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Jeter is a bad captain


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As a captain he should do what is best for the team and move to third base. Arod is a GG shortstop, jeter is good at best.

Oh I hate the yankees

Lineup is sick pitching is not as good, but still better then 90% of teams. Now if they could just get vidro for 2nd or kent in a trade so baseball should just cancel the season.

Oh yeah i hate the yankees

only six months to football season

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So he should be playing ss over arod?

We will see what happens this year and if there is any bitching and moaning from either arod or jeter. They better win it this year or georgie's head will pop off and he will fire everyone.

Lineup should put up serious numbers.

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correct me if i'm wrong.. i thought A-Rods' agent categorically stated that his client is a GG SS period !!! No ??? and doesnt A-Rod carry the ultimate say in this trade ?? I still havent heard from him yet . why the quickness to crown the golden boy before the fact ? i think he has a no-trade clause in his contract.

and people are downplaying the attrition between jeter and a-rod. sure, they might seem all lovey dovey, but we will see. i see a powder keg and georgieboy is smoking a fat blunt rite next to it. boy, the lame duck torre has his work cut out for him. fire away. and dont be too quick to hand the yankees the ws trophy just yet... the season has to be played out 1st.



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arods arm is not that much better what is better is range and glove.

jeter was not the captain when they won the four titles, it is his team and the team would be better if he played third. I can not wait until he makes some errors or doesn't get to balls. People love jeter but they will start to grumble if that happens.

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Originally posted by magellanmax

correct me if i'm wrong.. i thought A-Rods' agent categorically stated that his client is a GG SS period !!! No ??? and doesnt A-Rod carry the ultimate say in this trade ?? I still havent heard from him yet . why the quickness to crown the golden boy before the fact ? i think he has a no-trade clause in his contract.

and people are downplaying the attrition between jeter and a-rod. sure, they might seem all lovey dovey, but we will see. i see a powder keg and georgieboy is smoking a fat blunt rite next to it. boy, the lame duck torre has his work cut out for him. fire away. and dont be too quick to hand the yankees the ws trophy just yet... the season has to be played out 1st.



Jeter a bad captain, lol. Keep it down scrub. He has the most career postseason hits ever, he is a class act and leads by example on the field with his play. You'll be lucky to get stuck with Nomar if he even stays around after this season with all the drama the team put him through. You Red Sox fans would have been gloating and bragging if ARod ended up in Boston, but we got one up on you AGAIN. Boone's homerun was that of legend, but his layup is what made this deal possible. The payroll is out of fucking control, but I am glad he is on our team and not yours.


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So he is a good captain to put himself in head of his team?

He has alot of post season hits, so that makes him a good captain. williams has the most homeruns so he should be a captain too. It is funny that the manager didn't even name him captain it was the owner.

HE is a class act leads by example bla bla bla.


The captain should do what ever it takes to make the team better. He is the captain but not the best ss on the team.

Let me put it this way, when paul oniel was captain if the yankees went out and got a better left fielder. Do you think that he would have any problems with being a dh or moving to right field?

oniel was a good captain, jeter is not.

Keep it down scrub :laugh:

Let him play third, let jeter struggle at short, sounds good to me.

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Originally posted by jtk4

So he is a good captain to put himself in head of his team?

He has alot of post season hits, so that makes him a good captain. williams has the most homeruns so he should be a captain too. It is funny that the manager didn't even name him captain it was the owner.

This is not about Jeter being captain, this is about another Sox fan mad that the Yankees got one up on them again. Its Jeter's team, not ARod's and if at some point Jeter volunteered to play 3rd I'd be all for it, but until then it is what it is. Another FUCK YOU to Boston Red Sox fans all over the world. Babe Ruth was the first blockbuster last century, now the Yankees just landed the next when the Red Sox had him within reach.


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Originally posted by njdionysus

Its Jeter's team

It's NOT Jeter's team, it's Steinbrenner's. :idea:

I personally think A-Rod is a better short-stop, and I'd rather have him there, but it's not gonna happen so too bad. I'm just glad A-Rod's gonna be in pinstripes. :D

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Yeah i knew i spelled it wrong after i hit send but too lazy to fix.

