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Attn: All Asians/Pacific Islander/Indians....

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Originally posted by artful:

wtf is all this crap? These people this... those people that?

I take people on an individual basis... if you're an asshole, you're an asshole period, regardless of your ethnicity...

"your people are so kind and nice and sweet"

fuck that 'your people' shit.

the closest I'll go with that is "I like/admire your culture" that's it..

black, red, white, green, yellow, purple, rainbow swirl======

you're all just a bunch of people. Period.

Well said artful, we should have this as the board moto.


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

I can resist anything but temptation.


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originally posted by souvlaki:

hey eggmok you mentioned you went to LL. i've seen this asian guy with glasses who come to Limelight alone few times. is that you?

souvalki . . .

this is the last time i'm going to respond to any of your posts. you obviously don't have the backbone to confront me face to face. i've told you i would be up at LL this weekend so you can meet me. i also told you where i live. what do i get for all my efforts? a no show! that just goes to show me that you don't have the guts to back up the all trash you talk. either way, i've realized that bickering with the racists on the board, like yourself, will not change your simple minded, prejudice thinking. i honestly feel bad that you have so much hatred and anger in your life.

it ends here for me. you had your chance to prove your manhood, but you failed. good luck to you on your walk through life. i hope that one day your heart will open up and actually appreciate people for who they are on the inside, not on the outside. peace . . .


Life is too short to be small.

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Much love to all the Asians out there, especially my Filipino brothers and sisters.

I think that all races are slowly moving towards being accepted, not merely tolerated. It's very important for Asian-Americans to embrace our unique cultures and try to keep passing it on for later generations.

BTW, Miss America is a Filipina and the first Asian-American to carry that title. I know that she will enhance the image of Asian-Americans in our society. However, we too can enhance our image by simply being the best that we can be!



"I'll take my problems to the dancefloor!"

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i was just toying with you flip boy. i wasn't gonna attack you in person i might be a bit weird but i m not a sicko.

Originally posted by eggmok:

souvalki . . .

this is the last time i'm going to respond to any of your posts. you obviously don't have the backbone to confront me face to face. i've told you i would be up at LL this weekend so you can meet me. i also told you where i live. what do i get for all my efforts? a no show! that just goes to show me that you don't have the guts to back up the all trash you talk. either way, i've realized that bickering with the racists on the board, like yourself, will not change your simple minded, prejudice thinking. i honestly feel bad that you have so much hatred and anger in your life.

it ends here for me. you had your chance to prove your manhood, but you failed. good luck to you on your walk through life. i hope that one day your heart will open up and actually appreciate people for who they are on the inside, not on the outside. peace . . .

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Originally posted by executress:

Post here if you're proud to be a motha fuckin ASIAN!!!!

Very cool to see so many of my kind on this board... It's awesome to see how we all stick together against these racist jerkoffs...

So, what's everybody's flava? I'm 1/2 Filipino and 1/2 Chinese...


i have to say that these posts seem only likely to lead to division.

i'm neither proud not ashamed of my ethnic heritage (which happens to be half-english, half-indian).

i'm impressed that people are taking a stand against racial stereotyping but as artful pointed out in his post earlier, i don't think we should like people just because they're asian or white or black or anything else, the same as we shouldn't dislike them. i hope people can respect each other as they find that other people have respect in them.

i've been generally amazed at the kindest and friendliness that people on this board have exhibited towards me and hope that continues.


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Hey, im indian too....my parents are from gujarat but i was born on long island...and enuf with all this racism bullshit please....by the way, the term towelhead still cracks me up so use it all you want you ignorant moron.



AIM:Turbo SC300

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Of course I have to reply to this post. Like Kitty19, I feel sorry for the ignorant fools that still have division in their own mind. They will never experience all the diversity that this world has to provide as long as they keep themselves separated from the rest of the world just because of color.

As to what artful said . . . that's the way we SHOULD be . . . and in the perfect world it is. But because this world is dominated by humans and humans are not perfect there will (I'm afraid) be racist people for a long time. Hopefully, our children, their children, and their children will learn and bring the people in this world a bit closer to one another. I hope that they can look at each other and not see colors, or straight, gay, or bi but just people, but even I know that that will not happen in my life time.

I hope at least what we CAN do in our life time is respect one another even if it's just in a very common way.



"Enjoy life. There's plenty of time to be dead." angel.gif

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