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well at the bbq i was talkin to a shitload of people and everyone agreed with me that everyone from OTHER message boards said that cp was a piece of shit and not a good place to find out about whats goin on in the clubbing world .

well , in my opinion thats just a jealousy statement and when i told everyone my thoughts about this ... everyone agreed .. not too start any drama n shit .. but what im about to say is the truth..

yes OTHER sites are imformative n this n that .. but so is cp .. sometimes more than others.. & yes not every single thread is about clubbing or has to do with clubbing ... but in my opinion thats what makes it alot more fun.. in my opinion cp is just as imformative about clubs as the rest of the websites and messageboards around ... only surrounded by alot of funny , kool , dramatic & intresting shit !!:laugh: :laugh: but believe it or not , thats what makes everyone keep coming back ...

everyone is always crazy to see what this n that person came up with , whats new , who is arguing with who , who disagrees with what , what did this guy or that person photoshop , who posted naked pics of themselves , who wants to kick whose ass, what garbage will bling post next , etc etc... i think u get my point :D

so everyone who was talking shit about this site or still talks shit about it on other sites.. imo its just jealousy ... yes i agree its not the most serious messageboards in the world but its just as imformative & "A HELL OF ALOT MORE FUN" !!! :party: :party:

im not tryin to hate on any of the other boards or anything .. just tryin to get rid of the hate being brought to this one .. cause as everyone at the bbq saw .. everyone from cp gets along and has an awsome time when they come together :D:cool: and thats what counts ... even if we disagree on here for this n that .. WHATEVER ! if we all had the same likes & dislikes the world would be apretty boring place . dont you think ??

soooooooo , ill stop talkin shit now and , im out !! peace , KOKY :cool:

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You don't come to CP to find out what's going on elsewhere...fuck that! We have plenty goin' on right here!

As far as information and education goes...read between the lines, it's all there...

I laugh out loud when peepz want to get all technical and serious about obviously irrelevant bullshit...it's clubbing kids, relax and have some fun...otherwise, you're just a big ass nerd longin to belong and create a persona...if you are power to you...but, leave Club Planet alone, we're doin' just fine.


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clubplanet may not be as hardcore as tranceaddict and co*****kie but what we do have is character. the people are all down as fuck, as is cj and ta of course, but we can just bs here. its all in fun whatever i do is not to be taken seriously....... oh except my reviews.............:D

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Originally posted by CrzyC

I have always said that I go to the other site for FACTS and come to CP for the fun, friendship and see what all the "cool" people are doing. Ive made some of my best friends here. :D

nope crazy thats where i have to disagree with you .. the facts "ARE" here !!! just gotta know where to look :cool: :cool:

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Originally posted by funketeer

You don't come to CP to find out what's going on elsewhere...fuck that! We have plenty goin' on right here!

As far as information and education goes...read between the lines, it's all there...

I laugh out loud when peepz want to get all technical and serious about obviously irrelevant bullshit...it's clubbing kids, relax and have some fun...otherwise, you're just a big ass nerd longin to belong and create a persona...if you are power to you...but, leave Club Planet alone, we're doin' just fine.


:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
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Originally posted by CrzyC

I have always said that I go to the other site for FACTS and come to CP for the fun, friendship and see what all the "cool" people are doing. Ive made some of my best friends here. :D

Am I considered "COOL" too!!!!!!:confused::eek:;)

on a serious note though, ive never really heard any bashing of Cp by other boards for not being informative enough... I mean, majority of all the parties are posted on here.... Countless locals dj's are on this board along with record label reps, and countless in the biz peeps...

Heck, we even had a part in voicing who we thought should be the next patio dj resident at space....

although sometimes peeps here get carried away, treating this as a chat room, and obsessive posting back and forth, instead of a response to the thread, this board still provides the 411 every clubber needs to get the low down.....:tongue:

my 2 cents....


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Originally posted by beatfriek

Am I considered "COOL" too!!!!!!:confused::eek:;)


lol:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

im just kidding....u know ur quickly becoming one of the coolest people i know on c.p.....we need to make u one of the pillars of fliptoniaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:aright:

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Originally posted by beatfriek

Am I considered "COOL" too!!!!!!:confused::eek:;)

on a serious note though, ive never really heard any bashing of Cp by other boards for not being informative enough... I mean, majority of all the parties are posted on here.... Countless locals dj's are on this board along with record label reps, and countless in the biz peeps...

Heck, we even had a part in voicing who we thought should be the next patio dj resident at space....

although sometimes peeps here get carried away, treating this as a chat room, and obsessive posting back and forth, instead of a response to the thread, this board still provides the 411 every clubber needs to get the low down.....:tongue:

my 2 cents....


:D :D :cool: :cool:

& bling , wadda ya mean not as hardcore as the other websites ?? are u kidding ?? all the kooler and hardest partying people are on here :cool: :cool:

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Originally posted by funketeer

Does Cool Junkie offer this?



thats some funny shite..

koky i d agree w/ you on that...

im mostly here to find out my clubbing news and get some entertainment..

but i know what some people are talking about, the Miami board has transformed from what it once was, a

very serious music knowledge type place to a farking free for all:laugh:

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Originally posted by absolutv

thats some funny shite..

koky i d agree w/ you on that...

im mostly here to find out my clubbing news and get some entertainment..

but i know what some people are talking about, the Miami board has transformed from what it once was, a

very serious music knowledge type place to a farking free for all:laugh:

its great isnt it ?? :D :D :D
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