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Poll: Americans still believe in Saddam-al-Qaida link


Saturday, April 24, 2004



A majority of Americans continues to believe that Saddam Hussein was in cahoots with al-Qaida and that Iraq either had weapons of mass destruction or a significant program for developing them, according to a startling new opinion poll.

The poll, conducted by the University of Maryland's Program on International Policy Attitudes, suggested that months of revelations challenging Bush administration policy had so far had little effect on public opinion. In fact, most respondents seemed unaware of the devastating revelations made by David Kay, the administration's chief weapons inspector who found no weapons, or by Richard Clarke, the former counterterrorism czar whose book "Against All Enemies" has been the talk of Washington for weeks.

A staggering 82 percent of respondents believed most experts supported the notion that Iraq was providing "substantial support" to al-Qaida -- a contention that President Bush himself has been forced to disavow.

Almost 60 percent were unaware that world opinion was overwhelmingly against the war in Iraq, with 21 percent saying the world was behind the U.S.-led invasion and 38 percent saying views were "evenly divided."

The organizers of the poll attributed the confusion -- or ignorance -- to the groundwork carefully laid by the administration before the war and its largely uncritical echo in the mainstream media.

Among those who believed inspectors had found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, 72 percent said they would vote to re-elect Bush in November and 23 percent said they supported his Democratic challenger, Sen. John Kerry. Among those who knew that no WMD had been found, the numbers were almost exactly reversed -- 74 percent supporting Kerry and 23 percent backing the president

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I could care less whether Saddam was involved with Al Quaida. Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't.

It's the fact that he had hundreds of tons of chemical weaponry at the conclusion of the Iran/Iraq war, which has since vanished and nobody has found. That concerns me, especially given the hostility of the entire region.

Saddam doesn't need to have high level meetings with Osama at Club Med.

He could just leave the door to the chemical weapons unlocked and put a post it note on a light pole.

That's what concerns me.

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Originally posted by cintron

I could care less whether Saddam was involved with Al Quaida. Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't.

It's the fact that he had hundreds of tons of chemical weaponry at the conclusion of the Iran/Iraq war, which has since vanished and nobody has found. That concerns me, especially given the hostility of the entire region.

Saddam doesn't need to have high level meetings with Osama at Club Med.

He could just leave the door to the chemical weapons unlocked and put a post it note on a light pole.

That's what concerns me.

Very valid point...

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Originally posted by siceone

There is much documentation that sadam was talking to alqueda and that saddam allowed Osama to have surgey in a bagdahd hospital.

Can you back your claim? Not with biased opinions from Bill O'Reilly and other lying right wing scum like Ann Coulter?

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