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Asshole of the Day award Foxylady89 in record time 9:33

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Congratulations on beating the all time cp record of the asshole of the day award. 9:33 am for the stupidest post EVAH.

you must be a complete jerkoff for stating a party's "partners"

are you fucking kidding me....partners are for businessess. partnerships are for people who have their stake in something not throwing a group of names on a flyer

and the worst part is you are wrong too.

like most of those guys they depend on a lot more promoters to "pull" a crowd some of them are like lesbians...they dont do dick.

and you little promoter whore you.

OMFG I just did a search on your 6 posts and you are definatly a little slut bag that fucks promoters to get into clubs free w/o waitng on line and you def...undeniably suck dick for free drinks be it a bouncer promoter bartender manager or owner.

Please refrain from posting and if you are gonna post please try and stick to the facts thank you in advance for your expected cooperation.

Originally posted by foxylady89

everyone knows..and for those that don't...

kevinkiwi and crew....(fouronone..etc. aren't affiliated in anyway with XL). what losers trying to pretend...

Do you have any idea how pathetic u all sound...Everyone knows that you all have nothing to do with XL or their partners..why do u have to pretend that u work there?

do u sweat them all that hard?

don't you have real jobs that you can talk about?

XL, has only 5 partners..mattmango,jerryX,danny.b.,daryl darren, &Nic.A.

Why don't you all get your own jobs and stop making such fools of yourselves...

XL would never hire u shady lil'boys! keep on giving us girls fun shit to talk about u all..we know who u all are and think alot less of u..not that we were ever impressed...but u have sunk to new levels of pathetic lil jersey boys.

Originally posted by foxylady89

my vote is by far for MATT MANGO

without getting into a long speech, simply put my favorite promoter & performer who STARTED DEKO LOUNGE, ran the VIP @ AByss, started as an MC @ ABYSS when ABYSS first opened, and ran with it for over the first 5 years..

hands down the nicest most genuine person, is MATT MANGO.

Who else can promote the party, run the evening and than destroy the dance floor with crazy live drums?!!!!!!!!!

take another look @ MATT MANGO

btw, He (and his partners JERRY X, DANNY B...) just started FRidays @ XL and it is the best new party I have been to since he started DEKO Thursdays...

This tuesday he is starting a new TUESDAY @ ELEMENTS in SEA BRIGHT..(BONJOVIS' brand new ultra~lounge and supper club).

02.24.04 Tuesday @ ELEMENTS FOR SUSHI and drinks with djs: UNIQUE & ESTEBAN

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