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Awesome fucken shit.


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So anyway, I really haven't hooked up with any girls in like a month,. I meet chicks when im out but im some what shy and allot of times nothing really clicks. I normally don't make the first move which also leads to nothing happening allot.

When I went to spirit sat night I was like mad at myself for not hitting on any girls because there was so many hot ones there. So like I was deteremend to at least hit on a girl Sunday night (yesterday) .. So I meet this one girl I was drinking and convo was flowing ,.. She was ok looking not super hot and nothing. But we started making out and that was really awesome she was an ok kisser,. I said my good bys and my ego was pretty big by now,,. My confidence was high. ..

sooo.... lol... im walking out of the club with my friend and I see this really hot girl that is like the epiitemy of what i am attracted to, Really cute face, black long hair , big fat juicy pouty lips, nice ass , fat little boobs, and flat stomach.. both sides of her lips and tongue pierced. I don't quite know what happened but we made direct eye contact and I walked up to her, And I was so compelled to fucken kiss her I fucken went for it,. YUP

no words, No talking, No exchange of names just fucken animal instincts.. It was an awesome long kiss to we fucken got more and more into it, she was a good kisser to, kept her tongue nice and soft , not to aggressive just perfect.. . While we where kissing we where exchanging some words like all muffled and in between our mouths being open, I pulled her like really fucekn close to me and I was like running my finger along the top of her pants and she was putting her hand on the back of my neck. It was so fucken hot I couldn't believe it. Then her friend cut in and was like you gotta stop you have a bf!! and she's like looks at me and was like " I do " so I thought fast and was like "its ok I have a gf" lol and then im like : "I realllllllly like your face, your piercing , your body , your so god damn hot .. she basically said the same back to me and we went at it again while her friend and my friend where like pulling us off each. I swear it was so awesome and intense.,, I wanted to throw on the floor of the club and tear her clothes off. Dident get her name, her number, nothing,,. Prob never see her again. ... I wish i had her in my bed right now though cuase .. whoooahhh lol

I swear it was the coolest thing that happened to me in a while,. I just had to share/brag lol a little with you sex boarders


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Originally posted by ripped2shreds

that's awesome

dude honesty is awesome.... I wish you would have came..

Oh another thing i go to her " I was kissing this girl over there i dont want her to see us , cuase she was nice and i will feel bad,.. I swear when i said that she like fucken attacked me.. Oh man... so HOT!!!

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Originally posted by lovelate

cool story.... great thread ... and cool you got your game back together bro ...

but it proves to remind us ... kissing is just kissing.

Give a $1 for every girl that kisses (bigtime) a dude and never talks to them again .... "kisssin bandits" lol

Yup your right lol

THanks, , Feels good to know i got some game left lol

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Originally posted by notallthere444

Yup your right lol

THanks, , Feels good to know i got some game left lol

We alllll got game ... we just gotta find it in ourselves and be able to turn it out.

Best moves in the world for kissin (with the right girl) ... head to the stage. Put her on the stage sitting on the edge with her legs off the side and separate her legs and kiss her as u stand next to the stage. Her legs will go around ur waist ... what happens after that -- you can predict .

Another good move -- if the girl is tiny, and ur strong, put ur back against the wall for support, pick her up in the air as ur kissing her using the wall as support (its not that hard, its leverage support) and then if she likes u she'll wrap her legs around ur wiast and ur kiss her in the air using the wall for support. Do not try if you got bad knees or weak back! lol

Finally outside, if ur ready for more, find a parked car with a low level trunk and no chance of car alarm, put ur ass on the trunk edge, go in for a kiss.... before u know, start leaning backward, leaning on the top of the car on ur back with her on top of u.


Kissing Bandit


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Originally posted by lovelate

Finally outside, if ur ready for more, find a parked car with a low level trunk and no chance of car alarm, put ur ass on the trunk edge, go in for a kiss.... before u know, start leaning backward, leaning on the top of the car on ur back with her on top of u.

loooooooolllll genius!

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Originally posted by notallthere444

loooooooolllll genius!

lol . Yes tried that one in '02 and '03 ... the '03 was truly memorable especially when your buds drive by and start busting ur balls screaming at u while ur on the back of a buick with a girl macking ontop of ya ...

and then the girl turns to you and says, "oh, you own a buick leSabre?" and you start laughing and say, "no, i have no clue who's car this is."

..... see, there IS a need for non-suvs in the world :D

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Originally posted by mssabina

kissing is NOT just kissing... my friends and i were talking about how important kissing is... if he's a bad kisser, no matter how great everything else is, it's really disappointing...


I can't stand guy's that can't kiss. That first kiss is what makes everything gooooooooo....

I can just makeout with someone for hours....I love kissing :D

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