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I know he should only say it when he wants to, but he NEVER says it. when i ask him if he thinks i'm pretty and sexy, he says yes, of course, shy do you think i'm with you and like to look at you. so that means he thinks i am so why can't he say it. he should let me know if he feels that way. but if he doesn't of course i don't want him to say it.

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Originally posted by gfofaguy69

I have a question for all the ladies? Don't you need to hear, at least once in a while, that you are pretty or sexy? My bf thinks that I shouldn't question what he thinks about me because nothing has changed, but how would i know that? So, do you need to hear that you are beautiful?

if thats what ur significant other thinks then yes say it, some guys just never say anything . doesnt matter how long u have been together for, if u are attracted to that person still then u should b able to say it, its nice once in a while, makes u feel good
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he probably knows the more he tells you the more wussy and unattractive he'll become. If you hear it all the time its nothing special anyway... its like the guys who constantly buy girls gifts and then become a complete pushover in the relationship. Doing something not so often makes it more special and unpredictable. I'd tell my gf a few times a week max, sometimes just a few times a month.

Just re-read that he never tells you, in that case he's wrong in his thinking.. he definitely needs to get with the program.

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Originally posted by trigger55

he's smart.. he knows the more he tells you the more wussy and unattractive he'll become. If you hear it all the time its nothing special anyway... its like the guys who constantly buy girls gifts and then become a complete pushover in the relationship. Doing something not so often makes it more special and unpredictable. Just my 2 cents.

who ever said all the time, but when u are dresses nice or just sitting there, its sweet, thats all, but only if u mean it, not just to pasify the person
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Originally posted by trigger55

yeah i edited my post a bit :)

I know what you mean and he should definitely reassure you.. but some people are saying that they always tell their sig other, which imo is a bad idea cuz it just ruins the effect of it over time.

yea i agree w u, someone that is constantly telling someone that , then that is just annoying
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he doesnt need to constantly compliment me........ but its definitely nice to hear that i look nice... or that he thinks im beautiful.... even nonverbal works too... like- he'll look at me a certain way and touch my face so that i know he is admiring me... subtle things like that are priceless

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yeah, its not like i expect him to tell me all the time or smother me with gifts and stuff. i'm pretty secure in our relationship. its just that he thinks its totally unnecessary to tell me because i should know because hes with me. he says hes just not like that but i know hes capable of opening his mouth ans letting words come out. thats all i'm asking for. besides, he used to tell me when we first got together-like 5 years ago. but if he still feels it, he should still say it.

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