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don't forget it is we who financed and provided Sadam Hussein with weapons. we created the monster and we removed him, however we are far from being an innocent non participating party. if we are going to be boastful of our successes; then conversely we sure as hell should admit our failures. ;)

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There you go again,,,blaming America first....

Times change. Back then the enemy was communism.........

That's a intellectually dishonest answer...............

Back then Iran was the Enemy......more of an Enemy than Iraq was.

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Originally posted by obby

There you go again,,,blaming America first....

It's not a matter of blaming/hating America , but yes of admitting when one isn't the "worlds angel" that it claims to be . This is a great country , dont get me wrong , but it also has a darker-imperialistic side , believe that .

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people obby is blinded by his patriotism.....which is kind of nice in a way!!!!!!!!!!! he only wants to see what he wants to see....he doesnt want to see the whole picture.....and the same can be said for the ultra left on here as well, u all ony want to hear ur side of the story......the whole picture is that every side had its hand in this, and every1 should be to balme, but no1 is gonna take it cuz no1 wants to deal with the ramifications!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so stop all this arguing over shit that none of us really know anyting about........just make sure u all vote so that we may at lest cancel out obby, matas, guyman, and saleens votes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank u and have a nice day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

Good times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:tongue:

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merely stressing a few facts conveniently avoided... ;) doesn't leave the blame solely at anyone’s front door. keeping it intellectually stimulating, and based on fact is a good thing.:D times change, however one should be aware of the past. otherwise ,you may be inclined to repeat mistakes you have made again.;)the difference between what is right and wrong is rather subjective.patriotism doesn’t mean you must surrender your common sense, nor your beliefs.

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and your point,,in regards to our war on terror is what?

We don't go to war because we plan on dying. we are at war to defend our way of life.

hindsight is ALWAYS 20/20.

If I had wheels and pedals I'd be a bicycle so I'm not sure I understand your objective in regards to this war on terror?

No one claims we are saints. We are a capitalistic republic. We covet freedom and money. I don't have a problem w/ that. Regardless,,,,I say it again: What's your deal? What's your point?

Would you feel better by saying "America sucks and we deserve everything bad we get?"

I strongly disagree. We used to hang slaves just for being black. Women used to be second class citizens.

What is the relevance of saying we created Saddam when discussing the war on terror?

We did not start this war. We were attacked. We can ignore the 3000 we lost in one day or we can defend our way of life. If not, we're doomed to repeat 9/11, probably on a grander scale.

Again, what good does playing semantics w/ "selective half-truths" and not using perspective offer this debate?

Please elaborate your point.

Better yet!!!!

okay,,i'll bite..........

Since you seem to have it all figured out.....what would you do?

C'mon now,,,,spit it out,,,

Either shit or get off the pot!

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Originally posted by obby

and your point,,in regards to our war on terror is what?

We don't go to war because we plan on dying. we are at war to defend our way of life.

well its america itself that is really fucking with my way of life....there the ones who keep trying to get into my personal interest and tell me what i can see and hear!!!!!!!!! the towel heads half way across the world make no difference to me....cuz no matter what those people r gonna hate...there just taught to be that way....theres little we can do to change there way of being, they have been like that since the begining of time, and they will continue to be like that until something massive happens to change their way of thinking!!!!!!!!!!

as i stated u seem to think u know what ur talig about, but when it comes to things of this nature we know nothing, were civilians, and they want us to think as civilians!!!!!!!!! which means just be satified with ur house, job, and the material things u have and just be happy....thats the cylcle they want us to be in, buy shit and be happy!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by fliptoniaaa

well its america itself that is really fucking with my way of life....there the ones who keep trying to get into my personal interest and tell me what i can see and hear!!!!!!!!! the towel heads half way across the world make no difference to me....cuz no matter what those people r gonna hate...there just taught to be that way....theres little we can do to change there way of being, they have been like that since the begining of time, and they will continue to be like that until something massive happens to change their way of thinking!!!!!!!!!!

as i stated u seem to think u know what ur talig about, but when it comes to things of this nature we know nothing, were civilians, and they want us to think as civilians!!!!!!!!! which means just be satified with ur house, job, and the material things u have and just be happy....thats the cylcle they want us to be in, buy shit and be happy!!!!!!!!!


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Originally posted by fliptoniaaa

....thats the cylcle they want us to be in, buy shit and be happy!!!!!!!!!

maybe that's no such a bad idea after all...why fight it!?

the matrix would have been alot more interesting conceptually if people in zion would have been miserable, cold and hungry...NOW which pill do you choose

it's the anti-Fight Club, YES be consumerist, YES be docile, life's too short to struggle...enter the path of least resistance

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Originally posted by fliptoniaaa

well its america itself that is really fucking with my way of life....there the ones who keep trying to get into my personal interest and tell me what i can see and hear!!!!!!!!! the towel heads half way across the world make no difference to me....cuz no matter what those people r gonna hate...there just taught to be that way....theres little we can do to change there way of being, they have been like that since the begining of time, and they will continue to be like that until something massive happens to change their way of thinking!!!!!!!!!!

as i stated u seem to think u know what ur talig about, but when it comes to things of this nature we know nothing, were civilians, and they want us to think as civilians!!!!!!!!! which means just be satified with ur house, job, and the material things u have and just be happy....thats the cylcle they want us to be in, buy shit and be happy!!!!!!!!!

