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Common Sense & Logic ......


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..Why is it that many think that by getting rid of Al-Qaeda & other terrorist groups (leaders and known members) will signify total victory on the War on Terror .

I personally think that even though It would be a huge blow to them and most probably its individual "demise" , the WAR ON TERROR will simply morph into another entity and go ahead .

I use common sense & logic in coming to the conclusion that WE are in a War against a "message and way of thinking" (hate against the US) and not flesh n bone (mujahadeen) . And unless we can change the way people view us around the world ,no matter how many terrorists we kill , new ones will always take their place ......... the cycle continues........:blank:

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very good topic Jose...but i mean u cannot just stand idle and do nothing...i rather fight then live with fear of being attacked...and to me: if u DO fight..u get attacked; if u DONT fight...u get attacked anyways....see what i mean? but ur right, we will prob. do away with al-queda and another group will take their place...but such is life...

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Originally posted by marksimons

but what about if you do away with the reasons for such groups existing?

they don't pop up just for the crack of killing people...

jealousy...us being an "open minded" country....will still fuel their hatred...we will ALWAYS be the devil of the West...these people find anything to attack or creat terror...point in case...look at what they are doing in France over the headress (sp?) of Muslims...i think France is dead wrong with this law, but threats instead of protests is the way these types operate...:idea:

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

I think it's hard to argue that 19 terrorist hijacked and flew passenger airplanes into the world trade center and the pentagon just because they're jealous of Americans.

Were viewed as infidels....

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

I think it's hard to argue that 19 terrorist hijacked and flew passenger airplanes into the world trade center and the pentagon just because they're jealous of Americans.

i was saying eventually thats what its going to boil down to....they can easily drum up: many of our Muslims students go to America to learn and they (the Muslim students) change their beliefs and are straying away from their roots and their traditions..bla bla bla...we shall always be a target for them...b/c we are the biggest and most powerful country in the world...if we broker a deal with Palenstine and Israel; we get attacked b/c we are interferring with Muslim/Arab business...trust me, they will find a reason to attack us...

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I think it has to be a two-pronged approach. Definitely fight Al Queda - thats a must - but also try to change the perception of the world of the US, especially the Arab muslim world. Education and eradication of poverty are very important.

I think I agree with the article that said that the Arabs are quite pissed off that their once mighty civilization has been overtaken by the world. Thus, its easier to blame someone else for changing the way of life in the world, rather than trying to keep up with it. Arrogance, and denial prevents them from doing so.

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

very good topic Jose...but i mean u cannot just stand idle and do nothing...i rather fight then live with fear of being attacked...and to me: if u DO fight..u get attacked; if u DONT fight...u get attacked anyways....see what i mean? but ur right, we will prob. do away with al-queda and another group will take their place...but such is life...

..I think its quite obvious that THEY DON'T LIKE US FOR A REASON , which i believe has some validity to it....that is we TAKE ADVANTAGE of other countries & their resources for our own gain ...somalia - diamonds , angola- oil , east timor - oil ( US & UN got involved only after they found vast oil reserves off of timors coast ) . Groups like this thrive because of the poverty which they are immersed in ( middle eastern countries ) , and if socio-economic changes aren't corrected , then I see no end in sight to "the cycle" .

What im essencially trying to say is that the US has to make amends with the global community (which is overwhelmingly anti-us ) with good deeds and not by sheer violence-intimidation alone ....and only then I believe the WAR could be won .


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Originally posted by mursa

..I think its quite obvious that THEY DON'T LIKE US FOR A REASON , which i believe has some validity to it....that is we TAKE ADVANTAGE of other countries & their resources for our own gain ...somalia - diamonds , angola- oil , east timor - oil ( US & UN got involved only after they found vast oil reserves off of timors coast ) . Groups like this thrive because of the poverty which they are immersed in ( middle eastern countries ) , and if socio-economic changes aren't corrected , then I see no end in sight to "the cycle" .

What im essencially trying to say is that the US has to make amends with the global community (which is overwhelmingly anti-us ) with good deeds and not by sheer violence-intimidation alone ....and only then I believe the WAR could be won .


couldn't have said it better myself..

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Originally posted by mursa

..I think its quite obvious that THEY DON'T LIKE US FOR A REASON , which i believe has some validity to it....that is we TAKE ADVANTAGE of other countries & their resources for our own gain ...somalia - diamonds , angola- oil , east timor - oil ( US & UN got involved only after they found vast oil reserves off of timors coast ) . Groups like this thrive because of the poverty which they are immersed in ( middle eastern countries ) , and if socio-economic changes aren't corrected , then I see no end in sight to "the cycle" .

What im essencially trying to say is that the US has to make amends with the global community (which is overwhelmingly anti-us ) with good deeds and not by sheer violence-intimidation alone ....and only then I believe the WAR could be won .


you think that that we just take things we still pay for shit, granted the people we pay turn out to be not such nice people but you act like the american gov't goes in and rapes and pillages

and what amends do you thiink we should be making? you don't think that providing half the worlds Food and Financial aid is enough.. do you have ANY IDEA how much this country provides to the rest of the world Gratis?

The US isn't the source of world suffering the leaders of those countires are the source. I do agree that the US has played a role but it pales in comparison. and what abotu the other industrialized countries of the world, they have done fuicked up shit MORE SO than the US and it's only our fault cmon man if you going to spread blame around make sure it's even.

Lets not forget that these terrorists started this and have been attacking american interest for welll over a decade now. we didn't just barge into afganistan for no reason bub....

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