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for the season sweep. :tongue:

I think that vasquez will have trouble against teams that are patient at the plate. teams like chicago that hack away at that fast ball he will own.

there is something wrong with moose, his command is not there.

Did he have any shoulder problems or anything?

Also the yankees bats are dead, chances are will not happen all season but i hope it continues until next weekend.:)

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whats funny is that we are missing two everyday players. One of them an all star, and the other one someone who can smash right handed pitchers.

I don't like lowe today for some reason, 10 days off = rusty. mostly for sinkerball pitcher.

I will say all hell will break loose if arroyo beats brown.

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just some quick takes on the 2 teams , as we get ready for this mornings game

--Contreras is a frikkin headcase and better get over whatever is in his head, his stuff is too good to go to waste cuz he cant hanlde pressure...IN APRIL!!!

--THe yankee bats willeventually wake up ...no way that roster bats .210 as a team for much longer, they will break out of it ina abig way soon

---TRavis LEE should play every other day at 1b ...kids got leather

---Manny Ramirez is a sick offensive # machine ...but the guy seems to be in a permanent pot induced haze

---Schilling was on-- Vasquez was not

--- Baseball in april can be exciting when its these 2 teams even if the games arent exactly "well" played ones

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Originally posted by bxbomb

---TRavis LEE should play every other day at 1b ...kids got leather

---Manny Ramirez is a sick offensive # machine

Absolutely. It hurts me to see Giambi play defense.

And Ramirez is probably the best right handed hitter in the league, when he feels like it.

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I can not belive that we beat brown. Mostly without nomahhh and nixon. We do have a murderes row of mccarty crespo kapler reese at the end of our order. :rolleyes:

Oh and celebb since you mentioned mueller he has gone 8 for 15.

Can you please say something bad about millar. :tongue:

Good series i would of been happy with a split can not wait until the series in the bronx. The yankee bats will come alive hopefully not week. Pedro better pitch well against the jays, no time for a letdown. We can still go 16-1 against the yanks.;)

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Originally posted by vicman

1 for 17 in the series.

he didn't have that much trouble when he moved to texas from seattle did he?

hey boys, hey girls: can some one say ~~~> jeff weaver ?!?!?! :D

What an idiot!

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