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Furor over Bush's 9/11 ad

Do you bleieve that using images from September 11th for political gain is wrong?  

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Furor over Bush's 9/11 ad


amd THOMAS M. DeFRANK in Washington



The Bush reelection campaign yesterday unveiled its first three campaign commercials showcasing Ground Zero images, angering some 9/11 families who accused President Bush of exploiting the tragedy for political advantage.

"It's a slap in the face of the murders of 3,000 people," said Monica Gabrielle, whose husband died in the twin tower attacks. "It is unconscionable."

Gabrielle and several other family members said the injury was compounded by Bush's refusal to testify in open session before the 9/11 commission.

"I would be less offended if he showed a picture of himself in front of the Statue of Liberty," said Tom Roger, whose daughter was a flight attendant on doomed American Airlines Flight 11. "But to show the horror of 9/11 in the background, that's just some advertising agency's attempt to grab people by the throat."

Mindy Kleinberg said she was offended because the White House has not cooperated fully with the commission and because of the sight of remains being lifted out of Ground Zero in one of the spots.

"How heinous is that?" Kleinberg asked. "That's somebody's [loved one]."

Firefighter Tommy Fee in Rescue Squad 270 in Queens was appalled.

"It's as sick as people who stole things out of the place. The image of firefighters at Ground Zero should not be used for this stuff, for politics," Fee said.

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In my opinion, it seems that using the deaths of 3,000 people on 9/11 is in horribly bad taste for the Bush reelection team. Especially, in leu of administration obstruction of the 9/11 commision formed to find out what exactly happened on that day.

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

What does love and war have to do with using images of a terrorist attack in an election campaign? :confused:

election campaign = war

come on man...anything goes in election time...i am reading a book right now "Buying the President 2004"...very interesting reading...i def. recommend it...btw...i wouldnt show images of 9/11 if i was running...but thats me...

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Originally posted by siceone

I would it serves as a remindere what happens when we have a weak defense and intelligence networks. It think it's Fair

I think the 9/11 commision is still trying to determine what happened. Again, it's ironic how the bush administration will do whatever it can to block the commission's progress yet wants to use the images for political gain.

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So let me get this straight.... John Kerry can preach about his military experience even though he disgraced the uniform he wore when he returned from Nam BUT Pres Bush can't run on his record of the last 3 years, where we suffered the greatest attack on our soil and he rose to the occasion to lead us through EXTREMELY difficult times?

I think it serves as a reminder to the people like you who dillute the importance of terrorism and going by exit polls most democrats feel this way putting terrorism 4th on the list of concerns behind FREE Health Care? The only reason people don't find it as a major issue is because we have been succesful in thwarting new attacks...LUNACY!

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Originally posted by mr mahs

So let me get this straight.... John Kerry can preach about his military experience even though he disgraced the uniform he wore when he returned from Nam BUT Pres Bush can't run on his record of the last 3 years, where we suffered the greatest attack on our soil and he rose to the occasion to lead us through EXTREMELY difficult times?

I think it serves as a reminder to the people like you who dillute the importance of terrorism and going by exit polls most democrats feel this way putting terrorism 4th on the list of concerns behind FREE Health Care? The only reason people don't find it as a major issue is because we have been succesful in thwarting new attacks...LUNACY!

So what you're saying is "fuck what the victims' families of 9/11 think". Brilliant!

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what I don't get is...

how can the worst terroist attack on american soil. ever. under the - dubious - gaze of george bush, how can this be a plus point?

he should have stopped it.

it's sickening, the base level of just, fucking scum of the earth quest for power, fuck the principles, fuck you, fuck them, fuck everyone who isn't with us.

this doesn't surprise me.

but imagine.

*planes hit towers*

footage of bush

voiceover: "what was our commander in chief doing when the planes hit"

"why did this happen on his watch?"

"do we want him watching over our country for another four years, if this is the kind of thing that slips through"

and the republicans would be down like a ton of bricks. ooh ooh ooh using this for partisan gain, not fair, dirty tricks.

this just shows how low bush will go.

