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lasik surgery ?

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i'm blind

I use brail for this keyboard and my dog

reads the moniter for me







A crowd of 15,000 had gathered to protest the war at the Oakland Army Terminal. The Angels, in show of patriotism, attack the protesters and end up breaking a cop's leg. The Angels later send a telegram to President Johnson saying they are willing to be "a crack group of trained gorillas behind enemy lines in Viet Nam."

HST 67

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I haven't had it myself, but alot of people I know have had it.

First, it is meant for people who are only mildly or moderately nearsighted. If you are very nearsighted, it will fix your sight a certain amount and you will still be nearsighted.

The people that I know that had it done love it. They see fine, and they don't have any really bad side effects. The only thing they mentioned was that at night, their vision is a little blurry around lights. For example, oncoming headlights would have a fuzzy glow and shapes aren't as crisp.

The long term effects of lasik are yet to be seen. That is why I am holding off.

Hope this helps,


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PM chick from the boards. He had it done and he couldn't be happier. If you need a doctor, my friend works for a doctor who does it (payment plans can be set up too). As soon as I have the cash, I'm going for it.


Too crazy for Boys Town, too much of a boy for Crazy Town.

Screw you guys, I'm going home......

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One of my clients is a top lasik surgeon in the NJ/NYC area who I believe helped pioneer the technology. You may contact them at info@nordenlasik.com As a consultant for their computer systems for the last 3 years, I have witnessed many procedures. The procedure Lasts about 5 Minutes, and from what I hear is painless. An engineer in my company had Lasik done about a year ago and has never been happier.

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I heard that you should wait about a year till they get everything straightend out. I really want to get it done, I was hoping to give it to myself for Xmass. I heard that there have been some cases of double vision and people having to go back 3 or 4 times for retreatment. If anyone can tell me otherwise then I will take the advice. I have only one set of eyes. If these get screwed up, I'll never be a ble to post again. Unlees I get that brail keyboard and a dog. redeemerwhore.gif


Neo: You ever have that feeling where you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming?

Choi: All the time. It's called mescaline, it's the only way to fly.



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I have three friends who had the surgery don't recently. They all love it, have no side effects and can see perfectly! One of my friends had his done by the same surgeon that did Bernie William's eys!! He's probably a lot more $$$ than your typical MD. cwm4.gif

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I spoke to my eye doctor about this as well and she said what some of you have said, that you should wait a while until they know more about the long term effects...as in, if it will last or if it will dissipate. but she said, as of now, everyone who has the surgery is happy with it. I would wait though until the aftermath is more mapped out.

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personally i would not do it. i used to work for an od and she could have it done for free and would still not do it. if u are really nearsighted, you will still have to wear glasses/contacts. and as w/ anything, god knows what long term affects will turn up in a few years. nothing is 100%.


" DaNcE lIkE nO oNe Is WaTcHiNg "

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I had the laser surgery done 2.5 years ago. Did both eyes at the same time. First week was hell. Next three weeks were a nuisance. After that pretty much clear sailing although I was sensitive to light for a few months and my eyes were a bit dry for awhile.

Now Im very happy with the whole thing.

Great for sports and waking up the next day after pounding 18 beers and countless shots of Black Haus and trying to figure out how your shoes are on but where the hell are your pants and I know I didn't wear that shirt out and where the hell is that blonde I was "speaking" to at the bar or was it a club and why do I have 63 cents and a summons in my pocket with a phone number on the back of it type and now I have to peel my contacts off type mornings.

And my insurance covered the procedure!!!!

peace - chick

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Had it done... paid outta pocket... it was so worth it...

Neva again with those fucking glasses... those fucking glasses... neva again... ever...

Was it worth it? HELLZ YEAH...

First week wasn't hell... only the first day cause you have to put a godzillion drops in your eyes and it stings a little from the steroids they make you put in your eyes so they don't get inflamed... nothing that you can't handle... then it eases up on the drops and you put drops every four hours or so for about a week...

Also it is not only for the mildly to moderate nearsighted... one guy that went before me had something like 20/900... Now the bastard sees 20/20. Happy as a clam.


Dream a little dream... then go clubbing!


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