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Un Fucking Believeable


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Originally posted by eckobarbie1

my fucking ex boyfriend got arrested on friday..cops raided his house and found half an ounce of cocaine, 250 milligrams of pcp and 80 pills...9 ppl in his house got arrested and now he's facing 25 to life!!!

thank god i aborted his baby..:laugh:

That sucks... what really sucks is all nine of those people are gonna rat on him.... one of em probably did already.. cops don't just randomly show up ... With a good lawyer he could have probably gotten it plead down to posession unless he sold to an undercover or a snitch .... now he has 9 rats trying to save thier own asses...

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My boy got caught with 5 keys, 2000 valium, 1000 vics, in a school zone. Second offence, first was a pound of weed.

He got................. 6 MONTHS IN A HALFWAY HOUSE, AND LIKE 50000 IN FINES.

Think he ratted out someone

:laugh: :laugh:

Actually the main dude who got caught only got 6 months in a half way house(also a broken leg,jaw,and collerbone when he went in) because of who he snitched out, my boy just corroberated. The judge couldn't sentence my boy longer then the main dude, so he will be out in june.

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Originally posted by xlr8ted


I was expecting something much harsher from you....

anyhow, not for nothing but such are the lives of those who deal drugs.

your best friend will sell you out in no time...actually there are no friends when it comes to drugs.

you'd better clean your place out if you keep anything - he may just tell on all his friends, now that the pressure is on him.

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Originally posted by podes881

he'll do a 5-10 bid for that...get out at 3, my guess...

they are really getting stiff with drug shit

I highly doubt it. If he has any sort of attorny and no record he will get probation most likely, probably drug offender probation.

and the fact that 9 were arested is good. they will all have conflicting stories, and everyone can blame everyone else.

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Originally posted by shroomy

I highly doubt it. If he has any sort of attorny and no record he will get probation most likely, probably drug offender probation.

and the fact that 9 were arested is good. they will all have conflicting stories, and everyone can blame everyone else.

Normally I'd agree with you... but I know of someone who was involved with poseesion of smaller quantities (pills and coke) last year who served 5 months of a 1 year sentence. That was after extensive plea bargaining negotiations.... and it was her first offense. Drug laws in NY are pretty fucked up ...

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What are the Rockefeller Drug Laws?

• Enacted in 1973 under then-Governor Nelson Rockefeller, the Rockefeller Drug Laws require harsh prison terms for the possession or sale of relatively small amounts of drugs. For example, the harshest provision of this statute mandates a judge to impose a prison term of no less than 15 years to life for anyone convicted of selling 2 ounces or possessing 4 ounces of a narcotic substance.

• The penalties apply without regard to the circumstances of the offense or the individual's character or background. Whether the person is a first-time or repeat offender, for instance, is irrelevant.

• To read the text of the Rockefeller Drug Laws, click here. Then click "Laws of New York," then select Penal Law (PEN), and search under Title M, Article 220.00-220.65

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just to clarify something:

The Rockefeller laws' sentencing guidelines only apply in cases where someone is "CONVICTED". Those guidlines don't apply to plea bargains negotiated prior to a trial. Any good lawyer worth hiring can work out a much better deal. It's the people that don't cop a plea, usually the people who have an iron clad case against them and a public defende,r that get screwed. Prosecuters don't usually offer plea deals under those circumstaces...

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