All I am saying is that he should go to third to make your team better. Like i said oneill was a good captain that put the team first always. I wish we had him on our team(or more plyers like him in todays game), Jeter is good, but as captain you have to make the move.

I hope he stays at ss it would be better for the red sox.

i am a sox fan, I can't say I am mad about A-rod (must still be thinking about the patriots and winning the superbowl)

I bring this up because it would bugs me for some reason I can not explain.

If jeter makes some errors georgie will start bitching and there will be a move. It is george's team not jeters.

Keep it down scrub

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first off Arod and Jeter at short is basically a wash. Lets not forget that Jeter played through a serious shoulder injury and still played a good shortstop. Arod's range is not better especially going deep in the hole. They are very close defensively.

Maybe you should think that the best thing for the team is putting A-rod at a position where he will see fewer balls and have less chance of being taken out by a runner while trying to turn two.

Maybe the best thing for the Yanks is ensuring that Arod stays healthy...ever think of that? And Arod said he'd move to third so he's obviously willing to do it.

Plus - you can't deny that Jeter is cluth in the post season...i don't think Arod makes the play at home to get Giambi out..NO ONE does but Jeter. So stop making it out like Arod is a huge improvement over him defensively cause he's not.

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Originally posted by barvybe

Plus - you can't deny that Jeter is cluth in the post season...i don't think Arod makes the play at home to get Giambi out..NO ONE does but Jeter. So stop making it out like Arod is a huge improvement over him defensively cause he's not.


No one is more clutch than Derek Jeter in the postseason, maybe Mariano!

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Originally posted by barvybe

Plus - you can't deny that Jeter is cluth in the post season...i don't think Arod makes the play at home to get Giambi out..NO ONE does but Jeter. So stop making it out like Arod is a huge improvement over him defensively cause he's not.

Don't make any assumptions. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

A-Rod's never been on a team like Jeter has his whole career. Just being on the Yankees gives Jeter the advantage of having a way better shot of getting to post-season. Don't compare Jeter's post-season numbers to A-Rod's invisible ones because unless you're God and you're some kind of all-knowing being, you don't know shit (no one does) about what kind of numbers A-Rod would have or could have put up if he were in the position that Jeter has been so lucky to be in all his career. Yeah, Jeter has been outstanding in post-season play but no, you don't know whether A-Rod wouldn't have been, had he been there instead.

And last time I checked, A-Rod has won the Gold Glove several times consecutively over Jeter.

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Originally posted by Codica3

Don't make any assumptions. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

A-Rod's never been on a team like Jeter has his whole career. Just being on the Yankees gives Jeter the advantage of having a way better shot of getting to post-season. Don't compare Jeter's post-season numbers to A-Rod's invisible ones because unless you're God and you're some kind of all-knowing being, you don't know shit (no one does) about what kind of numbers A-Rod would have or could have put up if he were in the position that Jeter has been so lucky to be in all his career. Yeah, Jeter has been outstanding in post-season play but no, you don't know whether A-Rod wouldn't have been, had he been there instead.

And last time I checked, A-Rod has won the Gold Glove several times consecutively over Jeter.

Arods Mariner teams were very good teams

ANd quite frankly gold gloves are an overrated award much like a popularity contest, any one remmeber Rafeal plamiero winning over Tino few yeears ago , Palmiero started 15 games at 1st that year ...joke!!!

Yeh Arod is probably a notch better overall at defense at SS.

but again can be rating defense is such a hard thing to rate especially at the SS position , range has a big part to play in as well as your pitching staffs stuff, (groundball , sinkerballer etc.) , the ability of the 2b etc. etc.

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first off Arod and Jeter at short is basically a wash. Lets not forget that Jeter played through a serious shoulder injury and still played a good shortstop. Arod's range is not better especially going deep in the hole. They are very close defensively.

you are nuts.

second I like jeter, he is a clutch player, good guy on and off the field, doesn't bitch. I do not hate jeter, now posada on the other hand and his no chin, he bothers me in a way that i can not even put into words.




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Originally posted by njdionysus

Not soooooo fast. What # is he going to wear? Not 3, that number was retired for Babe Ruth.

They aren't gonna make it and ship it until his number is officially announced which I'm assuming will happen at the press conference.

I dunno what number he'll choose though, maybe 33?

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