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Saudi Arabia enrages Yemen with Israeli type fence


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Originally posted by mr mahs

So when are you shAving your beard and driving you 89 Ford ESCORT into a ATM machine to protest the "GREAT SATAN":laugh:

wtf lol ?

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

are you trying to insult me or make me laugh :laugh: :laugh:


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Originally posted by raver_mania

Absolutely. Of course, no-one is going to expect that to happen overnight (hell, did things get better in Iraq overnight after Saddam was disposed?) - but in a course of a few years, yes. That is, IF there is true Israeli cooperation, which I don't believe will happen until a more moderate leader steps up. And IF the current PM (not Arafat) has full control of the security forces. A great way to bolster popular support of Queiri(sp??) would be if he actually helped form a Palestinian state, thus shifting some of the popularity from Arafat.

Your stupidity is simply amazing

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It's kind of funny that Raver Mania, a fan of Psychedelic Trance, keeps bashing Israel while supprting groups like the Hamas, a group that was seen celebrating what had happened in NYC during 9/11. No one in Israel was celebrating those tragic events, and yet you claim the Israelis are the terrorists...

Jesus was a Jew. He was not Palestinian simply b/c there were no Palestinians at the time. The Philistines were a completely different set of people, which I believe were wiped out a while after the days of Samson & Delilah. In fact, what makes the Jews stand out from most nations is the fact that they've survived those centuries in which most of the other peoples from the Middle Easte region were wiped out.

The Palestinians are an Arab tribe, which means they are Arabs. They are actually moreso the majority in Jordan than they are in Israel. Does every tribe need its own country? Look at England, Germany, Italy, Russia as examples. Those places were originally little kingdoms with different tribes too.

Southern Arab tribes live around Saudi Arabia, hence the name South Arabia. But they are part of a bigger Arabic nation.

There were also originally 12 Jewish tribes that all came together and lived in Kna'an...which became Israel.

Now There are different forms of Islamic groups, such as the Shiites and Sunnis, but there are also different degrees of Christian and Jewish groups, and as we all know not all Muslims are Arabs

Palestine is a name that was later given to Israel by The Turks (if I'm not mistaken) to only part of the area that used to include Israel, with the rest of the Israeli land included in Jordan. If you think about it though, there really are no heritage Jordanian people, no real Lebanese people (Lebanon consists of different Muslim and Christian Arabs), no Kuwaiti people...at least not originally. Just like Americans were originally different Indian tribes, and later came to represent migrants from Europe to the New World. Most of the current names you see on the Middle Eastern map today were created by countries like France and the UK during their empires.

Was there was an Israeli nation prior to 1948? Perhaps, but that was over 2000 years ago. The whole revival for an Israeli Jewish state came to fruition in the late 1800s after countries like Italy and Germany were united into one, and nationalism became a hot topic. Just like there were different tribes and people that united to form Italy and Germany, so too did Arabs and Jews start talking about forming their own countries. It was suggested that the Jews try and buy Uganda from the British, but unfortunately the more religious Jews that were so hell bent on their biblical history would only agree to form a Jewish state in the land once known as Israel. What ultimately happened was that most Jews who had left Europe decided to move to America, which was seen as a very free society, while a smaller number migrated to Israel. Perhaps if the Jews had agreed to live in Uganda the Holocaust would have never happened, and Hitler would not have been able to make Jews the scapegoats of World War I conspiracies...

So anyways, after 1945 the Jews were fairly established in America, and their numbers in the land formerly known as Israel were growing. The UN, with America and Europe's backing, acknowledged the need for a Jewish state, especially after the events of the Holocaust. Israel was seen as the solution. Arabs objected, but the UN ignored them as the Arabs had earlier SUPPORTED Hitler.

Throughout the centuries both Arabs and Jews have contributed a great deal to the world in the arts, inventions, the sciences, etc. Unfortunately religion has caused a great deal of suffering both within the Arab world, and for Jews who were seen as outcasts in many countries. Ironically enough, Jews were actually treated better in the Arab world then they were in some European countries.

The sad reality is that this matter is very complicated. Yes, I do have a bias towards Israel, but I'm sure there's a part of Arab history that I've left out here that should not be overlooked as well. What I'm not sure of is if a music-based website is the place to really be talking about all this.

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CHRles - some good points (except that first paragraph which I'm going to address below) except that the history lesson does nothing to solve the present problem.

I don't bash Israel - I bash the right-wing Sharon government. And I don't support Hamas, I support the Palestinian people's right to a free life, to govern themselves. How you arrived at your completely erroneous assumption is beyond me!

There was no Palestine prior to the middle of the last century, but neither was there an Israel. There were Jews and Arabs, and there WERE Arabs living on that land before the Jewish immigration displaced a number of them.

Just because there was no Palestine pre-1950's does not mean that precludes the possibility of such a state ever forming. If not Palestine, do you support a one-state solution with each person having equal voting rights? If that happens, in half a century Israel will cease to be a Jewish state.

What I know is this - the status quo cannot exist as it is.

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