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so my thesis on emotional infidelity...


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Originally posted by Mystify22

ummm HELLO the girl just posted all about her study, hypotheses and results!

read, THEN post ;)

lmao you´re right... now i´m looking like a dumbass... well... at least im a dumbass with a BIG COCK, rest don´t matter anyway ;)

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Congrats! You should turn your work into an article and get it published. :)

Random thought...

I wonder what's worse in the minds of both sexes-- emotional infidelity without any sexual infidelity, or strictly sexual infidelity without any real emotional infidelity?

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tastey- :doh::finger:

myst- thank u :) I'm hoping so too!

blondboheme- I definitely am. there hasn't been any research done in terms of defining EI so mine will be the 1st step in this direction.. my supervisor will be submitting it for publication this summer.. :D

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thats funny... im actually specializing in intimate relationships although not technically b/c im still in undergrad but ive been doing research and taking courses geared toward it... when i get to grad school though i will be specializing in marriage/couple and maybe even a lil sex therapy ;) depends on how much i feel like exploring while getting my degree... and what comes along with the program... :)

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u will learn alot about human nature, and how it really is a full spectrum of differences!!!!! at least i did...this is when i realized there is really no such thing as normal or the norm...people behind closed doors do and say querky things....the funny thing is that they still manage to hold a pattern....i know u probably dont know what im talking about....but its just some of the things that hit me while i was studying!!!!!!!! but then again i think too much sometimes!!!!!!!!! so dont mind me!!!!!!!!!!:D

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Originally posted by linabina

thats funny... im actually specializing in intimate relationships although not technically b/c im still in undergrad but ive been doing research and taking courses geared toward it... when i get to grad school though i will be specializing in marriage/couple and maybe even a lil sex therapy ;) depends on how much i feel like exploring while getting my degree... and what comes along with the program... :)

Now that I've FINALLY been able to read it (it's hard to do at work w/ the interruptions), I wanted to commend you on your good work, and wish you the best of luck in your future studies. Us humans are a bitch to understand and deal with, so you need all the luck and patience in the world!

Working in a field that you constantly have to deal with people's problems can be trying for some, but I think you have a great passion for it, and you will do fine. :)

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Originally posted by linabina

welllllllllllllllllllllll for those of u who want to know:

the purpose of the study was to try to define what emotional infidelity is exactly... as opposed to physical cheating.. which is kind of self-explanatory... any sort of sexual/physical touching contact/etc. can be considered cheating.. but what attitudes/feeli gs/behaviors constitute being emotionally unfaithful and do people even believe it exists? also, what other factors and/or personal attributes affect the likelihood that one will perceive certain behaviors as EI (emot. infid)

my hypotheses were:

that the more a person believes a behavior will most likely lead to a sexual relationship, the more he or she will perceive the actual behavior as EI

Low self-esteem will correlate with high perception of EI (the lower ur self-esteem, the more likely you are to see behaviors as cheating)

Insecure attachment styles will correlate with high perception of EI

Having cheated on a partner/being cheated on BY a partner will correlate with perception of EI... specifically we hypothesized that those with a history of either cheating on a partner or having been cheated on by a partner will be more likely to perceive emotional infidelity more than those who have never cheated nor been cheated on by a partner.

We didn't hypothesize a gender difference though we included it in the analyses anyway just to see what happened...


based on the results... every hypothesis was supported except the attachment style hypothesis. There was no significant effect of attachment style on perception of EI

There were no gender differences found either.. which is interesting b/c past research shows that women perceive EI as more troubling than sexual and men perceive sexual cheating as more troubling than emotional... the reason for this is evidently because women assume that men can have sex without love, so they believe it is harder for a man to form an emotional attachment with another woman than it is for him to be sexually attracted to another woman... and for men, they know that sex doesn't usually occur without love, yet they know that women are more in tune with their feelings and are very emotionally attached to a lot of people... so therefore they associate sexual cheating with a strong emotioanl connection as well...

