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Rules for post-whoring...


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1) Replying to your own reply is postwhore cheating, and is typically frowned upon... except when enlightenment hits and you absolutely cannot wait. Or to clarify a hard to understand concept.

2) Single emoticon responses are almost always unacceptable... when it states your entire point, then it is okay, if used less than once a week. Triplets are more acceptable, where you use two emoticons in series to express an emotion....

such as or

3) Each post should have substance. They should SAY something. even if it is pointless, offtopic, and dumb...

4) Spam filter is fate's way of telling you that you didn't put enough thought into your posts... it should take a minute or more to think out MOST posts.

5) If your going to completely jack a thread, and then whore it with emoticons... it is proper ettiquete to change the subject line to "bucktown" or to make a large colorful wording to the same effect in the post... example-


6) Elipses (...) are an absolute must

7) If you have been whoring for more than 1 hour straight... you posts must start including "imo" everytime an opinion is stated.

8 ) You should know the typing on ALL of the emoticons... no exception. I haven't clicked "show" on the emoticon panel for quite some time... all are typed out.

9) Filling page 1 with last comments... needs to be with meaningful responses... and not dead threads. skip threads and go into other pages, and dig up old shit if you must. That's why truly filling page 1 is an endurance trial and not for the faint of heart.

10) Have fun w/ it.

hope this has been informative... and hope it will all be used in further postwhore attempts.

- as seen on chloés board :aright:

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