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Bush family business...


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Originally posted by southof5th

dude have you ever been outside the US???

maybe if you go overseas some day you'll realize that others have cars and TVs and homes, many of them of much better quality than those models you will find in the US :eek: and it did not take lives lost in Vietnam in Iraq to 'keep' them

you're talking apples and oranges...we may be involved in wars for whatever reason, justified or not, but pleeeeeeeeeeeasse stop with the "defending our freedom" cliche. If there is ANY reason we're at war that's the least of them

Where you born here? Did you go to school here?

Name those Countries that have the luxuries as we do and I WILL TELL YOU who they had to fight off in order to preserve those luxuries (cause you obviously don't know).

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Originally posted by southof5th

not unless you want to watch child porn

Child porn is bad indeed. But that's why there are rules and regulations to protect certain shows and movies when you watch/purchase tv programs. No one under 18 can be involved in a pornographic film. They follow the rules so they don't have problems later.

Child porn is done illegaly. Those who get caught deserve their punishment. Same goes for anything else illegal out there. It goes both ways.

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Originally posted by southof5th

dude have you ever been outside the US???

maybe if you go overseas some day you'll realize that others have cars and TVs and homes, many of them of much better quality than those models you will find in the US :eek: and it did not take lives lost in Vietnam in Iraq to 'keep' them

you're talking apples and oranges...we may be involved in wars for whatever reason, justified or not, but pleeeeeeeeeeeasse stop with the "defending our freedom" cliche. If there is ANY reason we're at war that's the least of them

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Originally posted by xxgrooveericxx

Something I just thought of....

I have a very simple solution:

For those who support the war, believe Bush is doing the right thing and all that stuff, why don't those "supporters" go over to Iraq and fight! :idea:

Coño, finally....... someone with 'cojones' to say it!! :clap:

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Originally posted by xxgrooveericxx

XM radio is a pay service, like cable/satellite. Right?

FCC is not stoping on public broadcasting; up next is cable tv and satellite. Then the precious XM radio. Watch and see....

1) do u expect to hear "FUCK" on channel 4?

2) as of right now...FCC CANNOT REGULATE IT...its using satellites not airwaves:idea:

like i said...if u pay for cable u dont care if u dont hear shit or fuck on channel 4...u pay...u get "other" premiums...u guys can keep complaining...i will be listening to Howard Stern very soon on satellite radio...:tongue:

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

1) do u expect to hear "FUCK" on channel 4?

2) as of right now...FCC CANNOT REGULATE IT...its using satellites not airwaves:idea:

like i said...if u pay for cable u dont care if u dont hear shit or fuck on channel 4...u pay...u get "other" premiums...u guys can keep complaining...i will be listening to Howard Stern very soon on satellite radio...:tongue:

1) I don't expect to hear FUCK on channel 4. But why is it that all of a sudden we can't watch the Victoria Secret fashion show??? :confused:

2) I know they can't regulate it. Like you said, AS OF RIGHT NOW. That's their next target, cable/satellite.

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Originally posted by xxgrooveericxx

1) I don't expect to hear FUCK on channel 4. But why is it that all of a sudden we can't watch the Victoria Secret fashion show??? :confused:

2) I know they can't regulate it. Like you said, AS OF RIGHT NOW. That's their next target, cable/satellite.

1) then why expect from radio?

2) NEVER...paying customers, not "public airwaves"...huge diff...heck, they even have playboy radio on XM...but i cant drive with a hard-on during rush-hour...:eek:

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

nothing wrong with porn...is those "sex with animal" porn that the govt' wants to talk to u about...

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Nothing wrong with porn?!? Dude, tell that to the US Attorney General, John Ashcroft, who went out and put a blanket over a naked breast on a statue (story here )

I like regular guy/girl or girl/girl porn....I get no arousal from a guy having sex with a dog or a chick sucking a horse's penis...

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You may believe that life is just as good around the world and from personal experience you couldn't be more wrong. People do not risk their lives and leave everything they know to go live a better life in any other Country BUT AMERICA. People come to America for better futures. Better futures which their Countries could not offer them. The opportunities (the dreams) that this Country provides are unparallel. We obviously have our disagreements of this war. I don't find arguing about this war in a court room style format productive. We can pick apart portions of each others arguments all day long. For me it's allot more personal and there is too much at stake for us to jockey trying to act like the smartest person in this room.

To get right down to it, I believe it boils down to fear. Fear of war. Fear of death. Fear of the unknown. I have no problem of with fear. I am sure the World is scared (as they should be). Terrorism is THE DEFINING MOMENT of all time. How we face this new fear will be the civilized world's defining moment in history.

Failure IS NOT an option. Thankfully we have a volunteer military. We are now fighting our enemy on their turf. Only now they are not flying into our buildings. They are fighting our professional soldiers. THEY WILL LOSE. I am humbled by the bravery of our soldiers who defend the freedom so many take for granted.

In closing.....there are some people who get it and some who don't. I GET IT!!!!!!!! Maybe some day some of you will too. Hopefully it won't take another 911 for that to happen.

