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My first Gatecrasher/LL review

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I will be all over the place so please bear with me:

Ok, Limelight as a club is pretty cool with all of those "secret" passageways and stuff. I could have definitely gotten lost and went through the wrong door marked EXIT and that would have been the end of my night smile.gif.

As far as my first Gatecrahser...I love the Brits...I can have a cup of Earl Gery anytime with some scones (hehe). Gatecrahser was cool, but I must agree with roby that if it weren't for the CNYCers, I definitely would have had a bad time. The vibe wasn't all that...

Now on to the ppl I met that night. If I forget any names, pls let me know...Lets see, a big wassup to all the ppl I have met b4 and as for the new faces...I met glowgirl, partytime, partytimes "guest", hush, roby, ricfutures, and Rick's friend (forgot the name), blueskygirl, sillylittlename (i met you b4 but wassup again!), lola (non-boarder I think), spoonyd, got to finally see Crackorn again (wassup sweetie), chick (I now remember him smile.gif), Boris (non-boarder) - I think he liked the light shows I gave him...I think thats it, I feel like I am forgetting someone frown.gif. Yes thats it...I finally met the infamous Kathy --- Meow....

In case anyone that I didn't meet was there on Friday...I was the tall black girl with the two pigtails in my hair. I had these blue lights thingees (borrowed from Boris) and pretended to know what the hell I was doing with them. I was all over the mainfloor dancin' up a storm smile.gif. In any case, thats my little review...Oh, I forgot that green laser thing had me hypnotized for a good part of the night smile.gif, awesome light show.

Thanks for reading,


BTW - mfm...did some girl outside of LL after it was over come up to you and say, "you look awfully familiar..." , if so that me!!! smile.gif


...I can't see you, you can't see me! :)...

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Hey smile.gif

Definitely agree on the wierd vibe.. I loved the music but for some reason was not feeling it at all.. Strange. You were going nuts there with the lights! We were hanging out upstairs on the balcony when you guys were downstairs and I was watching the little blue lights smile.gif See ya laterz,


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the only really weird vibe i got was from this asian guy that wouldn't leave me alone. i was wearing a little pink kitty collar and he was like, "i'll be your master and you can be my slave," ...um does this look like a bondage collar, ya freak? (not that i don't have one cwm1.gif ) and he kept finding ways to touch my friend and it was disgusting. finally i was like GO AWAY and started making diva-bitch hand gestures to shoo him away, but he didn't get it. so then, thankfully, one of my guy friends went over and talked to him.. needless to say, we left shortly thereafter....



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oh no Zoya, not 'the look'... LOL

Damn if all women do is give 'the look' when you grab their ass.. I gotta start grabbin' some asses...





<I'm a Fire-starter>

<Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!!> <I got the glow, baby!!

Can ya feel it?!? Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!>

--- When the Artful speaks

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hello everybody!!

i went last night did not have a good time at all;

it was WAY too packed, ppl were kinda weird, & i was with a bunch of ppl who wanted to stick together the whole time.

*there were 10 of us!! ummm, hello, there is not enough room near the floor for ALL OF US to stand and have a conversation!!!!!!*

so, my friends were the weird ppl blocking the stairs, doorways, etc & not wanting to go out on the dance floor!

we got there at 1:30 left at 3:30, music was great, the light show was f***kin' amazing but the crowd def. has to thin out a bit.

i think i saw you, yvette. i saw noiseboy & amalka (she needed directions to the potty room), i was more than happy to oblige. i'll help any of my fellow clubnycers.

so that's my mini-review!


things to see, people to do... hehe


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Originally posted by artful:

oh no Zoya, not 'the look'... LOL

Damn if all women do is give 'the look' when you grab their ass.. I gotta start grabbin' some asses...



Haha.. Very funny!!! You're right, next time I'll just smack the guy smile.gif And we know that you'd never do that!

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lol sorry girls but guys are dicks these days i had a guy look at me because of his girl looking at me and coming over to me and asking me to dance i said yeah sure why not , but thats before i new she had one lol. he came up to me and was pushing me liek he wanted to start something, heh lucky me that went to navy seal tRaning and almost broke his arm , may bee i knocked some sence in him who knows lol byeeee




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I think I agree -- the last GC was totally NUTS, but for some reason this one seemed to feel a bit.... odd. Still had fun, but something felt wierd about it......

