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The Rape of Haiti

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The Rape of Haiti

by Justin Felux


March 8, 2004

A History of Oppression

The recent events in Haiti are yet another sad chapter in the history of Western imperialism. The roots of the current crisis trace all the way back to January 1, 1804, when Toussaint L'Ouverture and his army of African slaves humiliated France and the rest of the "civilized" world by liberating the island of St. Domingue, the place now called Haiti. The Haitian revolution created the first major crack in the foundation of white supremacy. Ten years earlier the island nation had become a colonial asset of France. The indigenous population had been wiped out previously by Christopher Columbus on behalf of Spain. France obtained great riches through the exploitation of the island's natural resources using a brutal system of slave labor. Much like India would later become the "Crown Jewel" of the British Empire, Haiti was referred to as the "Pearl of the Antilles."

L'Ouverture was captured by France and eventually froze to death in the mountain prison they kept him in. After the revolution both France and the United States, aghast at the notion of a "black republic," refused to acknowledge the new government of Haiti. Haiti was forced to pay 90 million gold francs in "compensation" to French plantation owners for properties and investments they lost as a result of the liberation. It took Haiti almost 100 years to pay off the debt. On the 200th anniversary of L'Ouverture's death President Aristide asked France to repay the money, which would amount to over $20 billion today. This didn't win him many friends in Paris.

The United States has an equally shameful history of exploiting Haiti. The U.S. government aided France's attempt to crush the slave revolt. American investors and multinational corporations have a long history of cooperation with Haitian dictators. In 1915 Woodrow Wilson began a U.S. military occupation of Haiti that would last 19 years. The U.S. helped create the Haitian army during this time. The Army became the main instrument by which the poor masses of Haiti were kept in line by whichever autocratic regime happened to be in power. The Army brutally suppressed and intimidated labor unions and dissidents. This continued until President Aristide bravely disbanded the Army in 1995.

The First Coup

Haiti is the poorest country in the hemisphere. About 80% of the country's population lives in poverty. What little wealth Haiti has is highly concentrated among the country's ruling elite. The richest 1% of the population owns nearly half the nation's wealth. Most of the ruling class consists of light-skinned "mulattos" who share partial ancestry with the French colonizers. These ruling elites, many of whom are multimillionaires, have always been friendly to the major world powers and the various Haitian despots, including the regimes of "Papa" and "Baby" Doc Duvalier. It is easy to understand why these people harbor a pathological hatred for Aristide, a former priest who preached liberation theology and whose strongest supporters inhabit the slums of Port-au-Prince.

In the first free elections in Haitian history, Aristide won in a landslide, garnering 67.5% of the vote. The U.S. supported a former World Bank official, Marc Bazin, who received 14.2% of the vote. Several months into his term, President Aristide was overthrown by opposition forces and former members of the military. The U.S. government had funneled money to the opposition through organizations such as the National Endowment for Democracies (NED) and the Agency for International Development (AID). A CIA-backed organization known as FRAPH (Haitian Front for Advancement and Progress) executed a campaign of terror against supporters of Aristide's Lavalas movement. Anywhere between 3 and 5 thousand Haitians were slaughtered during Aristide's 3 year exile, during which Haiti was ruled by a military dictator.

The leader of FRAPH, Emmanuel "Toto" Constant, is currently living in New York. Despite the "War on Terror," no effort has been made to hold him accountable for his crimes. In response to the coup, the Organization of American States (OAS) announced an embargo and sanctions against the new military regime. The U.S. declared 800 American businesses "exempt" from the restrictions. Despite the embargo, trade actually increased during Aristide's exile. In 1994 Aristide was restored to power with the help of 20,000 U.S. Marines. By that time, the right-wing forces had wiped out a significant portion of the popular movement. As a condition of his return Aristide was forced to agree to unpopular economic reforms that would largely benefit the country's ruling elite and foreign investors.

Full Article



My apologies for such a long post but it seems that many people are truly unaware of the history of Haiti and how we've gotten to this point. I believe this article illustrates comprehensively the major national struggles this country has endured from their colonial ancestry. Very informative.

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if the french cant do it right and we cant do it right, who can???

nothing pleases you does it

what do you take pleasure in????seriously what?

the utopia society you yearn for will never happen im sorry but its true, you must make due with what we have to work with

i bunch of fuckin morons like yourself

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Dude you are absolutely right, haiti has such a long history of being oppressed not just by foreign countries but also by vicious dictators and the military.

