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i just watched it last night, its about some gay promoter that kills some drug dealer. i was disapointed i thought it would be better. maculy culckin played the gay promoter, but did a poor job of sounding gay he sounded british lol. i guess the only reason it was good because it was at limelight, peter gatian and lots of drugs lol....

has anyone just seen this movie what did you think?

*** you can rent it at blockbuster....

- brian


ps- my nightclub movie will be better when it comes out :laugh:

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The documentary is much better ... check it out

Here's a day in the life of Michael Alig ... taken from an interview in 2001 (in prison)


Noon: Just woke up. I try and sleep as late as possible in order to "waste" as much of the day as I can. When I wake up at noon, the day is at least partially over and the time seems to go by quicker.

Lunch: tuna salad (1/4 cup)

pasta salad (1/2 cup)

3 canned plums

1:30 pm: It's time for an hour-long "recreation" period - which I never take advantage of. It just isn't safe. You may not believe this (I didn't until I saw it with my own two eyes), but others use this time to "throw shit" at one another in the yard. They actually shit in a plastic bag, stuff it in their pants or socks, bring it to the yard and fling it at one another. Sometimes, if they are "known shit throwers", they are checked for bags of shit on the way out, and they hide shit in their mouths so they can spit it instead. I haven't been outside in almost 7 months. My skin is flawless! I look like I'm 12.

2:15 pm: My neighbors are having an argument about who has more "bitches" and who gets more visits from bitches. It's quite a heated argument - Thank God they're both locked safely away from one another.

3:00pm: Mail time. This is my favorite time of the day because it's the only time that brings a bit of magic or mystery. I'm pretty lucky, actually. I got 8 letters. Most inmates don't get any. They don't like that I get so much mail. One guy down the hall actually screamed,

"I don't get no mail since that "bird-ass nigga" (that would be me) got on this company"

I think that he thinks that I brought bad luck or something. Everyone here is really superstitious. When the mail cart goes by without giving you any mail, they refer to it as a "drive-by".

5:00 pm: Dindin:

soy stew (yuk)

boiled potatoes (yuk)

white pudding (yum)

6:30 pm: While listening to the evening news, a devilish joke has crossed my mind. On the news, the newscaster is about to describe a simulated "what if" scenario of what would happen of a biological weapon were to be detonated in a US city.

They announce the location: Oklahoma City.

A new strain of smallpox has been unleashed.

Now what?

Thinking quickly, I announce excitedly to my neighbor,

"Quick! Quick! Turn on the news! A biological weapon has been unleashed in the US!"

Now, I wasn't trying to upset the guy. I honestly thought he would get it - that I was joking. After a few seconds, he gets all excited and starts screaming to the rest of the company,

"Hey! Guys! Turn on the news! Listen to this!"

So now the entire company is listening, in shock, believing it's really happening. Some are really upset. I'm just waiting to see how far it will go. One man says,

"This thing could spread to New York!"

Another says:

"We'll be safe in here, though, won't we?"

Then someone replies,

"No way! These officers go in-and-out of the facility and they'll bring it in to us!"

The whole company is now in a panic...I'm not making any of this up, either!

"I've got family in Oklahoma!"

"Everyone calm down! We got to decide what to do!"

Then someone screams,

"Many of us have family and loved ones out there - I suggest we all pray for their safety!"

So then, everyone is silent in prayer...and I'm beginning to feel a little guilty (not too guilty, just a little), and everyone's freaking out.

The someone yells,

"Hey, this isn't real! It's just a simulation! No bomb was detonated!"

My neighbor then screams,

"Man, you don't know shit! My neighbor (me) listened to the whole broadcast and it's real!

Isn't it, Michael?"

So everyone is panicking and I don't know what to say, so I say,

"It sounded real to me!"

Then a fight erupts - everyone's mad at the one guy who is trying to tell everyone it's all fake - and they're all on my side, trusting and believing me. Some are writing letters home, frantically telling relatives to seek shelter or leave the state - or country!. The whole company is in an uproar!

9:00 pm: Everyone is still fighting over the "bio-attack". Now they're waiting to hear the 11 o'clock news to see if it's real.

Meanwhile, I'm answering my mail (I answer every letter), and reading a little Tennessee Williams.

10:00 pm: Mail pick-up. I sent out 11 letters tonight, and I'm almost out of stamps. They only allow us to buy 50 stamps per month, which may sound like a lot, but it isn't really. Not for a whole month. Stamps are pretty hard to come buy here. It's easier to buy heroin!

