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Bush Lets Fund Raisers Sleep in the Lincoln Bedroom

Is it right for a sitting president to use the white house as a fund raising tool?  

5 members have voted

  1. 1. Is it right for a sitting president to use the white house as a fund raising tool?

    • Yes. All presidents should exploit the office to their advantage.
    • No, but it's OK if Bush does it.
    • No, but it's OK if Clinton did it.
    • No. No president should be allowed to whore the white house.

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Bush Fund-Raisers Among Overnight Guests

Mar 10, 7:22 AM (ET)



WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush opened the White House and Camp David to dozens of overnight guests last year, including foreign dignitaries, family friends and at least nine of his biggest campaign fund-raisers, documents show.

In all, Bush and first lady Laura Bush have invited at least 270 people to stay at the White House and at least the same number to overnight at the Camp David retreat since moving to Washington in January 2001, according to lists the White House provided The Associated Press.

Some guests spent a night in the Lincoln Bedroom, historic quarters that gained new fame in the Clinton administration amid allegations that Democrats rewarded major donors like Hollywood heavyweights Steven Spielberg and Barbra Streisand with accommodations there.

That scandal and Bush's criticism of it is one of the reasons the White House identifies guests. In a debate with Vice President Al Gore in October 2000, Bush said: "I believe they've moved that sign, 'The buck stops here,' from the Oval Office desk to 'The buck stops here' on the Lincoln Bedroom. And that's not good for the country."

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Originally posted by mr mahs

150 million and counting...

Think about how many tie die shirts or hippie oil you would have to sell to make that much :)

It's interesting how proud the GOP has gotten on how much money they've spent to keep Bush in office. There was a good article in the post today that illustrated that the actual money that Kerry has vs. Bush isn't a good comparison and I'll tell you why. Think of all the independents that are dying to get Bush out of office and have no one to get behind and all this money.

Sorry, to say... but the left is united in getting Bush out. So Bush is going to have to kick his fund raising into overdrive if wants to stay in, even if that includes him renegging on campaign rethoric criticize lincoln bedroom sleepovers. Exposes his hypocracy nicely though. :)

Here's the article

Democrats Forming Parallel Campaign

Interest Groups Draw GOP Fire


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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

Sorry, to say... but the left is united in getting Bush out. So Bush is going to have to kick his fund raising into overdrive if wants to stay in, even if that includes him renegging on campaign rethoric criticize lincoln bedroom sleepovers. Exposes his hypocracy nicely though. :)

United? Read this in a article...

More telling is a new study from the Committee for the Study of the American Electorate. Their research shows that in the 19 state primaries held by Democrats through March 2 (caucuses weren't counted) an average of only 11.4 percent of eligible voters participated. To put that in perspective, turnout in the 1996 Democratic presidential primaries was 9 percent, and the only guy on the ballot was President Bill Clinton

So Bill Clinton by himself, an unopposed incumbent, generated 9-percent turnout, while Kerry, Edwards, Dean, Clark, and Co. pulled a mere 11.4 percent all together. So much for mass appeal....

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