My goodness,,,were am I? Sesame Street? Are we playing word games?

Let's go point by point,,shall we?

Airwaves are public. There are well established standards set by the F.C.C. to these public airwaves. Our gov't created NO NEW LAW limiting what you can and can't hear or watch. The F.C.C. recently chose to ENFORCE it's existing decency laws. You need to check your facts.

as for the mid-east being violent since the dawn of time. VERY, VERY WELL SAID! You hit it right on the head. In the past, we had the luxury of 2 oceans which separated us. With WMD's now in the mix, we no longer have that luxury. They attacked us,,,over and over and over,,,we finally chose to recognize our enemy after 9/11, but it was not the only attack on our people and interests. Terrorist officially declared war on America in 1996 (UBL). 9/11 was that "MASSIVE" event you noted. America woke up to face the threat brought upon her. Now we're fighting the very enemy who continues to vow to eliminate our existence. If you don't agree w/ the our tactics, then I can only assume you've got a better idea,,,RIGHT? I'd love to hear. Anything to help end terrorism. So long as it does not include our (America's) extinction.

We have what we have today (cars, homes, jobs, etc..) thanks to hundreds of thousands of people who lost their lives fighting to preserve it. (American revolution, civil war, ww1,ww2, korea, vietnam, gulf war...etc....). We didn't just wake up one day w/ everything we have. It didn't happen by osmosis. I can't believe I even have to remind people of this. Seems like our schools aren't teaching our children. This is basic American History.

I'd love to live w/ you in Utopia (or Fliptonia :D ), but 9/11 woke me up. I haven't been able to fall asleep ever since.

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Originally posted by obby

My goodness,,,were am I? Sesame Street? Are we playing word games?

Let's go point by point,,shall we?

Airwaves are public. There are well established standards set by the F.C.C. to these public airwaves. Our gov't created NO NEW LAW limiting what you can and can't hear or watch. The F.C.C. recently chose to ENFORCE it's existing decency laws. You need to check your facts.

exactly the "govt" is messing with my privacy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

in other words were a backwards nation cuz were moving back instead of forwards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and i suggest u smoke less so u can aleviate some of that paranoia u have since sept 11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

and the utopia is always waiting for u with arms open!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by obby

We have what we have today (cars, homes, jobs, etc..) thanks to hundreds of thousands of people who lost their lives fighting to preserve it. (American revolution, civil war, ww1,ww2, korea, vietnam, gulf war...etc....). We didn't just wake up one day w/ everything we have. It didn't happen by osmosis. I can't believe I even have to remind people of this. Seems like our schools aren't teaching our children. This is basic American History.

dude have you ever been outside the US???

maybe if you go overseas some day you'll realize that others have cars and TVs and homes, many of them of much better quality than those models you will find in the US :eek: and it did not take lives lost in Vietnam in Iraq to 'keep' them

you're talking apples and oranges...we may be involved in wars for whatever reason, justified or not, but pleeeeeeeeeeeasse stop with the "defending our freedom" cliche. If there is ANY reason we're at war that's the least of them

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Originally posted by fliptoniaaa

exactly the "govt" is messing with my privacy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

in other words were a backwards nation cuz were moving back instead of forwards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and i suggest u smoke less so u can aleviate some of that paranoia u have since sept 11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

and the utopia is always waiting for u with arms open!!!!!!!!!!!!!

usually the person with something to hide screams loudest about "invasion of privacy"

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Originally posted by obby

You didn't answer the question so I take it you don't have a suggested solution.

I expected that.

my answer would be to elect actual free thinkers who know what the public is really like, and to outlaw lobbyist!!!!!!!!!!!! but thats not gonna happen, so eventually as they keep taking more and more away it will have to get taken to the streets and then things will get ugly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dont worry eventually they will take something away from u that u like, if they havent allready.....if u take it just bcuz this is ur country and they know whats best for u than ur alot dumber than most, but we all know ur an intelligent man obby, which is what is baffleing me here!!!!!!!!!!!!!

u r trying way to hard to defend something u think u know about when in actuality u know nothing about....and this makes u a liability.......ur getting to emotional..........a motto of mines........the world is a tragedy fot those who feel, and a comedy for those who think!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u have alot more thinking to do!!!!!!!!!!!!! and thats the bottom line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and with this i will cease to reply to this thread, cuz its just alot of hot air being blown in here, and nothing will probably change anyways....we will just have to agree to disagree!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but good times r ahead anyways!!!!!!!!! for my utopia will reign supreme!!!!!!!!!!!

GOD HAS SPOKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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