In any case, I still had fun seeing peeps there..... left at 4:30am -- had been out since 7pm. BT didn't really impress me that much.... Hooverphonic blew my MIND, though. Coupled with the fact that I think the Roxy is the coolest venue I've seen to date...... awesome lighting and seating arrangements.

I wouldn't have even hit LL if I hadn't known CNYC were gonna be there.... all my friends were too drunk, baked or tired to check Gatecrasher out, so I flew solo. Wusses..... wink.gif In any case, Lucky Chengs is next...... cya'll soon!



"Live through the week. Live for the weekend."

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You really are incredible! I had a great time, thank cripes for the club nyc people showing up or I wouldn't have stayed so late. You guys are are great!


I've been called a greasy thug too, and it hurts every time!

Too crazy for Boys Town, too much of a boy for Crazy Town.

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Haha.. Very funny!!! You're right, next time I'll just smack the guy smile.gif And we know that you'd never do that!

You can smack me anytime baby.... muahahahahahahahah...


Dream a little dream... then go clubbing!


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Originally posted by artful:

oh no Zoya, not 'the look'... LOL

Damn if all women do is give 'the look' when you grab their ass.. I gotta start grabbin' some asses...



you can grab my ass anytime you want, baby!!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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Ok here we go:

This Gatecrasher in my opinion was not nearly as good as the last one. I was hoping they would have put all of those awaesome flags up again with the crazy ass lights...but they didnt!

The crowd....well Im not too pleased with the Friday crowds at LL. I like the vibe of the Saturday ones. The music...I was pleased....someone told me I was dancing around like a Choo Choo train....lol

As for people from the board....I met the very lovelty and sweet Jamjimvim and Divalicious. They are 2 of the sweetest girlies I have met in a long time...all smiles!! Its nice to see that! Got to see some of my other favorite honeys...Artful, Noiseboy, Vejita, Roby, EZdreamer, Gonzojournalist...uhhhhh hmmmm I cant remember anyone else.

Ohhh and how can I forget...I met RACHEL! Shes a cutie in herself. But I seem to have lost her by the end of the evening.

Anyway, I did have fun. I mostly chilled in a spot that I dont. I had my whistle confiscated by one of my friends at one point...grrrrr....but I got it back!!

Ok Im going...wayyy too tired today! cwm38.gif



"It's normal to be different!"

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jam was gettin her swerve on! cwm42.gif

i had a hella good time, dont really remember much due to overintoxication but music was good, met a few of the regulars on the circuit. jam dont lie, i know you practice those lights, tryin to play it off like it was your first time fuckin withem...

PS kittie gave me the cold shoulder again, musta been my b.o.


chronic is the answer...

[This message has been edited by p00h (edited 10-23-2000).]

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Now p00h...I never eva, eva, eva, eva, used glowsticks/lights b4. That was really my first time. I just watched what other glowee ppl were doing...I guess I am a quick learner wink.gif...See you @ Sasha & Digweed!



...I can't see you, you can't see me! :)...

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Originally posted by p00h:

jam was gettin her swerve on! cwm42.gif

PS kittie gave me the cold shoulder again, musta been my b.o.

You were there? When did you see me???

I must have been wrecked huh...lololol

Damn Red Devils!!

Sorry sweetpea...I was losttttttttttttt



"It's normal to be different!"

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Hey everyone-

Great time. The music was Absolutely Fabulous. Sorry I had to check out early but prioritites...

Nice seeing you all.

Special thanks to...

Glowgirl for the trial run w/the stix. Much tougher than I thought!

Charlie for organizing...and for the blue glow lights.

Merlin...thanks for the shades. Gotta get a pair.

And everyone for showing. We keep this up and we'll be takin over every joint in NYC!!

The crowd was a little wacky but screw 'em -we've got our own.

See you guys thursday and friday for S&D. Can't wait... *shakin & smiling w/excitement*



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