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Attn: Saleen

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I have only met you a few times. Most recently at Flip's New Years party. We actually had a nice conversation about freestyle music from back in the day. No bashing, no harsh words, just a few people having an interesting conversation about music. It's true what some people say "Saleen is a nice guy in person". I agreed with that statement that day.

Later on that night, I got to spin. You along with some of your friends were listening and from what others have said, you were enjoying it; you were dancing, moving, etc.

Then comes Erick Morillo to Space. You were there, along with a nice chunk of the CPers. Next day, you post on here (CP) that it was the best set of life, Erick Morillo is god, and so on. Then a bunch of other people come on and say the same thing. That's cool. Everyone has different taste's, opinions. It's neither wrong nor right. I posted saying I didn't enjoy the set, and that I enjoyed his set more the last time he was at Space in October 2003. Some other people posted the same thing I did, yet you decided to come and attack me personally for it. You said that my only best gig was at Flip's for New Years and that I needed to STFU and learn how to DJ. Then later on you post something about that I said I was better than OG. WTF?

From that day, I finally said enough with your crap. You started it with me, not the other way around. You come on here and post stuff and expect people to worship you like a god or something. Anything you say is right and everyone else is wrong. Well, it's not! Sorry for the rude wake up call. I've heard that you just say all that stuff to get people mad and see how they react. Ok, if you do that, great. But don't expect anyone to treat you with respect because you certainly don't give any in return.

I'm probably wasting my time even doing this; you will read this and laugh, ignore it, or come out and bash me some more or make a racial comment like "STFU spic" because that's what you do. You may be cool in person, but on here you are an asshole. And that's the truth.

I'll be waiting for your response, which I already have an idea what it will be about. It will include something like "You Miami folks don't know squat...NY/NJ scene is much better....bedroom DJ... :blah: "

So that's why you'll see me "hating" on you from now on. What goes around, comes around :idea:

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Guest saleen351

dude, get over it. You guys put wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much thought into what I say. I don't remember you at all from the bbq, I know we had that convo, but I didn't know it was you. I think koky was there... You can type or write anything you want on here about me, i won't care. Pics and t shirts cross the line. So please type all you want about me, i don't care, i really don't. I find it fun and entertaining. In person, i would speak to you, like I would speak to anyone else. I'm 27, I have my degree and I run a company. I'm not some kid, this board just passes the time, my real passion is for the music, and i post about that on nyc boards.

I'm not saleen... :idea:

thought all reviews are legit..

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:werd:... this is one i thought was on point as well.. and its from a whiiiile ago..

Originally posted by memorex

Man, I've said it before, and I will say it again.. someone or something will have to help this saleen guy take his head out of his ass... In a forum where everyone expresses their opinions, this guy really, truly believes that whatever he says is the way it is.. the die hard truth.. the only way... well let me tell u man, ur OPINION, -cause that's all it is- is no more than ur take on the issues discussed here. Your name calling, labelling, stereotyping, etc. of trance heads, techno heads, eurotrash or whatever you use, does nothing but undermine ur argument... all the controversy w space and all that shit ur always bitchin about is nothing but hot air.. u are simply a jersey guido out of place trying to figure out why the world surrounding you in south florida is not like it is up in ur stinky jersey shore... tryiong to measure everything lik it is in jersey...

In response to what is going thru ur head right now, being that u r back where u came from.. u feel like it hasn’t changed.. u say ppl know each other, u talk about familiar faces from wayy back in 97, u say promoters know u by ur name, they buy u drinks, etc etc etc… well that’s the way it is for anyone who comes from Suburbia, USA, moves out to a thriving metropolitan area, and then gets to go back.… Hasn't it occurred to u that if u still see the same faces, they still listen to the same dj's, they know everyone’s name etc etc etc.. is because they cant see past their noses?!!? U even say u all in Jersey are in ur own world, u don’t give two fucks about anyone else… the Fact of matter is that the whole entire World is watching and listening to the djs who are trendsetters, the ones pushing genres forward, bringing the music to the people, those who u love to call eurotrash... when u cant even realize that the real trash in all this is not Euro its American, and from Jersey to be precise... that has got to be the most inbred, hickest rationale that I have ever seen on these message boards…

