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Always give thanks!


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I love coming onto CP and being able to read about clubs and life and stuff, and today i just feel like sharing something that is personal and since we all share i felt like it would be ok. Anyways, the reason i posted the subject give thanks is because i truly beileve that. When i was 18, i was diagnosed with a severe case of Viral Cardio Mypothy, it's a rare heart disease that targets ages 35-45, so you can see my Dr.'s dilema, with me being only 18. I'm 22 now and on 7 different types of medication. I am on a list for a donor but my tissue type is rare and so is my blood type. I live a pretty normal life except for the occasional heart failure and fainting. However, i see this as another part of my life that i can and will conquer. I didn't start this thread to bring anyone down. On the contrary, i started it because we should always give thanks no matter what. I'm a very positive person and i rarely speak about this, which is probably why i wanted to get it off my chest. Ive' been pretty sick this week. But i have great friends and an amazing family, and i give thanks for that. I'm 22 now and i know that i'm sick, but you know that doesn't mean that's the end of me. Things happen for a reason and i always give thanks for everything. I hope i didn't make anyone feel badly i just wanted to share and sometimes it takes a toll on your life having to burden your friends and family all the time.

Again it's just a post to be happy and take every moment in. Live, breathe, see, hear, experience all you want. you only live once.

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Originally posted by verysexynaty

I love coming onto CP and being able to read about clubs and life and stuff, and today i just feel like sharing something that is personal and since we all share i felt like it would be ok. Anyways, the reason i posted the subject give thanks is because i truly beileve that. When i was 18, i was diagnosed with a severe case of Viral Cardio Mypothy, it's a rare heart disease that targets ages 35-45, so you can see my Dr.'s dilema, with me being only 18. I'm 22 now and on 7 different types of medication. I am on a list for a donor but my tissue type is rare and so is my blood type. I live a pretty normal life except for the occasional heart failure and fainting. However, i see this as another part of my life that i can and will conquer. I didn't start this thread to bring anyone down. On the contrary, i started it because we should always give thanks no matter what. I'm a very positive person and i rarely speak about this, which is probably why i wanted to get it off my chest. Ive' been pretty sick this week. But i have great friends and an amazing family, and i give thanks for that. I'm 22 now and i know that i'm sick, but you know that doesn't mean that's the end of me. Things happen for a reason and i always give thanks for everything. I hope i didn't make anyone feel badly i just wanted to share and sometimes it takes a toll on your life having to burden your friends and family all the time.

Again it's just a post to be happy and take every moment in. Live, breathe, see, hear, experience all you want. you only live once.

You rock. :rock:

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Originally posted by verysexynaty

I love coming onto CP and being able to read about clubs and life and stuff, and today i just feel like sharing something that is personal and since we all share i felt like it would be ok. Anyways, the reason i posted the subject give thanks is because i truly beileve that. When i was 18, i was diagnosed with a severe case of Viral Cardio Mypothy, it's a rare heart disease that targets ages 35-45, so you can see my Dr.'s dilema, with me being only 18. I'm 22 now and on 7 different types of medication. I am on a list for a donor but my tissue type is rare and so is my blood type. I live a pretty normal life except for the occasional heart failure and fainting. However, i see this as another part of my life that i can and will conquer. I didn't start this thread to bring anyone down. On the contrary, i started it because we should always give thanks no matter what. I'm a very positive person and i rarely speak about this, which is probably why i wanted to get it off my chest. Ive' been pretty sick this week. But i have great friends and an amazing family, and i give thanks for that. I'm 22 now and i know that i'm sick, but you know that doesn't mean that's the end of me. Things happen for a reason and i always give thanks for everything. I hope i didn't make anyone feel badly i just wanted to share and sometimes it takes a toll on your life having to burden your friends and family all the time.

Again it's just a post to be happy and take every moment in. Live, breathe, see, hear, experience all you want. you only live once.

Thanks :)

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Originally posted by verysexynaty

I love coming onto CP and being able to read about clubs and life and stuff, and today i just feel like sharing something that is personal and since we all share i felt like it would be ok. Anyways, the reason i posted the subject give thanks is because i truly beileve that. When i was 18, i was diagnosed with a severe case of Viral Cardio Mypothy, it's a rare heart disease that targets ages 35-45, so you can see my Dr.'s dilema, with me being only 18. I'm 22 now and on 7 different types of medication. I am on a list for a donor but my tissue type is rare and so is my blood type. I live a pretty normal life except for the occasional heart failure and fainting. However, i see this as another part of my life that i can and will conquer. I didn't start this thread to bring anyone down. On the contrary, i started it because we should always give thanks no matter what. I'm a very positive person and i rarely speak about this, which is probably why i wanted to get it off my chest. Ive' been pretty sick this week. But i have great friends and an amazing family, and i give thanks for that. I'm 22 now and i know that i'm sick, but you know that doesn't mean that's the end of me. Things happen for a reason and i always give thanks for everything. I hope i didn't make anyone feel badly i just wanted to share and sometimes it takes a toll on your life having to burden your friends and family all the time.