but we didn't find a gender difference which is interesting cuz i would have thought that if women are much more troubled by EI, then maybe they'd perceive more behaviors as actual cheating.. but i guess not... either that, or my study didn't have a strong enough effect size (# of participants to really make a difference)

it was also found that the lower the self-esteem, the more people perceived certain behaviors as cheating (when listed as 13 separate behaviors as well as when they read all 13 depicted in a scenario)

the factor of ever cheating on a partner being cheated on by a partner didn't come up statistically significant yet both were really close. it was interesting because results show that when a person has cheated ON a partner, he or she is more likely to believe that the 13 separate behaviors were cheating but not the scenario and if a person has been cheated on BY a partner, he or she was more likely to think the scenario was cheating, not the individual behaviors... my take on this is that if a person has been cheated on, they are more sensitive to the effects of the behaviors so when they read them all at once in a scenario, they can place themselves in the situation and really react to that (cumulative effect) as well as if they don't know the actual occurrences of their partner's alleged "affair"... they may feel that "oh maybe that's how it happened" and may view it as cheating moreso than the others.

also- the most significant finding is that the more a person believed a behavior would lead to sex, the more they thought it was cheating both as 13 separate behaviors and the scenario.

finally, the 6 out of the 13 behaviors that were shown as most significantly viewed as cheating are:

Spending time alone doing ordinary activities

Spending time alone doing fun activities (viewed as cheating much more than the ordinary activities)

Sharing info that he or she doesnt share with their partner

Spending time with someone else instead of their partner

Forming an emotional connection with another person

Developing an emotional connection with someone INSTEAD of their partner (the difference here is in addition to their partner and at the expense of their partner)

so overall, the more physically interacting the behavior and the more it could possibly lead to sex, the more it is viewed as cheating emotionally, which just goes to show that people still have trouble separating cheating from sex.

and that my friends... was my wonderful contribution to the research on relationships :D

:eek: :eek: :cool: :cool:
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Originally posted by TheMrs

Now that I've FINALLY been able to read it (it's hard to do at work w/ the interruptions), I wanted to commend you on your good work, and wish you the best of luck in your future studies. Us humans are a bitch to understand and deal with, so you need all the luck and patience in the world!

Working in a field that you constantly have to deal with people's problems can be trying for some, but I think you have a great passion for it, and you will do fine. :)

thank you. that is much appreciated :)
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Originally posted by linabina

blondboheme- I definitely am. there hasn't been any research done in terms of defining EI so mine will be the 1st step in this direction.. my supervisor will be submitting it for publication this summer.. :D

:D cool, and one more thing, i think it is an interesting topic to consider writing a less scientific article about and get it published in a magazine. i bet those 'women's magazines' would just eat that shit right up! i know it would certainly catch my eye.


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Originally posted by blondboheme

:D cool, and one more thing, i think it is an interesting topic to consider writing a less scientific article about and get it published in a magazine. i bet those 'women's magazines' would just eat that shit right up! i know it would certainly catch my eye.


this is true... how would i go about doing that though?
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Originally posted by Mystify22

How would you go about writing it less scientifically or how would you go about getting it published in a womens magazine?

exactly my question :) i mean, i know i could just write about it in normal relationship terms.. but who the hell do i talk to about getting it published in a mag?
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that's easy :)

just contact different magazines via phone or e-mail and find out what their policy is regarding freelance articles and if they take them, which most do, send it out!

if you need an 'editor' type i am good at that kinda stuff if you need any extra help, i was a creative writing and journalism major in college. :)

what field of physchology do you want to go into? working with clients or more research oriented? sometimes i think i would enjoy that type of career- i have a real fascination with d.i.d.(dissociative identity disorder/multiple personality disorder) and how misunderstood and taboo it is, that would be very interesting to me to be involved in. however, now i just wanna be lazy and write and have fun for awhile. :)

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