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So it's settled....

Guest saleen351

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Guest saleen351

nexus and I will meet, and to quote his pm to me, " you don't know what i'm capable of"

what are you going to bring your little club lights to the showdown and have trance playing?

I'm twice your size

I've been in over 1000 bar fights as a bouncer.

You already in person was nervous when i grabbed you..

so please tell us oh mr bruce lee, whatcha gonna do when i come for you???

ps wheres your boy bling? i offered to give you guys better odds by going 2 vs 1....

i think i'm gonna suplex bling.... george the animal steel style..

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Originally posted by saleen351

nexus and I will meet, and to quote his pm to me, " you don't know what i'm capable of"

what are you going to bring your little club lights to the showdown and have trance playing?

I'm twice your size

I've been in over 1000 bar fights as a bouncer.

You already in person was nervous when i grabbed you..

so please tell us oh mr bruce lee, whatcha gonna do when i come for you???

ps wheres your boy bling? i offered to give you guys better odds by going 2 vs 1....

i think i'm gonna suplex bling.... george the animal steel style..

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: stop, I can't stop laughing :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by saleen351

You already in person was nervous when i grabbed you..

????? when was this????

space when I came up to you so you'll know who is nexus?

or when u came back to tell me, Hey, I know u know where I live and other personal info, don't mess around with that???

refreash my memory..???

so tell me where are we going to meet? or you going to try to sneak up on me?? by stating I coming for you?


I don't care if you been in 100000000 bar fights in new jersey. I don't care if you are 5 times my size.

so stfu. and give me a date. or u rather me come to you?

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Originally posted by saleen351

nexus and I will meet, and to quote his pm to me, " you don't know what i'm capable of"

what are you going to bring your little club lights to the showdown and have trance playing?

I'm twice your size

I've been in over 1000 bar fights as a bouncer.

You already in person was nervous when i grabbed you..

so please tell us oh mr bruce lee, whatcha gonna do when i come for you???

ps wheres your boy bling? i offered to give you guys better odds by going 2 vs 1....

i think i'm gonna suplex bling.... george the animal steel style..

Online bravery you have to love it………Cyber Balls!

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by mrmiami

all this over a freaking t-shirt :peeright:

so if i put a pic of your girlfriend like that on my shirt and wore it around what would you think or do? your gf whom i've only met once, was really nice, and seems like a sweet girls, so what would you do? we may not like each other, but you seem to be a smart guy who realizes whats accepatbale and whats not...

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Originally posted by saleen351

so if i put a pic of your girlfriend like that on my shirt and wore it around what would you think or do? your gf whom i've only met once, was really nice, and seems like a sweet girls, so what would you do? we may not like each other, but you seem to be a smart guy who realizes whats accepatbale and whats not...

common saleen...a lot of the shit that you write here is not acceptable...all your racist coments,all the bullshit you talk of people you dont know,you have to expect something like this coming back at you,take it easy,and take it like a man....you have to be smarter than this...is really stupid to go around makings threats in writing around here.

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Originally posted by saleen351

so if i put a pic of your girlfriend like that on my shirt and wore it around what would you think or do? your gf whom i've only met once, was really nice, and seems like a sweet girls, so what would you do? we may not like each other, but you seem to be a smart guy who realizes whats accepatbale and whats not...

My girlfriend has nothing to do with this. To even bring her up and compare the situation with her; you can suck on my balls asshole.

I thought the shirt was pretty fucking funny if you ask me, did I think once that it was wrong or unacceptable...no. Why, because someone had the balls to make a shirt like that and wear it in front of everyone. You didn't even have the balls to show up to the BBQ. You sit here all day long and hate on people and bash them because they don't share the same interest as you do...... and you think thats right.:laugh: Some of the shit you say on here is just out right rude and disrespectful and uncalled for, but yet you demand respect. You have to earn repsect to get respect. I've tried so see through all the shit on these boards and listen to those who tell me you're a different person off the boards, but I'm not the type who will go up to someone like you and try to be make friends. I don't like people who enjoys fucking with peoples emotions and feelings just for the fun of it. That to me, is unacceptable!

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by mrmiami

My girlfriend has nothing to do with this. To even bring her up and compare the situation with her; you can suck on my balls asshole.

I thought the shirt was pretty fucking funny if you ask me, did I think once that it was wrong or unacceptable...no. Why, because someone had the balls to make a shirt like that and wear it in front of everyone. You didn't even have the balls to show up to the BBQ. You sit here all day long and hate on people and bash them because they don't share the same interest as you do...... and you think thats right.:laugh: Some of the shit you say on here is just out right rude and disrespectful and uncalled for, but yet you demand respect. You have to earn repsect to get respect. I've tried so see through all the shit on these boards and listen to those who tell me you're a different person off the boards, but I'm not the type who will go up to someone like you and try to be make friends. I don't like people who enjoys fucking with peoples emotions and feelings just for the fun of it. That to me, is unacceptable!

your gf was an example you moron... had nothing to do with her.. god you are dense..

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Guest brwneydtrouble
Originally posted by saleen351

so if i put a pic of your girlfriend like that on my shirt and wore it around what would you think or do? your gf whom i've only met once, was really nice, and seems like a sweet girls, so what would you do? we may not like each other, but you seem to be a smart guy who realizes whats accepatbale and whats not...

So who's girlfriend are you now Saleen......did your man get all pissed now?

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Originally posted by saleen351

your gf was an example you moron... had nothing to do with her.. god you are dense..

Oh I see, instead of saying me, you like to you use peoples girlfriends and wives as exapmles.

Fuck You Saleen. I go back to my last sentence in my last post.

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Originally posted by mrmiami

My girlfriend has nothing to do with this. To even bring her up and compare the situation with her; you can suck on my balls asshole.

I thought the shirt was pretty fucking funny if you ask me, did I think once that it was wrong or unacceptable...no. Why, because someone had the balls to make a shirt like that and wear it in front of everyone. You didn't even have the balls to show up to the BBQ. You sit here all day long and hate on people and bash them because they don't share the same interest as you do...... and you think thats right.:laugh: Some of the shit you say on here is just out right rude and disrespectful and uncalled for, but yet you demand respect. You have to earn repsect to get respect. I've tried so see through all the shit on these boards and listen to those who tell me you're a different person off the boards, but I'm not the type who will go up to someone like you and try to be make friends. I don't like people who enjoys fucking with peoples emotions and feelings just for the fun of it. That to me, is unacceptable!

very well put.

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Originally posted by mrmiami

all this over a freaking t-shirt :peeright:

bro saleen.

this is over a T-Shirt????? that bling did...

I understand what ur trying to say using people's girlfriends for exsamples..

but I think you taking it a bit over the top. Didn't u attack Bling a few times? on CP?

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