few kids, instaed of trading even more prospects? Look at how well the Boone deal has worked out so far. Minus his HR agaist Boston, we gave up a young lefty who may be the next Pettiete, and we may end up releasing Boone. It's time for the Yankees to go back to 96, when we had friggin charlie hayes at 3rd base, and young guys up and down the lineup. Giradi was our catcher, who hit 260 1 40, but was a club house guy. This mentality of needed an all star "name" at every posistion is what got the Mets in the mess they are in now.

Dude, what the hell are you talking about?

This "mentality" is what has gotten the Yanks into 5 World Series and 4 championships in the last 7 years. Maybe we should have a Kansas City, Milwaukee, Detroit, Tampa Bay, San Diego or Pittsburgh mentality, huh? They've done rather well.

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Originally posted by calebb

Dude, what the hell are you talking about?

This "mentality" is what has gotten the Yanks into 5 World Series and 4 championships in the last 7 years. Maybe we should have a Kansas City, Milwaukee, Detroit, Tampa Bay, San Diego or Pittsburgh mentality, huh? They've done rather well.

Oh, and that pitcher that you claim may be the next Pettite hasn't exactly lived up to expectations over there in Cincy.

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No, you don't understand what I am saying. The "mentality" that won us 4 rings in 5 years was building from youth and club house guys, and bringing in a few veterens to round it out. Now, we just go out and sign or trade for high priced veterens and depelete the farm system (sounds like the 80's, no?). Who knows what the kid will do in Cincy, but he was hurt in Spetember. Let's see the next two years what happens, then make a judgement. I agree, most trades we have made have worked out well, except for the Mike Lowell trade. I like the Yankees team as it is right now, I think they will make it to the series again, most likely facing the Cubs or Phillies. I'm just saying losing Boone is not the end of the world, and we can wait till the trading deadline to bring someone better in, if we need too.

By the way, look at what trading youth for veterens has done for the Rangers. Different story, I know, but it just proves a team like the Devils, who most casual hockey fans can barely name 10 players from, win cup after cup, and the Rangers bring in so called superstar after superstar and can't make the playoffs.

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Originally posted by poohjn1

No, you don't understand what I am saying. The "mentality" that won us 4 rings in 5 years was building from youth and club house guys, and bringing in a few veterens to round it out. Now, we just go out and sign or trade for high priced veterens and depelete the farm system (sounds like the 80's, no?). Who knows what the kid will do in Cincy, but he was hurt in Spetember. Let's see the next two years what happens, then make a judgement. I agree, most trades we have made have worked out well, except for the Mike Lowell trade. I like the Yankees team as it is right now, I think they will make it to the series again, most likely facing the Cubs or Phillies. I'm just saying losing Boone is not the end of the world, and we can wait till the trading deadline to bring someone better in, if we need too.

By the way, look at what trading youth for veterens has done for the Rangers. Different story, I know, but it just proves a team like the Devils, who most casual hockey fans can barely name 10 players from, win cup after cup, and the Rangers bring in so called superstar after superstar and can't make the playoffs.

I agree with you on the Cubbies. In fact I think they'll actually win the Series if they sign Maddox.

But anyway, I, too, don't believe that losing Boone is going to hurt us too much.

What I am trying to say is that everyone always wants to talk about how its always smart strategy to have an extensive farm system. It definitely won't hurt you but its not always necessary. I think the Yankees have proved that. Teams like the Yankees and Knicks don't rebuild, they reload. Talent is talent either way. And if the Yanks can afford it they'll always look to buy their championships. BTW,look at the fiasco with Drew Henson. The Yanks gave him 17 million and he was a complete bust. I would have preferred to give that to a veteran.