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

1) then why expect from radio?

2) NEVER...paying customers, not "public airwaves"...huge diff...heck, they even have playboy radio on XM...but i cant drive with a hard-on during rush-hour...:eek:

What do I expect from radio? Simple...Howard Stern show. What did he do wrong? Nothing. It was fine until all this crazy fiasco over a half naked breast. Also, I like listening to the Neil Rogers show during the day. Now he has been censored as well because of it all. He used to play funny bits of comedy that were fine before, but now are not. Things that were "OK" before are now "bad" overnight? :nono:

Apparently you are not listening (or reading in this case) to what I am saying. Don't believe me. The next target is gonna be cable/satellite....


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Originally posted by xxgrooveericxx

What do I expect from radio? Simple...Howard Stern show. What did he do wrong? Nothing. It was fine until all this crazy fiasco over a half naked breast. Also, I like listening to the Neil Rogers show during the day. Now he has been censored as well because of it all. He used to play funny bits of comedy that were fine before, but now are not. Things that were "OK" before are now "bad" overnight? :nono:

Apparently you are not listening (or reading in this case) to what I am saying. Don't believe me. The next target is gonna be cable/satellite....


if u dont pay for a service (i.e. power 96/party 93.1) u are subjected to the FCC...as much as that sucks, its life...and the govt' WONT DO SHIT to cable and others...u know that and i know that...

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

if u dont pay for a service (i.e. power 96/party 93.1) u are subjected to the FCC...as much as that sucks, its life...and the govt' WONT DO SHIT to cable and others...u know that and i know that...

I truly hope not, but I believe the next target is cable/satellite...

Come on, it's right there in black and white. They want too...HOPEFULLY it won't

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Originally posted by obby

You may believe that life is just as good around the world and from personal experience you couldn't be more wrong. People do not risk their lives and leave everything they know to go live a better life in any other Country BUT AMERICA. People come to America for better futures. Better futures which their Countries could not offer them. The opportunities (the dreams) that this Country provides are unparallel. We obviously have our disagreements of this war. I don't find arguing about this war in a court room style format productive. We can pick apart portions of each others arguments all day long. For me it's allot more personal and there is too much at stake for us to jockey trying to act like the smartest person in this room.

To get right down to it, I believe it boils down to fear. Fear of war. Fear of death. Fear of the unknown. I have no problem of with fear. I am sure the World is scared (as they should be). Terrorism is THE DEFINING MOMENT of all time. How we face this new fear will be the civilized world's defining moment in history.

Failure IS NOT an option. Thankfully we have a volunteer military. We are now fighting our enemy on their turf. Only now they are not flying into our buildings. They are fighting our professional soldiers. THEY WILL LOSE. I am humbled by the bravery of our soldiers who defend the freedom so many take for granted.

In closing.....there are some people who get it and some who don't. I GET IT!!!!!!!! Maybe some day some of you will too. Hopefully it won't take another 911 for that to happen.

The problem is you don't get it and thinking like yours is what keeps getting this country in trouble.

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Originally posted by southof5th

The problem is you don't get it and thinking like yours is what keeps getting this country in trouble.

Ithink he gets is perfectly. great post obby

No country is perfect and ours is far from it, any government is going to have serious issues.

but ours is so much better than most, and we bitch and moan instead of doing what was intended, trying to change what is wrong with it.

and we don't see all the wonderful things our country has going for it, and only see the bad things.

Now I am not a huge bush supporter by any means. But all the people who see him as evil, when we have people out there who want nothing less than our destruction, would love to feel the blood as they slit your throat, and would be even happier if they could kill your family too......

you need some serious perspective.... or a quick trip to Haiti, Lebanon, or Iraq

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Originally posted by shroomy

Ithink he gets is perfectly. great post obby

No country is perfect and ours is far from it, any government is going to have serious issues.

but ours is so much better than most, and we bitch and moan instead of doing what was intended, trying to change what is wrong with it.

and we don't see all the wonderful things our country has going for it, and only see the bad things.

Now I am not a huge bush supporter by any means. But all the people who see him as evil, when we have people out there who want nothing less than our destruction, would love to feel the blood as they slit your throat, and would be even happier if they could kill your family too......

you need some serious perspective.... or a quick trip to Haiti, Lebanon, or Iraq

so merely by comparing the US to Haiti, Lebanon, or Iraq, some of the most f'ud countries in the world, you conclude the US government is better than MOST???

This is exactly what I'm talking about, a bunch of inbreds talking a lot of smack about something they know nothing about.

FINE, say you love the U.S., FINE say you wish to live nowhere else, but please don't make absolute statements with no basis.

let me guess your next argument..."if you don't like it, get the fuck out!"

I've been down this road a thousand times before in arguments...not because I BELIEVE the U.S. is necessarily WRONG or EVIL or any of that...

I do it because of these absolute statements of "defending everyone's freedom", and "no country is better" that get's under my skin, because DID you know what is out there OTHER than countries portrayed on TV as shitholes (Haiti, Iran, Iraq etc etc etc) you wouldn't make these statements.

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