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99% chance this was done by a muslim


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MOSCOW — An explosion possibly caused by a female homicide bomber (search) rocked a Moscow (search) subway train during rush hour Friday morning, killing at least 30 people and wounding as many as 150.

Citing police sources, the Interfax news agency reported that the attack was carried out by a female bomber.

A severe fire broke out in the underground train and passengers were being evacuated from Avtozavodskaya station, which was about 300 yards from the site of the explosion, ministry spokesman Viktor Beltsov (search) said.

About 30 people were killed after an explosion in the second wagon of the train as it traveled northwest on one of Moscow's deepest metro lines to the Paveletskaya (search) station.

Authorities are investigating the explosion as an act of terrorism, said Kirill Mazurin (search), spokesman for the Moscow police. He said the death toll could be as high as 30.

The Emergency Situations Ministry said more than 30 people were wounded, although Russian news reports put the number of injured as high as 150.

Ambulances crowded the street outside the metro station entrance and paramedics, carrying stretchers or equipment in backpacks, rushed down the steps.

Bystanders stood in snow watching emergency workers treat the wounded outside the station. In one ambulance, medics bandaged the hand of a woman whose face was smeared with blood. In another, a boy appeared uninjured but his face was blackened with soot.

Police immediately barricaded the two metro stations and stopped all traffic between the stations. Dozens of buses were rerouted to deal with the evacuated passengers, clogging up the already busy streets of the Russian capital.

Russian President Vladimir Putin was informed.

More than 700 people had been evacuated, the ITAR-Tass news agency reported, quoting metro staff. Most Russians are dependent on public transportation, and the spacious train wagons are usually packed tight during rush hour traffic.

The Interfax and ITAR-Tass news agencies said the train wagon was badly damaged.

The Russian capital has been on alert for terrorist attacks following a series of homicide bombings that officials have blamed on Chechen rebels.

In December, a female homicide bomber blew herself up outside the National Hotel across from Moscow's Red Square, killing at least five others. Two homicide bombers blew themselves up at a Moscow rock concert in July, killing themselves and 14 other people. That was followed five days later by an aborted homicide bomb attack at a central Moscow restaurant that killed the sapper trying to defuse the bomb. The suspected attacker was arrested and is awaiting trial.

In August 2000, a bomb exploded at a crowded pedestrian underpass filled with kiosks at Pushkin Square, a popular meeting place located near a metro line. The attack was initially blamed on Chechen rebels, but some police later said that a turf battle between rival businessmen or criminal gangs could have been the motive.

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I wouldn't pin it necessarily on muslims. There are a lot of crazy fuckheads out there.

The thing that gets me is ...

France, Germany, Russia. All countries that fought HARD against the united states invading Iraq; fought hard to show they were against the United States being a world policeman; fought hard against the United States' war on terrorism becuase it robbed people of their rights and was "bullying" the world, i believe it was put.

Then BANG. A bomb explodes on their bus and kills their citizens.

Probably threw a few government officials into shock. Goes to show you aren't immune just becuase you make a few speeches on TV against the US.

Next Target: France.

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this is to do with chechnya people, something I'm pretty sure you've not heard too much about over the last few years.

everything may not be as it seems.

personally, I believe putin doesn't really mind *too* much what america does in iraq, they're playing their own games, but so long as he can continue the brutal war in chechnya un molested, he won't mind.

there are russian presidential elections in march.

the chechen war has been going on almost ten years now.

suicide bombings have started in the last year or so.

the russian troops in chechnya have not behaved well.

if you rape, beat, kill, displace, bomb and shell a population for nearly a decade, it might push them to breaking point.

the other thing is that a couple of years back I did see some interesting rumours, backed up with some quite compelling evidence that perhaps the russians, in some cases, have planted bombs to blame on other people - namely chechens.

they're still unsure (from the latest on the BBC this morning) if it was a suicide bomber this time - they're just assuming.

I dunno.

a month or so to go until presidential elections, terror attack, heart of moscow, more restrictions, security, ex head of KGB running the country, he'll do well.

but, putin has stuck to a hard line on chechnya, can he just keep expecting more stuff like this and that theatre siege?

can I just point out that before September 11th the biggest terroist attack America had suffered was from a WHITE, CHRISTIAN, FORMER US SOLDIER.