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Your 100% percent right, and quite honestly, I couldn't care less if they traded every hitting prospect that comes down the pipe. It just erks me when we give away young arms. But, the Yankees are kings at over hyping prospects for the sole purpose of trading them, and no arms we gave up have done much. The Yankees should take the route the A's take, draft and develope as many young arms as possible, and go out and add bats through free agency. The Marlins, Cubs, and A's will be contenders for the next 10 years (if they dont lose them to free agency) with the young fire ballers they have developed. Trust me, no one is a bigger fan of the Johnson for Javier trade, and I LOVED Nick, he may go .310 30 100 if hes heathy this year, but to get an arm like Javier, you do what you have to do.

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What the Yankees need to do is STOP letting GEORGE get involved. The team is stacked with TOO MANY homerun types, which sells tickets but hasnt won all that many championships over the years. In '96 + '98 the Yankees played very aggressive baseball, getting players on, stealing a base and using the hit + run to their advantage. This past season they relied on the long ball too much, homeruns are great to watch but we got beat by a young team that outhussled the Yankees. With his speed, Soriano should be worried about getting on base and then taking another, not concentrating on hitting homeruns. Thats two postseasons in a row where his swing produced nothing.

The Yankees are going to have to BUY their way into the postseason for the next few years because their farm system is much depleted. All the prospects are gone and I dont care what anyone says, letting Pettite go was their worst mistake. You do not replace a 20 game winner that has pitched a good portion of your MUST HAVE GAMES in the postseason for the last few years. This team is on the downside, they will finish in 2nd place behind the Red Sox this year. That is unless the Sox fall apart, but I dont see the starting rotation making the grade this season. Sooner or later, Clemens and Wells were not going to be around but the pride of the Yankees will have come back to haunt them soon enough. This is probably Torre's last season and I'd imagine it will probably be Mel's last season too which weighed heavily on Andy's decision to pitch at home in Texas. Nonetheless Andy didnt get any of the special treatment that other players received when the Yankees are trying to sign them. No phone calls, no dinner, no nothing. I am not happy to see Pettite go, but I respect his decision. Vasquez should develop into a stud in the American League. Start going to church now and pray that Brown lasts through the season, if he goes down so will the Yankees. If Lieber can return to form and Contreras consistently pitches the way he should, we'll be ok. But as far as I am concerned, thats way to many if this, if that for the season. If George would shut his fucking mouth, Torre wouldnt be thinking about making this season his last. Last year Torre did an amazing job keep the team together when it was going through player after player in the bullpen. The $30 million dollar bullpen will get plenty of work this season.

Glad to see Joe Girardi back in New York, always have love for those that EARNED their pinstripes, not BOUGHT them. Contreras hasnt earned his stripes yet, potential doesnt mean a fucking thing in the standings.

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Very well said. While I don't agree 100% on the Pettite issue, I agree with everything else. We lost so many "Yankees" like Oniel, brocious, Petitte, and Tino for "name superstar met types" like Giambi, Boone, Lofton, etc. Thank God we had Torre to hold it together. I'm not too worried about the sox, they had so many players have career years last year, and even though they added Shilling, Pedro has become human, and playoff history has shown finese closers like Foulke don't perform well in the post season. I really think the season rides on Brown, and that scares me. But knowing the Yanks, if he gets hurt, they will go and get a starter at the break. They still have some gems in the system, remember the name Depaula, he is projected to be the next Posada. He'll prob go at the deadline for a 3rd baseman or starter. And too many people over look Sheff. Giambi, Sheff, Sori and Bernie in a row with Jete and Lofton setting the table is going to be a lot of fun to watch. Hopefully Brownie holds up.

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Originally posted by poohjn1

Very well said. While I don't agree 100% on the Pettite issue, I agree with everything else. We lost so many "Yankees" like Oniel, brocious, Petitte, and Tino for "name superstar met types" like Giambi, Boone, Lofton, etc. Thank God we had Torre to hold it together. I'm not too worried about the sox, they had so many players have career years last year, and even though they added Shilling, Pedro has become human, and playoff history has shown finese closers like Foulke don't perform well in the post season. I really think the season rides on Brown, and that scares me. But knowing the Yanks, if he gets hurt, they will go and get a starter at the break. They still have some gems in the system, remember the name Depaula, he is projected to be the next Posada. He'll prob go at the deadline for a 3rd baseman or starter. And too many people over look Sheff. Giambi, Sheff, Sori and Bernie in a row with Jete and Lofton setting the table is going to be a lot of fun to watch. Hopefully Brownie holds up.

