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gay marriage


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Originally posted by xpyrate

why should i give in? i have my beliefs and i know im in the majority.

ok :rolleyes: lets let the gays and the polygamists and the incestuists get married ... lets legalize crack while we're at it ... fuck it ... legalize murder ... it should be everyones god given right to exact justice on those who have fucked us over in the past ... yes let us throw out everything that it means to be descent human beings, throw out the very foundations of society we live in .,.. why do we need "civilization" anyway? :rolleyes:

sorry double post...see below

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they should make confession and absolution illegal so people have to be responsible for their actions instead of relying on their standing in the eyes of that imaginary, perpetrated by the biggest corporation in the world (the church) organization, entity that seems to be able to brainwash lots of people.

btw - if you equate homosexuality with incest and murder you aren't in the majority. there are many levels of sins even in twisted born again hick thinking and they aren't all equal.

usually people with such strong feelings about this are really just suppressing their own desire to take it in the ass or lick cock - but that's ok one day you'll find the door to that closet i'm sure :aright:

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Originally posted by xpyrate

why should i give in? i have my beliefs and i know im in the majority.


because your beliefs shouldnt be law!

beacause our country was founded on personal freedom not the morals of the majority.

and last but certainly not lease because your beliefs are just fucking stupid.

Do you have any clue what would happen if we try to regulate morals through laws?

sex outside of marriage - illegal

masturbation - illegal

stirp clubs - illegal

cheating - illegal

dressing sexy - illegal

alcohol - illegal

fuck we could be just like the Taliban, where the only thing legal would be your ignorance

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Originally posted by shroomy


because your beliefs shouldnt be law!

beacause our country was founded on personal freedom not the morals of the majority.

and last but certainly not lease because your beliefs are just fucking stupid.

Do you have any clue what would happen if we try to regulate morals through laws?

sex outside of marriage - illegal

masturbation - illegal

stirp clubs - illegal

cheating - illegal

dressing sexy - illegal

alcohol - illegal

fuck we could be just like the Taliban, where the only thing legal would be your ignorance

:clap::clap2::clap::clap2: well said shroomy ... like i said in the other threads ... most of everyone on here has a gay complex... everything that aint fucking in the missionary style is gay :laugh: if a woman sucks dick and takes one in the face shes a whore :laugh: if you stick pills in your ass you are gay ..hahahaha wtf ??:laugh: the chick i marry "HAS" to take it in the face and love it ..:laugh: gay marriages , even tho im not gay im not opposed to them ... it has nothing to do with beliefs or anything .. everyone is different and has different likes and dislikes.. thats it ... bottom line !! i dont bash anyone who likes whatever.. and people who do are just shallow and their relationships in the future are really gonna suffer imo cause sex is gonna be so damn boring with em yo ./.. but whatever ... i dunno if its age or what but hopefully they will come around one day and be more open minded and have a funner and better life :cool:

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Originally posted by koky

well said shroomy ... like i said in the other threads ... most of everyone on here has a gay complex... everything that aint fucking in the missionary style is gay :laugh: if a woman sucks dick and takes one in the face shes a whore :laugh: if you stick pills in your ass you are gay ..hahahaha wtf ??:laugh: the chick i marry "HAS" to take it in the face and love it ..:laugh: gay marriages , even tho im not gay im not opposed to them ... it has nothing to do with beliefs or anything .. everyone is different and has different likes and dislikes.. thats it ... bottom line !! i dont bash anyone who likes whatever.. and people who do are just shallow and their relationships in the future are really gonna suffer imo cause sex is gonna be so damn boring with em yo ./.. but whatever ... i dunno if its age or what but hopefully they will come around one day and be more open minded and have a funner and better life :cool:

:aright: :aright: Right on, bro.

btw... does the chick you marry have to stick pills in her ass, too?

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

... funk... out.