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Originally posted by marksimons

can I just point out that before September 11th the biggest terroist attack America had suffered was from a WHITE, CHRISTIAN, FORMER US SOLDIER.

Can I point out the fact that you are a douche bag cunt who needs to end his worthless life.

Die jerkoff

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but that was mcviegh right? he was white, he was christian and he was a former us soldier?


was it my use of caps that riled you up?

anyway, you have, and I've taken note.

however, sorry to disapoint you igloo, despite the fact that if I jumped head first off this balcony I'm sitting on, in Schiphol airport amsterdam, I might well break my neck, or sustain severe enough head injuries to cause serious brain damage (although even if I am in a vegtable state I hazard a guess that I could still out argue you), I don't feel like it right now 'cause I'm on my way to mother f'cking taiwan.

asia baby here I come.

what are you doing this weekend igloo?

anything interesting?

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Originally posted by cintron

I wouldn't pin it necessarily on muslims. There are a lot of crazy fuckheads out there.


So far all the terrorist attacks in Russia were committed by Muslims as well as around the world.

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they're FUCKING CHECHENS they may HAPPEN to BE muslims. but this isn't about religion... it's about independance and repression by a violent state... and a fucked up war that's dragged on for nearly a decade with fuck all condemnation of russia's tactics...

jesus h christ...

"So far all the terrorist attacks in Russia were committed by Muslims as well as around the world."



IRISH TERROISM?! I can catagorically tell you there are no muslims there, just lots of fucked up christians...

*edges closer to the balcony*

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Originally posted by igloo

Can I point out the fact that you are a douche bag cunt who needs to end his worthless life.

Die jerkoff

Are you trying to say the Oklahoma truck bombing of a federal building was done by a MUSLIM??

Can't take it when a valid point is made, can you?

Can I point out the fact you are a delusional clueless imbecile who needs to be put in a mental hospital?

Shut the fuck up!

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Originally posted by marksimons

they're FUCKING CHECHENS they may HAPPEN to BE muslims. but this isn't about religion... it's about independance and repression by a violent state... and a fucked up war that's dragged on for nearly a decade with fuck all condemnation of russia's tactics...

jesus h christ...

"So far all the terrorist attacks in Russia were committed by Muslims as well as around the world."



IRISH TERROISM?! I can catagorically tell you there are no muslims there, just lots of fucked up christians...

*edges closer to the balcony*

Mark - I've stopped even trying to communicate with this douchebag (g420) - its like tallkiing to a 10 year old, seriously!

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saying that muslims commit most of the world's terrorist acts is true, but it is much like saying that in the US, blacks tend to commit far more crimes per capita than whites. its true, but somewhat of an unfair fact.

what IS a valid point, in my opinion, is the way that these terrorists are treated by large muslim organizations. although these organizations denounce the acts on american television and whatnot, they almost condone it when nobody is looking for fear of a backlash from the people.

thus, it IS fair to criticize the islamic organizations of today because they arent doing anything to stop their people from being taught hatred and eventually becoming terrorists

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Originally posted by breakbeatz2

thus, it IS fair to criticize the islamic organizations of today because they arent doing anything to stop their people from being taught hatred and eventually becoming terrorists

Stop their people, the encourage their people to be terrorists

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when u deal with suicide bombers..and the likes..ur not dealing with institutional hatred.....islam does not teach people how to make homemade bombs and strap them shits to their body and blow themselves up...

the point is..in most of these countries where suicide attacks r common..its a fight for survival mentality that prevails. these people (who happen to be muslim) are like a cornered ...wounded animal ..who happens to be the most dangerous at this point..they'll do anything just to inflict pain on their oppressor ..even to the point of causing death to ones self...

i dont condone suicide bombing..i think its the worst kind of guerilla warfare possible...and yes predominantly muslims do committ these types of crimes..but u cant ever say that a specific religion teaches people to kill other people...

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

..but u cant ever say that a specific religion teaches people to kill other people...

Not the religion itself in the purest sense, but how the religion is taught (especially Islam in today's world) DOES teach people to kill

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and what about those church leaders who support bush?

are they not urging people to kill?

isn't that against the word of god - as in one of those commandment things?