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

So what you're saying is "fuck what the victims' families of 9/11 think". Brilliant!

Easy short bus... I highly doubt ALL the families are outraged and it's just a few that are being highlighted by the liberal media because they know Kerry doesn't stand a chance...

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Originally posted by marksimons

what I don't get is...

how can the worst terroist attack on american soil. ever. under the - dubious - gaze of george bush, how can this be a plus point?

he should have stopped it.

it's sickening, the base level of just, fucking scum of the earth quest for power, fuck the principles, fuck you, fuck them, fuck everyone who isn't with us.

this doesn't surprise me.

but imagine.

*planes hit towers*

footage of bush

voiceover: "what was our commander in chief doing when the planes hit"

"why did this happen on his watch?"

"do we want him watching over our country for another four years, if this is the kind of thing that slips through"

and the republicans would be down like a ton of bricks. ooh ooh ooh using this for partisan gain, not fair, dirty tricks.

this just shows how low bush will go.

For someone who Googled to find what Prescott Bush ate in the 30's why ignore the FACT that 911 was a end result of former administration's (Clinton) failure in addressing the security issues facing our country. What the add says, among other points is that since 911 the necessary steps have been taken to makes us safer and the President knows whats needed to improve our security...

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Easy short bus... I highly doubt ALL the families are outraged and it's just a few that are being highlighted by the liberal media because they know Kerry doesn't stand a chance...

Nice spin, bush agent...but that still doesn't take away from the fact that the bush campaign, as well as you, have put their collective foot in their ass on this one. Let's see how long the ads are run on TV before they're pulled.

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I think it's very inappropriate. We don't need to relive the shit we went through on 9/11 and the pain we all suffered just so that we should cry ourselves into checking the Bush/Cheney box on the ballet.

I think that building popularity on the corpses of the dead and the tears of those who suffered is horribly insensitive, but more to the point, it drapes Bush in a cloak of doom and terror. Everything about him is Terrorism and Defense and this and that.

We are perfectly capable of having a proper defense and handling threats around the world without forcing the citizens of the country to share the pain every day they turn on the television.

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Originally posted by marksimons

did 9/11 happen when clinton was in power.


bro....they put a bomb in a truck...parked it inside the WTC and set it off under Clinton's watch...oh btw...the guy who did it was an engineer and where he parked the van was near a beam that held up the WTC...he was off by a couple of feet...if he would have parked it in the "dead on" location of the beam...the WTC would have come down like a house of cards...

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but that was in 1993, clinton hadn't been in long, that was the fault of the bush administration before for not dealing with the problem seriously.

see how stupid that comment sounds.

so the first attack was on clinton's watch, but the second was on bush's they were both responsible I guess.

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Originally posted by cintron

We are perfectly capable of having a proper defense and handling threats around the world without forcing the citizens of the country to share the pain every day they turn on the television.

Every day? I don't think it will be as televised as people think, I hope so but probably not. People have forgotten that's just it the american peopole have slipped back into comformity and lost sight of the grave danger facing our country....

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Originally posted by marksimons

what I don't get is...

how can the worst terroist attack on american soil. ever. under the - dubious - gaze of george bush, how can this be a plus point?

he should have stopped it.

it's sickening, the base level of just, fucking scum of the earth quest for power, fuck the principles, fuck you, fuck them, fuck everyone who isn't with us.

this doesn't surprise me.

but imagine.

*planes hit towers*

footage of bush

voiceover: "what was our commander in chief doing when the planes hit"

"why did this happen on his watch?"

"do we want him watching over our country for another four years, if this is the kind of thing that slips through"

and the republicans would be down like a ton of bricks. ooh ooh ooh using this for partisan gain, not fair, dirty tricks.

this just shows how low bush will go.

One giant pile of bullshit from someone who is composed of 100% bullshit

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Originally posted by marksimons


but that was in 1993, clinton hadn't been in long, that was the fault of the bush administration before for not dealing with the problem seriously.

see how stupid that comment sounds.

so the first attack was on clinton's watch, but the second was on bush's they were both responsible I guess.

You have no idea what the fuck you are talking about......and as usual, it clearly shows.......