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Originally posted by shroomy

because our country was founded on personal freedom not the morals of the majority.

nope ... our country was founded on gods law and the laws of nature ... fact .... read the declaration of independence, the constitution, look on every dollar bill and coin it says "in GOD we trust"

and im no puritan ... you can have fun and have moral character at the same time, there has to be a balance

BTW ... i am in no way am i gay bashing ... notice i never once uttered the word "faggot" or "queer" or what not ... they are going to do what they are going to do and there is nothing i can or would do to stop it ... further, i am not saying we should illegalize being gay thats rediculous ... but gay marriage is where i draw the line because that leads into what i said before ... legalizing incestual marriage because that is equally rediculous to gay marriage

if renouncing gay marriage makes me ignorant, i cant imagine the stupidity of the fool who accepts it

with that im done with this thread

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Originally posted by xpyrate

nope ... our country was founded on gods law and the laws of nature ... fact .... read the declaration of independence, the constitution, look on every dollar bill and coin it says "in GOD we trust"

and im no puritan ... you can have fun and have moral character at the same time, there has to be a balance

if renouncing gay marriage makes me ignorant, i cant imagine the stupidity of the fool who accepts it

wow ... I didnt know that god was against homos, I thought he loved all men.

OMG the laws of nature bullshit.... I love how people who cant justify their prejudice constantly pull that one out. (I wont even go off on the "all men are created equal" - unless they are gay - tangent)

Slavery was justified as natural law and is refered to in the bible many times more often than homosexuality wich is considered an imbomination 3 verses after it is considered an imbomination to wear clothes of mixed fibers.

keeping women in the kitchen was justified as natural law

fuck ... In Psalms 137:8-9, God is asked to bless those who would bash Babylonian babies against stones in an act of mass infanticide.


I have actually read the Constitution, Declaratioin of Independance and the bible, go have you hearsay discussions with someone who hasnt.

I just love how people pick and choose the shit they want to follow in the bible... care to disscus its support of genocide? Killing babies, virgins, women and children?

Originally posted by xpyrate with that im done with

this thread

of course you are because you cant justify your beliefs except through blind faith, not any sort of facts, biblical or otherwise, with out being a total hypocrite.

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Originally posted by shroomy

well not sure about the stone age, but there was homosexuality in asia, the hawian islands, the native americans, the isolated people of madicascar and the aboriginies of austrailia, through recorded history.

Alexander the Great & Julius Ceasar had gay lovers in their time . In fact homosexuality was rampant in ancient greece / rome . The concept of "PLUTONIC LOVE" went a lil too far i guess .

My personal opinion is "let them be " LIVE & LET LIVE .

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Originally posted by Destiny

wow i was going to say that everyone is entitled to their own opinions until i read the whole polygamy and incest being on the same level thing. It definitely isn't and thats a horrible comment to make.

There is no reason why gay marriage shouldn't be legalized. Just because its not typical, doesn't mean its not right and shouldn't be done. Who is anyone to say who should love who? That's the reason we're in this country in the first place, so we can CHOOSE to do what we please within reason.

Yea, really. Every time I see these stupid fuckin' people on the news protesting about gay marriage, it really pisses me off. They can't do it in a church, so what's the big fucking deal? People are still gonna be gay, so why not let them get married? These people need to find more things to do with their time than sit in the street and protest about this shit. :blown:

Hey, more women for the straight guys. :hat:

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Originally posted by xpyrate

nope ... our country was founded on gods law and the laws of nature ... fact .... read the declaration of independence, the constitution, look on every dollar bill and coin it says "in GOD we trust"

and im no puritan ... you can have fun and have moral character at the same time, there has to be a balance

BTW ... i am in no way am i gay bashing ... notice i never once uttered the word "faggot" or "queer" or what not ... they are going to do what they are going to do and there is nothing i can or would do to stop it ... further, i am not saying we should illegalize being gay thats rediculous ... but gay marriage is where i draw the line because that leads into what i said before ... legalizing incestual marriage because that is equally rediculous to gay marriage

if renouncing gay marriage makes me ignorant, i cant imagine the stupidity of the fool who accepts it

with that im done with this thread

Dude, I hate to break it to you, but gay marriage has NOTHING to do with religion!!

It's a LEGAL document making two people MARRIED. That's all these people want.



And another thing, when I was looking at your avatar, I realized something else. Why is it that so many of the people that are so against gay marriage are BUTT UGLY??

Are they that jealous that even gay people are finding people who want to spend the rest of their lives with them? :idea:

:blown: :blown: :blown:

That is all :hat:

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I only support gay marriage...................

.................If both chicks r hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

im sorry i know this has been a serious discussion thread..but it was open i had to do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

u guys may continue....and if people want to get married fuck it let em....im married....and if they want to curse themselves as i have ....so be it!!!!!!!!!!!;):laugh: :laugh:

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