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Have you guys heard of wingwomen.com? Basically we are just cool girls that go out with guys to bars, restaurants, coffee shops... and help them meet girls. Trust me, girls are much more interested in you if they see you with other girls, especially hot ones that you are having a great time with. I have seen it work many times.

Anyway, this is a totally legit service and we are not escorts in any way shape or form. If you are interested, please let me know. And don't worry, many of my friends work here to and they are all equally cool. Check out the Web site (www.wingwomen.com) for more details.

Looking forward to talking to you soon,


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Originally posted by hotdaniel

Have you guys heard of wingwomen.com? Basically we are just cool girls that go out with guys to bars, restaurants, coffee shops... and help them meet girls. Trust me, girls are much more interested in you if they see you with other girls, especially hot ones that you are having a great time with. I have seen it work many times.

Anyway, this is a totally legit service and we are not escorts in any way shape or form. If you are interested, please let me know. And don't worry, many of my friends work here to and they are all equally cool. Check out the Web site (www.wingwomen.com) for more details.

Looking forward to talking to you soon,


whats the name of your escort service again ??
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Originally posted by hotdaniel

Have you guys heard of wingwomen.com? Basically we are just cool girls that go out with guys to bars, restaurants, coffee shops... and help them meet girls. Trust me, girls are much more interested in you if they see you with other girls, especially hot ones that you are having a great time with. I have seen it work many times.

Anyway, this is a totally legit service and we are not escorts in any way shape or form. If you are interested, please let me know. And don't worry, many of my friends work here to and they are all equally cool. Check out the Web site (www.wingwomen.com) for more details.

Looking forward to talking to you soon,


So let me get this straight

We pay for your dinner, movie, or whatever else it is, and you just are there "looking good" and try to get girls for us.

:laugh: im sorry, but that's an escort service, honey :laugh:

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No you pay us to help you meet girls just as you would a matchmaker, dating service whatever except this works and you have a much higher quality of girl that you can meet while actually at a bar rather than an online dating service or whatever.

In any case, it really is not a hard concept to grasp or see why it would work so well. I am sure those guys with hot friends that are girls understand exactly how and why this would work.

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guys you are not getting it

this is a great business idea actually and will work.

what will hinder your business though is that, like here, guys that know and understand the power of this probably won´t need your service ;)

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Originally posted by tastey

guys you are not getting it

this is a great business idea actually and will work.

what will hinder your business though is that, like here, guys that know and understand the power of this probably won´t need your service ;)

...increase your value in the market place...yes, i believed in that when i was a youngster....but i have to agree with you - if you can understand the concept, you probably don't need it...this is for desperate mindless schlomos....plenty in the US right now...

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I totally disagree. I am a very attractive guy who can often meet girls out but any of you guys who say it is easy is full of shit. It still takes approaching a lot of girls and going out many nights. The girl friends that I do have that I have not dated all have boyfriends and are not about to go out and help me pick up chicks. I personally think it is a great idea and would definately check it out. If you go home with a number or two it is well worth the $150 you would likely spend going out anyway.

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Originally posted by goodvibe

I totally disagree. I am a very attractive guy who can often meet girls out but any of you guys who say it is easy is full of shit. It still takes approaching a lot of girls and going out many nights. The girl friends that I do have that I have not dated all have boyfriends and are not about to go out and help me pick up chicks. I personally think it is a great idea and would definately check it out. If you go home with a number or two it is well worth the $150 you would likely spend going out anyway.

hellllllo mr limiting beliefs.

if you would ASK your female friends they would do it. females get off on the idea of their friends getting laid.

this sounds like a screen name made for advertisment :/

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this definitly a good idea it does work but I have lots of girl friends that like to do this for me for free but anyone who know anything know having hot girls with you especially ones that know what there doing will definitly get you laid good luck girls maybe Ill call you some time to be honest it is worth the money just to have some hot new fun girls to hang out with... how much?

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Originally posted by hotdaniel

No you pay us to help you meet girls just as you would a matchmaker, dating service whatever except this works and you have a much higher quality of girl that you can meet while actually at a bar rather than an online dating service or whatever.

In any case, it really is not a hard concept to grasp or see why it would work so well. I am sure those guys with hot friends that are girls understand exactly how and why this would work.

OK, I understand, sounds pretty simple really (albeit somewhat retarded).

Let me ask you this though. Ever seen those commercials for law firms they have on TV that air during the commercials during The Price is Right, like Jacoby & Meyers etc etc..........

Know how they say we only get paid if you win, is there a similar stipulation in your contract, cause I mean, when you get down to it, who wants to pay to listen to your mindless drivel while I'm scoping out for other chicks. Needless to say, only a skank is going to hit on a guy who is already there with another girl, and who needs assistance in bagging those types anyway?

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