Granted that the big dirty corporate machine has taken control of the way in which the music gets to the people; be it thru big record companies or especially on the big cities thru massive monopolist clubs (space and lp etc); but the fact of the matter is, that second of all, after the Music, is the MONEY.. and nowadays, that thin line that separates these two usually vanishes, and ultimately it is $ that fuels the machine and everything invlolved... If there were no money involved, not even the local scene would thrive and it is thanks to this major machinery that up and coming talent is able to showcase what they're made of in front of the world and not just the few overly enthusiastic local groupies…

Now I give u props for making it happen w ur Lauderdale parties and whatever ur doing.. that’s the best way to try and make a difference.. actually doing things for the scene, but u don’t have to be the biggest fucking prick about it… Remember that it is just your OPINION, your perspective not the solid facts… thank god u found ur thing up there so u can keep ur negativity and ur bad vibes away from those who decide to enjoy the shows… and those who wish to enjoy the locals performing at the big shows....

Now I know this rant may only fuel ur overinflated ego, and it might trigger a drama explosion, but all I have to say is open ur mind and absorb the big picture.. I’m sure that at this point u probably can hardly wait to start ripping my response and coming up w smart ass jersey shit to put me down, but I know u are made for this shit.. so that’s why I wont take you up on your childish debates.. I post very occasionally on this board, as I post in several others, but I do lurk around a lot and I certainly don’t have the time or am in the mood to engage in hot air discussions.

I just wanted to let you hear it from someone who doesn’t kiss ur ass on the boards, or frankly doesn’t give a fuck.. it just gets to a point where someone has to tell it to ya straight up… and this was it. I hope u make good of it…

Much Respect to everyone who respects.…


from: this old thread.

what an ass this guy is..... :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by saleen351

dude, get over it. You guys put wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much thought into what I say. I don't remember you at all from the bbq, I know we had that convo, but I didn't know it was you. I think koky was there... You can type or write anything you want on here about me, i won't care. Pics and t shirts cross the line. So please type all you want about me, i don't care, i really don't. I find it fun and entertaining. In person, i would speak to you, like I would speak to anyone else. I'm 27, I have my degree and I run a company. I'm not some kid, this board just passes the time, my real passion is for the music, and i post about that on nyc boards.

I'm not saleen... :idea:

thought all reviews are legit..

You don't like the pics and shirts? I didn't do the shirt. I only did the pic AFTER you said that about me. Everyone on here takes stabs at each other in good fun. Unfortunately, when it's done to you, you get mad. What you said about me was not in good fun. Just plain rude. So don't come here and :boohoo: You're done in my book.

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You made a threat to me. Noting compared to a picture or words.

So as far as I go. I'm on high alert since your plans are to sneak up on me. So if we do cross paths doesn’t be surprised at my reaction to you. You haven't back down or retraced you threat to me.

Any club that I am doing work for and you are there, I will ask for you to be removed.

this has been legally bonded and resolved.

If I am working at space, you will be asked to leave.

If I am working in any other establishment and you appear. You will be asked to leave.

All the "threats you have made against me to cause damage have been logged, printed and are sitting in a legal binder.

Till you retract this will stay.

You crossed the line with me. One thing is making fun or having fun with someone that loves to mess with people to get a reaction. Another thing is to make a public threat against someone. You not as smart as I thought.

I am 28, and run my own corporation for 5 years. So what?

My client range for legal, fed, and local gov. personal.

But I guess I am a loser because I have the time to sit here at my desk and do some Photoshop of YOU per the request of the 100's of members that don't Like you or been attacked by you.

As far as MR Mata's making statements such as I stalk saleen. Nope you are wrong MR Mata’s, People ask me to cheer them up with my humor. Now Saleen takes it personal, I don't mind stopping as long as he uses better judgment in his attacks on people and their skills.

If I was 19 back when it was my ruff age of rage, I would of gone after you and made sure you lost everything you own. But I out grew that, I'm a business man now and understand that revenge is not the way to fix something. I learned and understand the laws of this county and went to school for psychology to understand how people like you work.

and about you "grabbing me" you never laid a finger on me, and why would I be nervous of you. Were you upset that I am handy with information? That found you address, phone, and where you copied you website from? Many people have asked me for you address for who knows what. But I know that would of been crossing the line. And as I recalled, I introduced my self to you. So you would know who I am.

Good luck on your journeys and bashing Nicholas!

You are not greater then anyone else here on CP.


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