Again it's just a post to be happy and take every moment in. Live, breathe, see, hear, experience all you want. you only live once.

You have what many people, even older than you do not Naty: strength.

May your spirit be always strong & alive.

God bless.



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Originally posted by verysexynaty

I love coming onto CP and being able to read about clubs and life and stuff, and today i just feel like sharing something that is personal and since we all share i felt like it would be ok. Anyways, the reason i posted the subject give thanks is because i truly beileve that. When i was 18, i was diagnosed with a severe case of Viral Cardio Mypothy, it's a rare heart disease that targets ages 35-45, so you can see my Dr.'s dilema, with me being only 18. I'm 22 now and on 7 different types of medication. I am on a list for a donor but my tissue type is rare and so is my blood type. I live a pretty normal life except for the occasional heart failure and fainting. However, i see this as another part of my life that i can and will conquer. I didn't start this thread to bring anyone down. On the contrary, i started it because we should always give thanks no matter what. I'm a very positive person and i rarely speak about this, which is probably why i wanted to get it off my chest. Ive' been pretty sick this week. But i have great friends and an amazing family, and i give thanks for that. I'm 22 now and i know that i'm sick, but you know that doesn't mean that's the end of me. Things happen for a reason and i always give thanks for everything. I hope i didn't make anyone feel badly i just wanted to share and sometimes it takes a toll on your life having to burden your friends and family all the time.

Again it's just a post to be happy and take every moment in. Live, breathe, see, hear, experience all you want. you only live once.

People are dealt obstacles because someone above knows you can handle them. The choice is up to us on how we handle those obstacles. They way you are handling your situation is an inspiration to us all. What people fail to understand sometimes because their thought/feeling process is a bit clouded at times is that YOU are the solution to everything that is dealt to you. The beautiful thing about it is that you already know that.

Thank you for sharing this with us, I know that it's people like you that set such wonderful examples on how to live life.


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Guest brwneydtrouble
Originally posted by djrx06

People are dealt obstacles because someone above knows you can handle them. The choice is up to us on how we handle those obstacles. They way you are handling your situation is an inspiration to us all. What people fail to understand sometimes because their thought/feeling process is a bit clouded at times is that YOU are the solution to everything that is dealt to you. The beautiful thing about it is that you already know that.

Thank you for sharing this with us, I know that it's people like you that set such wonderful examples on how to live life.


I totally agree. Im a firm believer in the fact that everything happens for a reason and that people come in and out of our lives to teach us something. The fact that you posted this is a reminder to us all not to take things for granted, we accomplish nothing feeling sorry for ourselves NOR expecting someone to lend a helping hand. Life is what we make of the opportunites that are presented to us. Its up to each person to recognize that. Each and every one of us has gone through a rough time, some a little worse than others, but like Rich said, we are never given an obstacle that we cannot overcome.

Naty, thank you for giving us a little insight into your private life. I know I for one feel priviledged. Hope you feel better very soon. :kiss2:

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Hey Naty,

I applaud you, not many people can do what you did. Giving personal details about your life to people you probably don't even know. Thank you for sharing a little bit of you with us. It really is a horrible thing when people don't see the amazing friends and family in their life. I can't even begin to imagine what you're going through, but I've truly had hard times and know what it is to always be appreciative to others. I always make sure to make others feel special when they deserve it, and Thank you is a huge part of my vocabulary. God Bless You!

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Thanks for sharing that was truly inspiring, sometimes we lose sight of whats really important in life. We all can complain about the little things and drama a bit too much and not really stop to realize how lucky we all are to be given a life that others may not have. Even though I haven't met you, you're in my prayers. Keep letting that faith, strong spirit and love for life radiate from you girl.

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Naty from the little we have talked and the few times we have met, all I have is good things to say. Everyone on this board comes from all walks of life, we live our lives each and every day, hoping upon hope that we bring a smile to another's face, to share time with those we love, and to expand our horizons.

The biggest obstacle in life that we all must overcome is not the constraints others put on us, but rather the constraints we place upon ourselves.

You are living your life to the fullest as we all are, and your expressing yourself on this board and the responses it has evoked, is proof in point that not only are u well loved on this board, but that we are a tight knit group.

I hope you get better soon naty, I would love to hang with u at ULTRA and WMC .

You rock

MUAH !!!!

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Thank you all, this morning when i posted this it was kind of a release, and the fact that many of you have so many inspiring things to say to me proves that I am not alone and I am fighting a fight for all of us, we all have struggles and maybe it's not a heart ailment that is conquering our lives... maybe it's a husband or boyfriend that is making every breathe more difficult than the one before. Maybe we are lost in life and have no where to turn to.... Just remember that this too shall pass....be strong. The battle we go thru in life is our own, that means we can be the commander in chief and kick ass while there's ass to be kicked.

BESITOS to all and Bling of course we're gonna hang at ULTRA.... no duh!!!:)

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