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U.S. Hits Fallujah Mosque; 40 Said Killed

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

Operation Iraqi Freedom my ass.

Now thats an ignorant statement when 2/3rds of the country is fine. During the IRAQ WAR the sunni triangle didn't see much action and remember the faydaheen just dispersing back into the population? where do you think they have assembled again? The papers you like to read like Guardian and CNN are portarying this a country wide inferno uprising when that's just not true.. Buried on the Aljazeera site is a article about the sentiment shared to the north by the Kurds ...

While Shia and Sunni Muslims have been fighting Americans in and around Baghdad in the past few days, Kurds on the streets of Arbil condemn anti-US attacks as "terrorism".

Even though I loath the site here's the link


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Originally posted by mr mahs

It went over your head you ignorant fuck... Look at the pics jerkoff, these poeple are walking around the city in their pajamas with RPG's.. What do you think happens when one gets killed? you don't think other militia take their weapons? Is your feeble mind uncapable of understanding that a media struggle is taking place, where a live Iraqi insurgent is suddenly turned into a civilian onced they've been taken out? Can't you see whats happening?

they're still civilians right? Or weren't those security contractors who were killed and mutilated not "civilians"?

You can't have it both ways.

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Now thats an ignorant statement when 2/3rds of the country is fine. During the IRAQ WAR the sunni triangle didn't see much action and remember the faydaheen just dispersing back into the population? where do you think they have assembled again? The papers you like to read like Guardian and CNN are portarying this a country wide inferno uprising when that's just not true.. Buried on the Aljazeera site is a article about the sentiment shared to the north by the Kurds ...

While Shia and Sunni Muslims have been fighting Americans in and around Baghdad in the past few days, Kurds on the streets of Arbil condemn anti-US attacks as "terrorism".

Even though I loath the site here's the link


And what percentage of the population are Kurds??

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Originally posted by raver_mania

they're still civilians right? Or weren't those security contractors who were killed and mutilated not "civilians"?

You can't have it both ways.

Regular civilians holding RPG'S aren't civilians anymore and deserve to die!!!!!

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Do you disagree that the line between the insurgents and civilians is blurred?

No I don't disagree. You are absolutely right on that. The same goes for our side as well as Raver has pointed out.

Blackwater employees are civilians but when they have automatic rifles and grenades then they are paramilitaries just as these shi'ite fucks.

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

No I don't disagree. You are absolutely right on that. The same goes for our side as well as Raver has pointed out.

Blackwater employees are civilians but when they have automatic rifles and grenades then they are paramilitaries just as these shi'ite fucks.

Right but you're missing the point. Al jazeera is reporting X amount of Iraqi civilians died right? How do we know they're civilians? The site makes it out we are just slaughtering everyone in site... The whole town is against us so in a way we should n't be holding back but we are.. This whole mess as well as the town can be done with in hours, and I don't mean nukes...

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

My point is, this doesn't help change the hearts and minds of the iraqi people by blowing up their place of worship. Not a good move in my opinion. It just fuels more anger and hatred and further escalates this bullshit.

i totally agree...but what do u do? u know? we have been pretty nice to these people (the ones starting the trouble)...we have allowed them to be armed to the "tee"...enough is enough...i think sealing off Fallujah is what should be done...and if it was up to me (if i was a general), i would do a lot more than pissing off some militia and sealing off the city...u have to nip this in the bud...these area has ALWAYS been loyal to Saddam, just like our dads use to do: time to take out the belt....;)

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Right but you're missing the point. Al jazeera is reporting X amount of Iraqi civilians died right? How do we know they're civilians? The site makes it out we are just slaughtering everyone in site... The whole town is against us so in a way we should n't be holding back but we are.. This whole mess as well as the town can be done with in hours, and I don't mean nukes...

I hear ya... I'm not missing your point. I actually take your point. You can't trust Al jazeera numbers of civiilian deaths but keep in mind doing what you've suggested would cause mass civiilian death. I don't believe everyone in that Falujah or Sadr City should be condemned to death and indiscriminant killing should commence, although we're not far from that.

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Originally posted by raver_mania

so a minority of Iraqis condemn this as "terrorism" (which I think it is definitely not, if aimed against armed people).


The insurgency on AMERICAN FORCES trying to build back the country isn't terrorism? Oh yeah you know more then a Kurd who actually lives there...So the insurgency against the americans is justified? The riot on Sunday is warranted when all we want is peace and hand over sovereignty?

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Originally posted by mr mahs

It went over your head you ignorant fuck... Look at the pics jerkoff, these poeple are walking around the city in their pajamas with RPG's.. What do you think happens when one gets killed? you don't think other militia take their weapons? Is your feeble mind uncapable of understanding that a media struggle is taking place, where a live Iraqi insurgent is suddenly turned into a civilian onced they've been taken out? Can't you see whats happening?

actually fucktard..what i said went over ur head.

i know exactly what the iraqis r doing..i saw it happen first hand during the balkan conflicts in the 90's...but ofcourse dickheads like u would never acknowledge somethin like this is possible up until it hits home...

now go play socom bitch...and dont pop any pixel characters dressed as civilians

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Originally posted by mr mahs


The insurgency on AMERICAN FORCES trying to build back the country isn't terrorism? Oh yeah you know more then a Kurd who actually lives there...So the insurgency against the americans is justified? The riot on Sunday is warranted when all we want is peace and hand over sovereignty?

Whats this about Kurds all the time? Dude, they are a minority, and DO NOT speak for all the Iraqi people. People attacking occupation soldiers is not terrorism, otherwise this country and countless others are based on terrorism.

Its very easy to get your emotions mixed in with this, but step back try to view this with some objecitivity.

Foreign soldiers attacked by a people of a country on their land to drive them out is NOT TERRORISM, at least not in its present definition. It has happend countless number of times in the past. Just because only a "portion" of Iraqis are fighting does NOT make their interests any less important, as guess what - they're Iraqis too!

This whole war, right now, is going to the shits... you have fighting all over the place. The police force is nowhere to be seen, hell some of them have even joined the militias...

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

actually fucktard..what i said went over ur head.

i know exactly what the iraqis r doing..i saw it happen first hand during the balkan conflicts in the 90's...but ofcourse dickheads like u would never acknowledge somethin like this is possible up until it hits home...

now go play socom bitch...and dont pop any pixel characters dressed as civilians

Your balkan complaint is getting stale....

Nobody gives a shit....:blown:

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Your balkan complaint is getting stale....

Nobody gives a shit....:blown:

fuck you..ur fuckin 9/11 complaint is getting stale.

ur a sick fucking degenerate if u expect me to feel sympathy for the people that died on 9/11 when u have no regard for the lives of people in my country. fuck u..fuck everythin about u fuckin little computer herb...

u exemplify everything thats wrong with this country..xenophobia..nationalism..reluctance to accept blame..believing ur always right...disregard for human life...

ur a sick fuck .....anything u say is porous..ur comments never hold weight..if u had half the intelligence of raver_mania or igloo i might actually respect ur opinion. u and pbatteman must fuck on the regular..cause ur arguments r quite similar.

now go back to playing halo faggot

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