The one thing we don't see eye to eye on is France and the United States helped the people of Haiti obtain freedom from a vicious murderer in Aristide. I've posted many threads about it before, had gun shots fired at me, lost many loved ones, brother imprisoned under no real charges and had to stay in prison for 18 days all because of Aristide. The guy was vicious and if the United States had intervened to help save him, you would probably complain as well as most democrats when many marines lost because so many people were willing to die for Aristide to leave. The united states and france acted honorably in Haiti on feb. 29th and in no way did they kidnap Aristide. Guy has been lying and using the black caucus to spread his lies in the US, don't buy into his bs.

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Originally posted by livin42nite

Dude you are absolutely right, haiti has such a long history of being oppressed not just by foreign countries but also by vicious dictators and the military.

The one thing we don't see eye to eye on is France and the United States helped the people of Haiti obtain freedom from a vicious murderer in Aristide. I've posted many threads about it before, had gun shots fired at me, lost many loved ones, brother imprisoned under no real charges and had to stay in prison for 18 days all because of Aristide. The guy was vicious and if the United States had intervened to help save him, you would probably complain as well as most democrats when many marines lost because so many people were willing to die for Aristide to leave. The united states and france acted honorably in Haiti on feb. 29th and in no way did they kidnap Aristide. Guy has been lying and using the black caucus to spread his lies in the US, don't buy into his bs.

No use, Jamiro-cunt thinks were trying to smuggle coconuts into the U.S at a discount or some other wacked out conspiracy:blown:

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Originally posted by livin42nite

Dude you are absolutely right, haiti has such a long history of being oppressed not just by foreign countries but also by vicious dictators and the military.

The one thing we don't see eye to eye on is France and the United States helped the people of Haiti obtain freedom from a vicious murderer in Aristide. I've posted many threads about it before, had gun shots fired at me, lost many loved ones, brother imprisoned under no real charges and had to stay in prison for 18 days all because of Aristide. The guy was vicious and if the United States had intervened to help save him, you would probably complain as well as most democrats when many marines lost because so many people were willing to die for Aristide to leave. The united states and france acted honorably in Haiti on feb. 29th and in no way did they kidnap Aristide. Guy has been lying and using the black caucus to spread his lies in the US, don't buy into his bs.

I don't trust Aristide any more than Guy Phillipe or Chamblain or Papa doc... They all have blood on their hands but aren't we trading one murderer for another by allowing and accepting these drug dealers to take over your country? Are you happy with Phillipe announcing that he controls Haiti? He's no saint and you know that. I don't have tell you of killings he's responsible for because you know.

My only beef is we've given up on democracy. A Coup d'etat isn't democracy. Revenge killing that are going on right now isn't democracy. The Robiteau Massacre isn't democracy. Why should we let these drug dealing opportunist killers control who is power now in Haiti.

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hey livin42nite,

i think you would be interested in this article from the Atlantic, about Toto Constant, the Haitian 'devil'.

Thanks to the wise choices that the Clinton administration made, this murderous lunatic now walks a free man in Queens, NY, after committing a number of vicious atrocities against Haitian civilians


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Originally posted by tribal

hey livin42nite,

i think you would be interested in this article from the Atlantic, about Toto Constant, the Haitian 'devil'.

Thanks to the wise choices that the Clinton administration made, this murderous lunatic now walks a free man in Queens, NY, after committing a number of vicious atrocities against Haitian civilians


Very interesting.

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Originally posted by pattbateman

doesnt everyone know that coconuts are used to produce oil, and george bush grows them and has them shipped from haiti.

and his family has had ties with haiti forever!!!

right simons????


If you don't have anything intelligent to say then shut your hole just like Mahs and Iggy-poo are doing.

You never answered my question by the way, shit stain.

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Originally posted by pattbateman

first do not tell me when or when not to talk.

second i was just tryin to jump on it before simons had a chance. he is my idol i want to impress him!

First of all, you're a bafoon.

Second, you'll do what you're told, beyaach.

Third of all learn to spell and use better punctuation.

That is all. :)

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Originally posted by mr mahs

No use, Jamiro-cunt thinks were trying to smuggle coconuts into the U.S at a discount or some other wacked out conspiracy:blown:

No. Bush wants Haiti so he can use it to smuggle heroin from Afghanistan into the country through Haiti and also to solidify and protect the interests of the US companies (Disney is one of them) sweatshop operations and to oppress the people there even more. It all comes down to replacing a US backed dictator with another US backed dictator. GOtta keep them sweatshops running... In fact, Duvalier wants back in. I bet you love that! So how much money do you have invested into US corporations who run sweatshop ops over there mrlost?

