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go shorty its your birthday...


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Originally posted by dgmodel

lol... i dont really care for celebrating birthdays either, dont get me wrong i do, but i dont understand why some ppl blow it up... its not that its a bad thing, just curious as to why...

hmmmmm call me crazy but your birthday is the aneversary of the day someone was brought into existence....i think that calls for some kind of celebration

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i honestly rather not even celebrate my birthday. i never mention it to anyone, i really don't like the "special" attention. i admit i do like the gifts sometimes

i might sound cheap here but with the celebrating of birthdays it just adds to something else i have to spend money on. when money is tight you realize how many holidays and other events where you have to spend a little bit of cash. and money is always tight for me

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so youre comparing your birthday to Jesus' resurrection or martin luther kings birthday~!?not a valid comparison IMO, see the odd thing is that it stems from superstition and astrology, and considered a pagan ritual... this being said, most ppl consider themselves religious ppl and this goes against their beliefs but yet its still done... how come johavus (sp?) witnesses do not celebrate any holidays~!?

sidenote but reminds me of something funny seinfeld said once:

"Well, birthdays are merely symbolic of how another year's gone by and how little we've grown. No matter how desperate we are that someday a better self will emerge, each flicker of the candles on the cake we know it's not to be. That for the rest of our sad, wretched, pathetic lives, this is who we are to the bitter end. Inevitably, irrevocably. Happy birthday? No such thing."

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Originally posted by dgmodel

so youre comparing your birthday to Jesus' resurrection or martin luther kings birthday~!?not a valid comparison IMO, see the odd thing is that it stems from superstition and astrology, and considered a pagan ritual... this being said, most ppl consider themselves religious ppl and this goes against their beliefs but yet its still done... how come johavus (sp?) witnesses do not celebrate any holidays~!?

sidenote but reminds me of something funny seinfeld said once:

i wasnt comparing them..i was using them as an example of times when people celebrate special occasions

most people go out and party just to party on their bday, but i look at it as another year of life (which i love) gone by and another year to look forward to. I think the celebrating of bdays comes from parents...when they have a child and that child is growing up, they are the ones who celebrate for the young child. There child is another year older and growing up, bla bla bla...

It just becomes tradition for us to celebrate bdays over time then I guess...

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I have never really been a celebrator of my own bday

i try not to even tell people when my bday is....but of course u always have those people who want to make it an event....they always mess it up for me....but i kinda get down when my bday comes around!!!

but then again when it comes to other people...i always show up to there celebrations and stuff, out of respect for there life!!!!!!

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