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A little story


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So I was driving home from Medford last night around 9:00pm, and the tunnel was backed up coming south... I see 5 state police cruisers in the breakdown lane, cops standing outside them and then a white BMW 318i and in it was the kid that was in Groovefires Pravda flyer, the kid in the bathroom pic lifting up his shirt... way too funny.

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Hitler is alive and well and living in miami

I got off of the boat from one of the nicest parties I’ve ever been at. Leaving the boat, high on life and a Bud and a half, I walked down Alton Road, looking for a charger for my cell phone. I got one and as I was walking back across 15th street, I saw a man in a wheelchair. I reached into my pocket for some change and pulled out a $10 bill. Being in such a good mood, I said what the hell and gave the man the $10. He then looked at me and said, “Thank you Jesus!†to which I replied, “Easy bro, I’m not Jesus, but since you said that, lemme get us a bottle of red wine and I’ll have a glass of wine while I wait for my phone to charge.†I then walked him to the movie theatre and gave him money for a ticket to the movie, “The Passion.†He took me to his home, a bus stop, and we shared a few glasses of wine and a shot of vodka together. He began telling me Vietnam horror sories and told me that he was a marine so I even called my father and let him speak to him. They exchanged ‘Semper Fi Do or Dies’ and as we finished our conversation the man looked up at me and said, “Jesus, do you forgive me?†thinking he was drunk and hallucinating asking me to forgive him for killing people in vietnam, I said, “Of course I do.â€

The next thing I remember is waking up in the back of a police truck, being tossed around the back, handcuffed, brused, beaten and pepper sprayed, I managed to reach into my pocket and dial my parents phone number. All I could manage to scream was, “Please help me the police are trying to kill me!â€

The next time I woke up, It was around 4am, I was covered in blood, dirty, missing my shoes, laying in a jail cell with three to four corrections officers laughing at me. One of them read my shirt which said, “When GOD created me he was just showing off.†Which they were laughing about. I then took comfort in the fact that I was going to die and stood up and grabbed the bars and held them in a crucifixtion pose. The corrections officer then opened the cell and kicked me in the chest as I stood there. I flew to the back of the cell and immediately got back up and took the same pose. I then told the Corrections Officers that they were going to have to kill me if they wanted to get away with what they were doing. That seemed to strike a nerve and they stopped beating me unconsious at around 6am. 8 hours into the ordeal, I had never been read my rights, had no idea what I was charged with, what I had done, or when I was getting out. I began singing Marvin Gaye, “Whats goin on†in my cell in order to keep myself sane. As they laughed I sang louder. I then saw a woman come to the cell and ask me what was wrong with me. I told her that I didn’t know and asked her to see a doctor because I was in so much pain and covered with so much blood that I was sure that some thing was wrong. I was refused. As I kept singing, they began to find rapist and murderers to put in the cell with me and telling me that they were going to rape me and kill me. I told them that I was ready to die and anything that they wanted to do to my body was fine with me. By then I was numb with pain and no longer afraid.

At around 1pm, a russian man came in the cell, limping. He had been billy clubbed in the leg for asking an officer why he was arresting his brother and was arrested himself. He tapped me on the shoulder and told me to shut my mouth or they would never let me out. I said thank you. He said, “Listen, I know you think this is bad, but I am from Russia, and this is a joke compared to what I have seenâ€

At around 10am, I was questioned by a woman, who noticed me staring at her crucifix around her neck and said, “You don’t belong in here, I have to get you out.†She asked me why I was shaking and I told her that I was cold and hadnt eaten anything since Sunday. She got everyone in the cell balogny sanwiches. She went to get someone to release me and the next thing I knew, I had been moved to another cell. As I was being fingerprinted, the corrections officer whose job it is to tell you to get naked starting talking about the movie ‘The Passion’ and telling everyone how funny it was to him everytime he saw Jesus getting beaten, as he spewed more disgusting thigs from his mouth I just stred at him and smiled bigger. He then finished by saying that if he saw jesus that he would shoot him. Obviously referring to me. As I laughed, he turned towards the wall.

