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>>SO I went to the MADONNA WORLD Tour Audition

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So....yesterday I went to the Madonna World Tour Dancers Audition...my friend told me about it, so I was like, "freak it, why not"

WELL, VERY unexpectadly, I made the Final call back (which was the 3rd call back) The Final call back audition was for Today, BUT I decided not to go because we were told the tour was from March-Sept...6 MONTHS of traveling and I had to be prepared to go to LA in a week and not mind making drastic changes and cuts to my hair (maybe Shave it) I KNOW I probably sound stupid becuz I missed out on a GREAT oppotunity, BUT Im not the type of person that could just drop everything and leave my life here behind...

...YES, this was probably one of the best opportunites I have ever had...but the thought of my traveling alone around the world by myself without anyone I knew, completely FREAKED ME OUT!

...The audition was sooooo LONG! I Got there @ 1:30 and didnt get out until 10pm...Non-Stop DANCING...Im talking about CRAZY dancing with HUGE 6 foot Bamboo Sticks that we had to spin around on our backs and mecks and alsohad to wear top hats and do tricks with them to Madonna's song "HOLLYWOOD"...the choreography was soooooooo FAST...I was like :eek:

...THEN I had to learn a TANGO routine with a guy (mind you I have NEVER taken a ballroom/partnering class in my life!)...IT WAS SOOO FREAKIN' difficult I cant even describe it....it was to Madonna's song "Die Another Day".....which is a very difficult song to count to....

Oh yeah...and Wade Robson was there picking the dancers and he was the one that made the final speech and thanked us before we left.....yea, he looked good ;) He was sooo tan!

600 people auditioned....70 made the final Call BACK...

It was a great experience...except for the fact that my muscles are SOOOOOOO SORE and are cramping up....

They were filming the auditions possible for a documentary on the MAdonna World Tour...so thats kinda cool.... :D

Ok....gotta go lay down now... :)

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Believe it or not i got invited to try for that myself. But im not like a student who practices dances in classes or schools liek im sure they were professional dancers there. I have my own moves but defintely not like choreograph and shit. At least you made the final cut congrats on that. Heal better. Would love to see you get down one night alwasy been in my mind to see ya. I cant imagine changin my whole life style on such short notice it wouldbe insane.

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Originally posted by silverbull

Believe it or not i got invited to try for that myself. But im not like a student who practices dances in classes or schools liek im sure they were professional dancers there. I have my own moves but defintely not like choreograph and shit. At least you made the final cut congrats on that. Heal better. Would love to see you get down one night alwasy been in my mind to see ya. I cant imagine changin my whole life style on such short notice it wouldbe insane.

thank you ;)

Th first cut was freestyle dancing...which was my favorite part...

there were a lot of B-Boys and B-girls there...lockers/poppers, house dancers...

The rest of the auditon was choreography...thank God Im a trained dancer so learning choreography was not a big problem..the tango was the PROBLEM!!! But I looked around and it looked like most of the guys in there were NOT ballroom dancers...they were mostly house/poppers/lockers, but some girls were DEFINETELY trained in ballroom dance...

The choreography was just REALLY fast and the fact that we had to use a bamboo stick and Hat made it even more difficult...

...oh well...it was fun :)

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Originally posted by iceman7190

Wow i didnt know you were a dancer... I better start lookin at Avalon for a girl killin it on the dancefloor. Did you go to Darude or D:fuse this weekend?



nah I was gonna go to D:Fuse, but I got out of the audition @ 10pm and was totally exhausted... :( I went straight home and slept....

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Originally posted by silverbull

Im sure you will feel the pain for a few days to come. But once the pain is gone back to the floor right hehe. See ya around one night.

true...my muscles were cramping sooo bad last night i was screaming!!! :eek: and what makes matters worse, is that I havent taken a class in a LONG LONG time because I teach now so I dont have the time... :( Oh well...I'll be out dancing tomorrow night @ Tronic again! :)

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Congrats on making to the finals - sure must have been tough competition. Drink a lot of Gatorade and you will feel better in no time. Should have taken camera with you - would be cool to snap some pics or maybe if they were filming it you could ask for complimentary copy.

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that sounds fuckin awesome. congrats on making it far... im jealous, i would love to go to some kinda audition just to check it out. i doubt id make it anywhere, but u hafta start somewhere right? anyway... if u ever find out about more amazing opportunities like that, please let me know (if u want to, if u dont want to, thats fine.) ive been wanting to start trying out auditions just to get a sense of whats out there. if u have any additional info, i would love it. thanks.

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Originally posted by leener4269

that sounds fuckin awesome. congrats on making it far... im jealous, i would love to go to some kinda audition just to check it out. i doubt id make it anywhere, but u hafta start somewhere right? anyway... if u ever find out about more amazing opportunities like that, please let me know (if u want to, if u dont want to, thats fine.) ive been wanting to start trying out auditions just to get a sense of whats out there. if u have any additional info, i would love it. thanks.

yeah I will defin. let you know :) send me your email address to RAVECLiCK@aol.com ...but I rarely go on auditions...Only the ones that I think are really worth it...

My friend told me about this the day before, so I wasnt prepared at all!!! My body is ACHINGGGG!!!!!

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aww.. why didn't you go ? you'd probably love being on stage !

And you would make friends with other dancers ..

I had gay friends who vogued for Maddona back in the day - and they said she's very disciplined and a real pro.

The dancers got about $2000 a day.

I can't believe you didn't go

About the shaving the head - as a professional dancer or entertainer you got to do those things ..you know ..just part of the job

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Originally posted by housedog

Congradulations on making it to the Final. Just picking up and leaving for six months would be VERY difficult for me. But hey at least you made it that far.

It must of been a fun experience?

yes...it was very fun...I know I probably shouldve went, but I just KNEW that if I did get the job I wouldnt have the heart to just leave...My friend was on tour with her and he said it was a greatttt experience but its VERY exhausting and it takes a lot of hard work...like 8 hour rehersals....just by the audition alone I got an idea of how much work is involved in this...

If it were a show in NYC I would do it in a heartbeat... :)

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Originally posted by danwilson

Glowgrlnyc, how were the other girl dancers. Were they as good as you?

they were AMAZING!!! Both the guys and girls...

everyonw was stronger in a different style of dance....

some girls were strictly "B-Girls", some Salsa, some Jazz, some House Dancers, some Pop & Lock..

A few of the girls in there are in the show DeLaGuarda...and let metell you they are BUFF!!! HUGE!!! they had bigger muscles than the guys did, but they were really good!!!!

Some of the guys there never had any ballroom training so when it was time to do the tango they were like :worry:

Thank God my partner was good and had experience cuz he was able to lead me the entire way through, becuz I was literally like this :woah: when I saw what we had to do....

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