Keep your moronic mouth shut when its is obvious that you do not have a shred of knowledge on the subject...

Not one fucking shred.......

Do yourself a favor nerdboy---stick to thinking you are cool because you do drugs in mommy's basement while you educate yourself in the wonderful world of .org...


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Originally posted by mr mahs

Every day? I don't think it will be as televised as people think, I hope so but probably not. People have forgotten that's just it the american peopole have slipped back into comformity and lost sight of the grave danger facing our country....

It's HEAVILY televised.

You can't see any appearance by George Bush on television without him spitting out the word "terror", "evil" or "weapons of mass destruction."

It's not that i want the government to stop working on it.

it's that i want to stop fucking hearing about it. Fine, I understand it's coming out of my taxes. Fine I understand i need to arrive at the airport a little early. Okay I can deal with having to be more careful when I go out...

But am I out there shooting the terrorists? No.

Do i play any sort of role in that sort of thing? NO.

So should I be bombarded with it constantly?


Am I worried about being killed by a terrorist strike? Fuck no.

At this point i don't give a fucking shit. I'm more likely to get hit by a bus, struck by lightening or run over by a drunk driver than I am to get killed by some ak-47 waving unshaven asshole screaming inshallah and pressing the detonator button.

I just don't fucking care anymore. I pay the govermnet taxes out of my pocket to provide me with shit like roads, an electrical network and protect my ass from foreign invaders.

Beyond that I want to go to work everyday dumb and happy that they're doing their job and I don't want it to hang over my head like a sharp grey guillotine that we're living on the edge of DANGER DANGER DANGER!!!


Fuckin' please. Kick that asshole out, get someone else who can do the job just as well, not look like a dickhead doing it and will keep fucking quiet about it to the general public, since we are BEYOND worn out about hearing about this shit day after fucking day. I DON"T CARE ANYMORE.

If he's going to build his campaign on the backs of the dead then he is NOT getting my vote. He's getting a big FUCK YOU from me, both for being a warmonkey asshole and for making all americans look like a bunch of lying idiots everytime he pokes his jug-eared face in front of a camera lens and then spends hours backpedalling on policy issues and pretending that the intelligence community pulled the rug out from under him..

OUT already. Get the fuck OUT. I have lost my patience.

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Originally posted by cintron

It's HEAVILY televised.

You can't see any appearance by George Bush on television without him spitting out the word "terror", "evil" or "weapons of mass destruction."

It's not that i want the government to stop working on it.

it's that i want to stop fucking hearing about it. Fine, I understand it's coming out of my taxes. Fine I understand i need to arrive at the airport a little early. Okay I can deal with having to be more careful when I go out...

But am I out there shooting the terrorists? No.

Do i play any sort of role in that sort of thing? NO.

So should I be bombarded with it constantly?


Am I worried about being killed by a terrorist strike? Fuck no.

At this point i don't give a fucking shit. I'm more likely to get hit by a bus, struck by lightening or run over by a drunk driver than I am to get killed by some ak-47 waving unshaven asshole screaming inshallah and pressing the detonator button.

I just don't fucking care anymore. I pay the govermnet taxes out of my pocket to provide me with shit like roads, an electrical network and protect my ass from foreign invaders.

Beyond that I want to go to work everyday dumb and happy that they're doing their job and I don't want it to hang over my head like a sharp grey guillotine that we're living on the edge of DANGER DANGER DANGER!!!


Fuckin' please. Kick that asshole out, get someone else who can do the job just as well, not look like a dickhead doing it and will keep fucking quiet about it to the general public, since we are BEYOND worn out about hearing about this shit day after fucking day. I DON"T CARE ANYMORE.

If he's going to build his campaign on the backs of the dead then he is NOT getting my vote. He's getting a big FUCK YOU from me, both for being a warmonkey asshole and for making all americans look like a bunch of lying idiots everytime he pokes his jug-eared face in front of a camera lens and then spends hours backpedalling on policy issues and pretending that the intelligence community pulled the rug out from under him..

OUT already. Get the fuck OUT. I have lost my patience.


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