Midnight: Well, there was no mention of the "bio-attack" on the news, but some of these drama queens are so hungry for excitement that they refuse to believe that it did not really happen. Fights continue to break out here and there, all while I try and do a little bit of re-writing in my book, Aligula. I don't know why I bother, really. The administration won't allow me to mail it out. I'll write until 4 or 5 in the morning, or until I pass out.

Tomorrow, I'll wake up and do it all again.

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Guest starscream
Originally posted by exit24e

lol you are clueless.

i was actually around the era when this all took place.i would go to sugarbabies at the bank .angel would be there sometimes with his angel wings on sometimes without.he had the best services though.never spoke to him much i make it a point not to get involved with drug dealers...hmm i wonder why lol.michael was a freak and i give him props for that but himand his parties were just a little too freaky for my tastes.richie rich is doing good he actually designs clothes for the hilton sisters and does faggot feud with amanda lapore at plaid.......
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saw it over the weekend , intent on hating it as everyone ripped it , I actually liked it , yes Culkins performance was over the top , but it had to be , I thought him and Seth Green did a great job with the acting and totaly got into the roles ,

And of course Jaysea its not exactly as you remember , its called a hollywood movie , literary license will be taken

MIchael knew it so did James and gave the directors their belssing.

Also not sure if up for a n acadamy award for costumes but it should be

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if your gonna do amovie, u cant half ass around it,

seth green and marilyn manson bothwanted to do sit down lunch with them, and i said no..........they should ofgotthen better actor's, and better writer's.............nothing they say is anything to what really happened, and in some cases they did and said things that never even happened,

portrating somone then is trciky, but REASERCH it, lol

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I highly recommend James St. James book!! The movie was only partially based on it. Otherwise, the book is terrifyingly hillarious and deep...

That "day in a life of Michael" in prison on 1st page (especially the joke about bio weapons) is totally like Michael. In the book it is said that while they were going I beleive somewhere in Europe and were late getting to JFK, Michael annonimously called in the airline and stated there was a bomb on the airplane. LOL Needless to say they made it on time to board the plane with all the frantic passengers.

I mean to most of us an idea like that will not even enter into the back of our MINDS!!!

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Originally posted by bxbomb

saw it over the weekend , intent on hating it as everyone ripped it , I actually liked it , yes Culkins performance was over the top , but it had to be , I thought him and Seth Green did a great job with the acting and totaly got into the roles ,

And of course Jaysea its not exactly as you remember , its called a hollywood movie , literary license will be taken

MIchael knew it so did James and gave the directors their belssing.

Also not sure if up for a n acadamy award for costumes but it should be

I agree with everything. Acting...eh, although Seth Green was phenomenal. Costumes absolutely amazing. A girl that was with us (who just recently started to go to clubs) said with a saddened tone that it must have been one hell of a time. To all that liked costumes, I highly recommend the Broadway show Tabu, that has disturbing similarity to NYC underground clubbing world as seen in London, where Boy George started.

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Originally posted by jaysea

if your gonna do amovie, u cant half ass around it,

seth green and marilyn manson bothwanted to do sit down lunch with them, and i said no..........they should ofgotthen better actor's, and better writer's.............nothing they say is anything to what really happened, and in some cases they did and said things that never even happened,

portrating somone then is trciky, but REASERCH it, lol

J- not sure of your involvement in the making of the movie , but Seth green did talk w/ james before and after , Like i said alot of literary license had to be taken.

I was not a regular on wed nites but did go a few times and did attend redzone parties etc.and saw the craziness , grew up in that clubbin era and would say alot of it was true. Give some examples what your taking offense to in the movie

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saw it on a circuitpartyinsanity board in yahoo.

"For those who think Seth and Macaulay were overacting --- they weren't. Michael and his friend really were that overdramatic in their speech and mannerisms.

Incidentally, the director has talked about how he omitted certain things from the film simply, because they were too unbelievable. For instance, the amount and frequency of drug use in their real lives was so extravagant that the director decided not to show it. He was worried the audience wouldn't buy it. There are other little things that were toned down too, like Michael walking the streets in disgusting soiled underwear (shown as clean underwear on film)."

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Originally posted by jaysea

if your gonna do amovie, u cant half ass around it,

seth green and marilyn manson bothwanted to do sit down lunch with them, and i said no..........they should ofgotthen better actor's, and better writer's.............nothing they say is anything to what really happened, and in some cases they did and said things that never even happened,

portrating somone then is trciky, but REASERCH it, lol


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