First of all, we lost O'neill and Brosius to retirement. We didn't just let them go. And, replacing Tino was an awesome move. Look at what he's done since he left New York. Nothing. And Boone and Lofton are not "superstar types."

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Originally posted by njdionysus

What the Yankees need to do is STOP letting GEORGE get involved. The team is stacked with TOO MANY homerun types, which sells tickets but hasnt won all that many championships over the years. In '96 + '98 the Yankees played very aggressive baseball, getting players on, stealing a base and using the hit + run to their advantage. This past season they relied on the long ball too much, homeruns are great to watch but we got beat by a young team that outhussled the Yankees. With his speed, Soriano should be worried about getting on base and then taking another, not concentrating on hitting homeruns. Thats two postseasons in a row where his swing produced nothing.

The Yankees are going to have to BUY their way into the postseason for the next few years because their farm system is much depleted. All the prospects are gone and I dont care what anyone says, letting Pettite go was their worst mistake. You do not replace a 20 game winner that has pitched a good portion of your MUST HAVE GAMES in the postseason for the last few years. This team is on the downside, they will finish in 2nd place behind the Red Sox this year. That is unless the Sox fall apart, but I dont see the starting rotation making the grade this season. Sooner or later, Clemens and Wells were not going to be around but the pride of the Yankees will have come back to haunt them soon enough. This is probably Torre's last season and I'd imagine it will probably be Mel's last season too which weighed heavily on Andy's decision to pitch at home in Texas. Nonetheless Andy didnt get any of the special treatment that other players received when the Yankees are trying to sign them. No phone calls, no dinner, no nothing. I am not happy to see Pettite go, but I respect his decision. Vasquez should develop into a stud in the American League. Start going to church now and pray that Brown lasts through the season, if he goes down so will the Yankees. If Lieber can return to form and Contreras consistently pitches the way he should, we'll be ok. But as far as I am concerned, thats way to many if this, if that for the season. If George would shut his fucking mouth, Torre wouldnt be thinking about making this season his last. Last year Torre did an amazing job keep the team together when it was going through player after player in the bullpen. The $30 million dollar bullpen will get plenty of work this season.

Glad to see Joe Girardi back in New York, always have love for those that EARNED their pinstripes, not BOUGHT them. Contreras hasnt earned his stripes yet, potential doesnt mean a fucking thing in the standings.

Ummm, with George involved in the day to day operations the Yanks have won 4 World Series in 7 years, dude. And, how can a player BUY his pinstripes? That doesn't make any sense.

Anyway, why is everyone so fucking concerned about the rotation. Ya'll are putting way too much value into Brown. The Yanks still have a better rotation than the Sox. In fact, their bullpen is much better as well.

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That's really the dumbedt thing I ever heard. Since the Boss got involved, we haven't won in 3 years, not the other way around. The foundation of this team was built when he was banned from baseball, thanks to Stick Michael. Yeah, the great Giambino hits like a monster and can't field for shit, and I still think he's a great player, but no stats in the world replace Tino, Scott B, and Oniel in that clubhouse. Tino was the rock after Mattingly left. You remind me of 90% of Yankee fans, you can't see through George's bullshit. That team from 96-00 was built from the farm and smart trades, there wasn't ANY free agent starters on that team. Not one. Now, thats all we have. Or else we trade for over the hill stars. Keep thinking all these clowns we sign will win a ring, while in reality we lost 3 years in a row, to 3 small market teams who built their team the way we did in the mid 90's. OBS, hit and run, defense, and picthing. Not Giambi hitting 45 120 and having the range at first that Piazza has behind the plate. The smartest trade we can make this year will be to get that kid Beltran from the Royals, and try to steal one of the A's aces in the off season. If I see another so called super star signed who cant run or field, I sware I'll puke.

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