I was then fingerprinted. The corrections officer who looked at my sheet and saw how long I had been in there was disgusted at the fact that nothing was being done to release me and tried to rush me through. As I looked at my fingerprints on the computer I told the officer that it was obviously time for me to leave this country. I then made my phonecall at 11am. A real officer of the law who understands ‘Protect and Serve’ was at my home with my family trying to get me out. His name is Craig Norris. This was extremely comforting to me. I told him to tell my parents that I was fine but then I told him that I was scared and needed them to help me and began to cry.

At 2pm, I was put in a line to got up to see the judge but first had to go to medical processing. The woman was interviewing me asked me if I had any injuries. I laughed. I said yes, I think my thumbs might be fractured and possibly my pelvis and im sure that I had a cuncussion due to the amount of blood on the side of my head. She then told me that I had already been to the hospital. I asked her for medical attention and she said no. Then as we were being walked up to see the judge, I was pulled out of the elevator by a lovely african american woman who called me stupid and accused me of trying to escape. Im not sure how this would have been possible because I was with two corrections officers and 8 other prisoners. She then locked me in a cell with the most vile people I had ever seen. Then my russian friend appeared and I felf a little safer. The man who was enjoying squeezing his colostomy bag at me didn’t seem so scary. My Russian friend and I were then told we were being taken to medical to be checked out, but were were just handcuffed together and walked around the jail and put back into the same cell again.

At around 5pm, a native american man dressed in a syracuse sweatshirt came into the cell. I could tell by the sweatshirt that he had been there befoere and possibly worked there, but I could see a kindness inside of him. He began asking me my story and he nodded to someone through the window and I was then moved to another cell. As I left I gave him a thank you nod. I then asked the people in the cell what this one was for and they said, “If you are in here, you are getting out.†I was released at approximately 6:30 pm. I then of course had to walk all the way around the jail with no shoes on to pick up my belongings. The window didn’t open for an hour so, I went to the hospital across the street to use the bathroom. I got my things, and looked at the bag that said, “Assholes Shoes†on it.

Can someone please explain why people are so full of hate?


Hitler is alive and well and living in miami

I got off of the boat from one of the nicest parties I’ve ever been at. Leaving the boat, high on life and a Bud and a half, I walked down Alton Road, looking for a charger for my cell phone. I got one and as I was walking back across 15th street, I saw a man in a wheelchair. I reached into my pocket for some change and pulled out a $10 bill. Being in such a good mood, I said what the hell and gave the man the $10. He then looked at me and said, “Thank you Jesus!†to which I replied, “Easy bro, I’m not Jesus, but since you said that, lemme get us a bottle of red wine and I’ll have a glass of wine while I wait for my phone to charge.†I then walked him to the movie theatre and gave him money for a ticket to the movie, “The Passion.†He took me to his home, a bus stop, and we shared a few glasses of wine and a shot of vodka together. He began telling me Vietnam horror sories and told me that he was a marine so I even called my father and let him speak to him. They exchanged ‘Semper Fi Do or Dies’ and as we finished our conversation the man looked up at me and said, “Jesus, do you forgive me?†thinking he was drunk and hallucinating asking me to forgive him for killing people in vietnam, I said, “Of course I do.â€

The next thing I remember is waking up in the back of a police truck, being tossed around the back, handcuffed, brused, beaten and pepper sprayed, I managed to reach into my pocket and dial my parents phone number. All I could manage to scream was, “Please help me the police are trying to kill me!â€