I would have to say, from my reading of the koran it does seem to offer to option calls to arms against the infidels when needed, specifically the infidels who invade and do not give money to the poor children.

but you've got to remember the situation this was born out of, christians at that time were just as violent as muslims, and have been violent before and after.

the spanish inquisition. the witchtrials in europe. the repression of women and justification of empire, class systems have all been 'supported' by our god at one point or another.

and what about the crusades?

jesus taught peace love and respect, so did mohammed, he just said that it's alright to fight back against those who repress you.

I guess, Jesus is Ghandi, Mohammed is Che Guevara.

and what about judaism in todays world?

what do the synagogues in Israel teach their children?

interestingly young men training to be rabbis are exempt from military service in israel...

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Originally posted by marksimons

and what about those church leaders who support bush?

are they not urging people to kill?

isn't that against the word of god - as in one of those commandment things?

I would have to say, from my reading of the koran it does seem to offer to option calls to arms against the infidels when needed, specifically the infidels who invade and do not give money to the poor children.

but you've got to remember the situation this was born out of, christians at that time were just as violent as muslims, and have been violent before and after.

the spanish inquisition. the witchtrials in europe. the repression of women and justification of empire, class systems have all been 'supported' by our god at one point or another.

and what about the crusades?

jesus taught peace love and respect, so did mohammed, he just said that it's alright to fight back against those who repress you.

I guess, Jesus is Ghandi, Mohammed is Che Guevara.

and what about judaism in todays world?

what do the synagogues in Israel teach their children?

interestingly young men training to be rabbis are exempt from military service in israel...

Like I said blowhard:

Not the religion itself in the purest sense, but how the religion is taught (especially Islam in today's world) DOES teach people to kill

And googleboy, your statement about church leaders who support Bush and teach to kill is why you really need to kill yourself. The world does not need any additional dumb blowhards who vomit hyper-bullshit.

ANd again, for something who thinks he is smart, you are as dumb as they come. Comparing what is taught is Islamic religious schools and madrassas versus what is taught in synagogues shows that you have no fucking idea what flows out of your rotted ass.

That is great douche bag of pointing out the ugly past and sins of the worlds other religions .........but what is the point really?....

The crusades, witchhunts, inquisitions......bad times in history but they do not justify today's events douche bag just because they occurred.......just because other religions have had their ugly incidents doesn't justify what is happening in the Islamic/Muslim world today....

You are an imbecile.

Kill yourself

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Originally posted by raver_mania

doesn't justify it but definitely does not make Islam unique in that sense.

Actually it does make them unique.....have them join the rest of modern civilization and put an end to their barbaric teachings that do not serve them well and make them unique in today's world...

Hold themselves accountable for their own betterment instead of pointing the finger of blame everywhere else....

And yes they are unique because militant Islam, Islamic fundamentalists, Islamicism, Wahhabism, or whatever other name you want to throw out there has certainly been a distinguishing element......to ignore this is simply being an apologist

Like I said, all religions have had their shitass moments and history....and in that respect, Islam is not unique.......

but in today's world, Islam (or the groups that have hijacked the religion and are corrupting the Muslim world) is unique..........

And it is a real problem and a dangerous threat.....and simply can not be ignored or dismissed by blowhards like marksimons by saying "well, Christians were bad one time too".......

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Originally posted by igloo

Like I said blowhard:

Not the religion itself in the purest sense, but how the religion is taught (especially Islam in today's world) DOES teach people to kill

And googleboy, your statement about church leaders who support Bush and teach to kill is why you really need to kill yourself. The world does not need any additional dumb blowhards who vomit hyper-bullshit.

ANd again, for something who thinks he is smart, you are as dumb as they come. Comparing what is taught is Islamic religious schools and madrassas versus what is taught in synagogues shows that you have no fucking idea what flows out of your rotted ass.

That is great douche bag of pointing out the ugly past and sins of the worlds other religions .........but what is the point really?....

The crusades, witchhunts, inquisitions......bad times in history but they do not justify today's events douche bag just because they occurred.......just because other religions have had their ugly incidents doesn't justify what is happening in the Islamic/Muslim world today....

You are an imbecile.

Kill yourself


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