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neder to run again in 04!!!!!


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my parents vote green. i like his stance on most things..and he won me over when he wanted to launch an inquiry into the Lakers-Kings Western Conf. Finals officiating fiasco.

he's there just to play spoiler... a lot of ppl blame him for the Florida recount incident when bush STOLE the election..some say he took votes away from the candidates which would have sealed the victory...instead ..well..we know what happened...

on that note..is it me..or r all bush supporters morons....when ur kin is the head of a state that ur losing in..and there's a "recount" due to "badly designed voting machines"....i gotta think something is up man...

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Here are my thoughts on Nader:

I'm all for more choices in this election but doesn't this divide the people with the"anybody but Bush" mantra? In the 2000 election many people believed that Nader gave the election to Bush by splitting the progressive/liberal swinging vote as Gore only lost by three(3) electoral votes.

I'm not necessarily sure Nader is the sole and only reason Gore did not prevail. There were many reasons. You had the whole Florida election debacle, the Supreme Court decision to send the decision of recounts back to Florida, not to mention the disenfranchisement of minority votes by the exclusion of names to voter registration lists. etc...

In lieu, of the above, I'm not sure it's such a good for Nader to run...but I haven't voted yet. I could still change my mind.

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nazis stole jewish gold

argentina STOLE the world cup from england on Maradona's "HAND OF GOD" goal

that hamburglar guy from mcdolands steals burgers

some drunk white trash po-dunk hillbilly stole ur moms virginity in the back of his F-150

just because time has passed...it doesnt mean that these "items" arent stolen anymore...3 yrs..5 yrs..100 yrs...he stole the election

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

on that note..is it me..or r all bush supporters morons....when ur kin is the head of a state that ur losing in..and there's a "recount" due to "badly designed voting machines"....i gotta think something is up man...

what i find funny is...that these machines have ALWAYS been used...in State and Presidential elections...and it NEVER was a problem till the Democrats lost on a Democrat "approved" ballot...

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