The next time I woke up, It was around 4am, I was covered in blood, dirty, missing my shoes, laying in a jail cell with three to four corrections officers laughing at me. One of them read my shirt which said, “When GOD created me he was just showing off.†Which they were laughing about. I then took comfort in the fact that I was going to die and stood up and grabbed the bars and held them in a crucifixtion pose. The corrections officer then opened the cell and kicked me in the chest as I stood there. I flew to the back of the cell and immediately got back up and took the same pose. I then told the Corrections Officers that they were going to have to kill me if they wanted to get away with what they were doing. That seemed to strike a nerve and they stopped beating me unconsious at around 6am. 8 hours into the ordeal, I had never been read my rights, had no idea what I was charged with, what I had done, or when I was getting out. I began singing Marvin Gaye, “Whats goin on†in my cell in order to keep myself sane. As they laughed I sang louder. I then saw a woman come to the cell and ask me what was wrong with me. I told her that I didn’t know and asked her to see a doctor because I was in so much pain and covered with so much blood that I was sure that some thing was wrong. I was refused. As I kept singing, they began to find rapist and murderers to put in the cell with me and telling me that they were going to rape me and kill me. I told them that I was ready to die and anything that they wanted to do to my body was fine with me. By then I was numb with pain and no longer afraid.

At around 1pm, a russian man came in the cell, limping. He had been billy clubbed in the leg for asking an officer why he was arresting his brother and was arrested himself. He tapped me on the shoulder and told me to shut my mouth or they would never let me out. I said thank you. He said, “Listen, I know you think this is bad, but I am from Russia, and this is a joke compared to what I have seenâ€

At around 10am, I was questioned by a woman, who noticed me staring at her crucifix around her neck and said, “You don’t belong in here, I have to get you out.†She asked me why I was shaking and I told her that I was cold and hadnt eaten anything since Sunday. She got everyone in the cell balogny sanwiches. She went to get someone to release me and the next thing I knew, I had been moved to another cell. As I was being fingerprinted, the corrections officer whose job it is to tell you to get naked starting talking about the movie ‘The Passion’ and telling everyone how funny it was to him everytime he saw Jesus getting beaten, as he spewed more disgusting thigs from his mouth I just stred at him and smiled bigger. He then finished by saying that if he saw jesus that he would shoot him. Obviously referring to me. As I laughed, he turned towards the wall.

I was then fingerprinted. The corrections officer who looked at my sheet and saw how long I had been in there was disgusted at the fact that nothing was being done to release me and tried to rush me through. As I looked at my fingerprints on the computer I told the officer that it was obviously time for me to leave this country. I then made my phonecall at 11am. A real officer of the law who understands ‘Protect and Serve’ was at my home with my family trying to get me out. His name is Craig Norris. This was extremely comforting to me. I told him to tell my parents that I was fine but then I told him that I was scared and needed them to help me and began to cry.

At 2pm, I was put in a line to got up to see the judge but first had to go to medical processing. The woman was interviewing me asked me if I had any injuries. I laughed. I said yes, I think my thumbs might be fractured and possibly my pelvis and im sure that I had a cuncussion due to the amount of blood on the side of my head. She then told me that I had already been to the hospital. I asked her for medical attention and she said no. Then as we were being walked up to see the judge, I was pulled out of the elevator by a lovely african american woman who called me stupid and accused me of trying to escape. Im not sure how this would have been possible because I was with two corrections officers and 8 other prisoners. She then locked me in a cell with the most vile people I had ever seen. Then my russian friend appeared and I felf a little safer. The man who was enjoying squeezing his colostomy bag at me didn’t seem so scary. My Russian friend and I were then told we were being taken to medical to be checked out, but were were just handcuffed together and walked around the jail and put back into the same cell again.

At around 5pm, a native american man dressed in a syracuse sweatshirt came into the cell. I could tell by the sweatshirt that he had been there befoere and possibly worked there, but I could see a kindness inside of him. He began asking me my story and he nodded to someone through the window and I was then moved to another cell. As I left I gave him a thank you nod. I then asked the people in the cell what this one was for and they said, “If you are in here, you are getting out.†I was released at approximately 6:30 pm. I then of course had to walk all the way around the jail with no shoes on to pick up my belongings. The window didn’t open for an hour so, I went to the hospital across the street to use the bathroom. I got my things, and looked at the bag that said, “Assholes Shoes†on it.

Can someone please explain why people are so full of hate?


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Originally posted by fouroneone

stymie doesn't post here anymore, so we cant get anymore SICK flyers

Kid are you FUCKING kidding me. All those were origionally done by me.

That fucking it no WAR OF THE WORLDS for you


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