Yeah, we know. Baseball season's coming. Gotta crank out them baseballs. ;)

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1


If you don't have anything intelligent to say then shut your hole just like Mahs and Iggy-poo are doing.

You never answered my question by the way, shit stain.

First off, lucky for you me and Igloo didn't step in to this thread and hand you your gerbil burrowed ass like countless other times and

2nd now that you are trying to ridicule Patbatemen for not answering a question I still remember you dodging one of mine pussyboy....

What do you do for a living? And I suspect a bus boy or a peep show cum mopper is the only thing you're qualified for....

:laugh: :laugh: Lets have it hippie boy.....

P.S Your girl still handing you your ass? Post her number so me Ig's and PAT can take care of it, smash it right... I bet you eat a ton of box to make up for not smashing it right.....

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Originally posted by mr mahs

First off, lucky for you me and Igloo didn't step in to this thread and hand you your gerbil burrowed ass like countless other times and

2nd now that you are trying to ridicule Patbatemen for not answering a question I still remember you dodging one of mine pussyboy....

What do you do for a living? And I suspect a bus boy or a peep show cum mopper is the only thing you're qualified for....

:laugh: :laugh: Lets have it hippie boy.....

P.S Your girl still handing you your ass? Post her number so me Ig's and PAT can take care of it, smash it right... I bet you eat a ton of box to make up for not smashing it right.....

I rest my case. Fucking morons have zero intelligence and nothing to add to this thread but complete idiocy. Not one comment on drug dealers and murderers taking over Haiti. I guess he likes it that way.

Bravo, assmunch, and congratulations! You've officiall proved that you are a worthless piece of shit to everyone on this board but don't stop there... Keep going because everyone still can't believe how fucking stupid you are. Honestly, I can't believe it either.

:laugh: :laugh: Fucking, clown ass buffoon.

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

I rest my case. Fucking morons have zero intelligence and nothing to add to this thread but complete idiocy. Not one comment on drug dealers and murderers taking over Haiti. I guess he likes it that way.

Bravo, assmunch, and congratulations! You've officiall proved that you are a worthless piece of shit to everyone on this board but don't stop there... Keep going because everyone still can't believe how fucking stupid you are. Honestly, I can't believe it either.

:laugh: :laugh: Fucking, clown ass buffoon.

You brought me into this discussion "sperm burper" don't get all pissy because your card got pulled....

Now answer the question squee-gee boy...

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Originally posted by mr mahs

You brought me into this discussion "sperm burper" don't get all pissy because your card got pulled....

Now answer the question squee-gee boy...

You brought yourself into the Haiti thread with your goofy coconut comment. Don't try and deflect that you're a pathetic douche bag that has nothing to say of Haiti.

Your question that you're dying to know...What I do for a living? I get paid very well to fuck your mother. It's none of your fucking business what I do. Unlike you I don't define myself by what I do. Now piss off unless you've got something intelligent to say about Haiti which you've proved you don't you worthless degenerate sheep.

Yet again, you've proven how worthless you and self loathing you are. :laugh: Sorry to keep exposing you like this...but it's begining to be too fucking easy. Now go wank off to Sean Hannity picture silly boy. :laugh: :laugh:

This is really getting old handing trolls their shit. Anyone here with have a brain cell mind sticking to the thread's topic now, I'm really getting tired of embarassing this fucking clown Mahs?

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

Your question that you're dying to know...What I do for a living? I get paid very well to fuck your mother. It's none of your fucking business what I do. Unlike you I don't define myself by what I do.

Translation: Useless.....like I thought.

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Translation: Useless.....like I thought.


I have to give the silly clown credit though. No matter how bad he gets his ass kicked, and no matter how many times he is exposed as a bafoon, he keeps coming back for more.

He is a consistent retard. Like I said on another thread where he got his ass kicked, at one time I found his idiosy amusing, but I now feel sorry for him, and sad for our country if there are more imbeciles like him out there, and God Forbid they reproduce.

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Translation: Useless.....like I thought.

lol... It's entertaining to see you reach for something to blast me on but you have nothing. What a fucking clown you are Mahs you little video game play cake boy. Good luck jerking off, once again. Fucking sell out. :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by pattbateman

if you were proud of what you do for a living then you would just say it

you are obviously not proud of what you do

Ok, my little misguided racial equality challenged little buddy..I'll tell you. I work across the street from the white house. What do I do? I fuck your mother...It's fun too. :)

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