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Man admits: I was 'Bigfoot'


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This news will be devastating to markdouchebgasimons, abnormalnoises, and jamirolost.

The birth of their religion started with this, and now it has been exposed. Poor, poor, conspiracists.

Man admits: I was 'Bigfoot'

Says famed footage depicts him in gorilla costume


Posted: March 10, 2004

1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2004 WorldNetDaily.com

Thirty-six years after the fact, Bob Heironimus' conscience finally caught up with him: He confessed to having donned a gorilla costume and appearing in the famous 1967 footage of Bigfoot.

1967 footage of alleged 'Bigfoot' creature

"It's time people knew it was a hoax," Heironimus told the Washington Post.

For decades, the grainy film clip has fueled study and speculation about the existence of a large mysterious creature in the Pacific Northwest.

"It's time to let this thing go," he told the paper. "I've been burdened with this for 36 years, seeing the film clip on TV numerous times. Somebody's making lots of money off this, except for me. But that's not the issue – the issue is that it's time to finally let people know the truth."

The Post reported Heironimus makes his official confession in a new book, "The Making of Bigfoot" by paranormal investigator Greg Long. The author says he spent four years investigating the 60-second film and the people behind it.

Long traced the Bigfoot costume to Philip Morris, a North Carolina gorilla suit specialist, who says he sold it for $435 to an amateur documentary maker named Roger Patterson (who died in 1972), according to the paper.

The hoax was staged near Bluff Creek in Northern California, according to Heironimus.

"Patterson was the cameraman," Long told the Post. "They made a gentleman's agreement that Bob would get in the suit and walk in front of the camera for $1,000."

Heironimus' story is a bit different.

"I was never paid a dime for that, no sir," he said, adding, "Sure I want to make some money. I feel that after 36 years I should get some of it."

The news doesn't change the view of an open-minded Jane Goodall, a well-known primatologist.

"She's spoken to people whom she respects who say they have seen one of these hominids," said Nona Gandelman, an aide to Goodall, according to the report. "And to many other people she respects who have heard strange calls they thought were made by Bigfoot. As a scientist, she has a very open mind about this and has yet to close the door on the possibility."

An associate of the deceased filmmaker is challenging the veracity of Heironimus' story. The Post says it was contacted by Tom Malone, a Minneapolis lawyer, working on behalf of Bob Gimlin, an associate of Patterson's.

"I'm authorized to tell you that nobody wore a gorilla suit or monkey suit and that Mr. Gimlin's position is that it's absolutely false and untrue," Malone told the paper.

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

Nothing for nothing but I thought your mother would've admited to this years ago. It's good to see she's finally come clean and exposed her fraud.

Now if she can just admit to making all those crop circle with her labia that would end that.

Son, you are still here?

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

Is that what your mother said to you this morning when she found you eating captain crunch in your underoos and watching cartoons this morning?

Difficult for you to come up with anything orginal, huh...

It is OK silly clown....you are firmly established as the resident clown, and everyone on this board has been witness to the brutal ass kickings you have recieved on account of your idiosy.....

No one is expecting you to demonstrate any wit.......It is OK, you can keep on pathetically borrowing from the ass kickings that have been applied against you, and use the same concepts and terminology is your responses...

The bar is so low for you, you could use any help out there, no matter how pathetic it makes you look.....

Question: How does it feel to be so dumb?

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Originally posted by igloo

Question: How does it feel to be so dumb?

Once again quoting your mother... tsk tsk, iggy-poo. It's ok little buddy. You're a fraud and you've been exposed. I'm sorry this hurts your feeling so much but it's the truth. There there little buddy. :)

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

Once again quoting your mother... tsk tsk, iggy-poo. It's ok little buddy. You're a fraud and you've been exposed. I'm sorry this hurts your feeling so much but it's the truth. There there little buddy. :)

Interesting. I need to do some reseacrh on the exact mental disorder you have.

Although, it is probably just plain stupidity.

You get laughed at for not being able to come up with anything orginal, and for actually using my accurate descriptions applied to your dumb ass.....

And then you do it again.


Son, and I mean this. You are really remarkable dumb.

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