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Where does the affection go?


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Why is it that mean assholes get dumped for being mean assholes (this is eventually, because we all know they get the girls first anyway), but then the nice guys that the girls appreciate end up getting dumped in the end anyway because the girl looses interest.

I thought this was the girl I was going to spend the rest of my life with. Just 8 months ago she was begging for a proposal. We moved in together and within 5 months she wanted nothing to do with me anymore, we worked thru our fights and we now hang out all the time but I'm stuck in friend zone. We've had sex once since January. Spent Valentines day out with a group of friends and spring break with friends (when i offered to take her away to anywhere in the world).

I am nothing but sweet, she still has respect for me and gives me affection but the lust is completely gone. I'm about to break up with her because I know i deserve more. But i dont want to do it,she's the most amazing person i've ever met, and the sex is(was) the best i could have ever imagined. She's intelligent (studying to be a doctor) and funny. She's also beautiful. But the butterflies are gone and no matter how often I ask her out on a romantic date, or attempt to kiss her, or bring home roses, I'm constantly treated like her friend.


Just today i've been acting "down" and she was bugging to know what was wrong so i told her i wanted her to love me. she said of course i love you, why are you acting weird.

I'm acting weird? She hasn't attempted to kiss/make out with me in 4 months. And I'm weird for being depressed about it for a weekend.

Girls please tell me, wtf is going thru your minds?

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Originally posted by mrniceguy89

Why is it that mean assholes get dumped for being mean assholes (this is eventually, because we all know they get the girls first anyway), but then the nice guys that the girls appreciate end up getting dumped in the end anyway because the girl looses interest.

why is it that girls take a week and a half to decide what outfit they want to wear and then only use that outfit once.

it's becuase:

1.) They can't make up their fucking minds.

2.) They dont understand the characteristics of an Alpha Male so they're drawn to the loud obnoxious assholes.

3.) The quiet guys in the back spend too much time consoling them while they're having troubles with the asshole, so by the time the girl is single again, they already know the quiet guy inside and out. Familiarity breeds contempt.

The nice guy then says "fuck it" and go buys a drink while the girl spends the rest of her life going from bed to bed and developing drug habits.

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niceguy, forget about her-the more you try the more pathetic you look in her eyes.

In her eyes she has you whenever she'd like to; you dont bring up any special excitement...if it all is bugging you then talk to her about it and if she doesnt respond forget about her. There's a lot amazing peopel out there!

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Originally posted by cintron

why is it that girls take a week and a half to decide what outfit they want to wear and then only use that outfit once.

it's becuase:

1.) They can't make up their fucking minds.

2.) They dont understand the characteristics of an Alpha Male so they're drawn to the loud obnoxious assholes.

3.) The quiet guys in the back spend too much time consoling them while they're having troubles with the asshole, so by the time the girl is single again, they already know the quiet guy inside and out. Familiarity breeds contempt.

The nice guy then says "fuck it" and go buys a drink while the girl spends the rest of her life going from bed to bed and developing drug habits.

..................and I thought Freud had his shit together.


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Originally posted by cintron

why is it that girls take a week and a half to decide what outfit they want to wear and then only use that outfit once.

it's becuase:

1.) They can't make up their fucking minds.

2.) They dont understand the characteristics of an Alpha Male so they're drawn to the loud obnoxious assholes.

3.) The quiet guys in the back spend too much time consoling them while they're having troubles with the asshole, so by the time the girl is single again, they already know the quiet guy inside and out. Familiarity breeds contempt.

The nice guy then says "fuck it" and go buys a drink while the girl spends the rest of her life going from bed to bed and developing drug habits.


good words...

let her go bro...

refer to these threds for more infos


and I think it's time you learned the ladder theory....


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hey bro, been there... ya need to start looking around if you aren't happy.. shes just comfortable, she knows you are there and will stay there... if you aren't engaged then she's still looking(so should you).. but then again what do i know(men)about women.

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Thanks for the advice. Had a long talk last night, gonna give it some more time to see if we can fix things together now that med school is done for the summer. If it's just the high levels of stress killing her sex drive then maybe things will improve. I can probably cope for 3 more years if thats what it takes.Gonna see if things improve in the next few weeks, if they don't get better, ill move on. This has felt too right to just pass it up without trying one last time. I truly can't describe what this relationship has been to both of us and the feelings i still have for her. Maybe things will get better, maybe they won't but i know come aug, i'll be happier because i'll makea decision either way.

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Originally posted by mrniceguy89

Thanks for the advice. Had a long talk last night, gonna give it some more time to see if we can fix things together now that med school is done for the summer. If it's just the high levels of stress killing her sex drive then maybe things will improve. I can probably cope for 3 more years if thats what it takes.Gonna see if things improve in the next few weeks, if they don't get better, ill move on. This has felt too right to just pass it up without trying one last time. I truly can't describe what this relationship has been to both of us and the feelings i still have for her. Maybe things will get better, maybe they won't but i know come aug, i'll be happier because i'll makea decision either way.

That's all fine and dandy...but be cautious about falling into the "battered wife syndrome".

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