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your team looks great so far, deep pitching staff, no over the hill players, great farm system. :rolleyes:

Hey everytime you see giambi let a ball get past him at first do you say to yourself thank god we have him for 3 more years.

How about when williams missplays a ball in center then barely get the throw to the relay man , and then strike out looking do you say to yourself god they should play someone else the realize shit there is no one else.

With the players you have right now you will be lucky to win the wild card.

For you to win anything else your payroll would have to be 215 million and say goodby to proctor, bubba, and your catching prospect.

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Originally posted by jtk4

your team looks great so far, deep pitching staff, no over the hill players, great farm system. :rolleyes:

Hey everytime you see giambi let a ball get past him at first do you say to yourself thank god we have him for 3 more years.

No I look beside him at the sign that says, 26 World Championships. I think your sign still says 1918?

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You guys look like SHIT right now. It's only April so there's nothing to be too too excited over, but seeing Kim pitch like he did yesterday, watch the fuck out. Throwing Pedro, Schilling, Lowe (sinker baller), Wakefield (Knuckler), Kim (Submarine) at a team in a playoff series would make any baseball fan drool. With Bronson as a reliever our bullpen is NASTY. Nomar hasn't even started playing yet, Manny could hit .400, our infield defense is best in the league (w/Nomar).

I'll take it. I don't care about the last 87 years, I care about this one. This city is fucking INSANE over the Sox right now, makes the games so much fun.

This summer is going to be awesome :cool:

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hey NY two words.....

third place :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

jtk and nyis are so dead on. we still don't have nomar OR trot, 2 of our best players. our pithching is sick and deep and we took 6 out of 7 against you guys, not too bad and the only reason you won ONE game was because d-lowe was on 10 days rest due to the rainouts. we could care less about a-rod really, i am so happy we still have manny to tell you the truth. he does some stupid shit(like not catching a routine fly ball) but he makes it up on offense. a-rod would have NEVER fit in with the 'dirt dogs' he is a pretty boy that only wants attention. and the sign should say 26 'bought' championships, but it looks as though money isn't buying them for you anymore HAHAHAHAHAHA.

when boston wins the city will be completey insane. i will make sure to be there. it's bad enough just from the patriots taking 2 out of th last 3 superbowls, imagine what it will be like when the sox win it all! maybe it's the curse of a-rod now. he couldn't even get his number OR his position, what a loser!!!!!

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taken from me in from the sport board:

That 1918 shit is way overplayed it is kinda like the stupid ass yankee sucks chants. I mean really great your team was better for the past 85 years that has nothing to do with this year.(give or take a decade)

So far this year you guys blow, and no matter how many championship you won in the 20's or 50's 0r 90's is going to change that.

Its kinda like going to a bar and bangin an ugly chick and saying it is all right because 4 years ago you banged a model. Right now the yankees are buying that ugly girl drinks, and the only way out is for Georgie to buy a high class escort.


Do not live in the past, i know it was painful to watch us take 6 of 7 wilthout nomahhhr or nixon.

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Originally posted by jtk4

Its kinda like going to a bar and bangin an ugly chick and saying it is all right because 4 years ago you banged a model. Right now the yankees are buying that ugly girl drinks, and the only way out is for Georgie to buy a high class escort.

nice :clap:

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LOL they would seriously be better off if george would just DIE! when he collapsed in tampa i was hoping it was something serious. not so much luck. yes i am evil, i hate him and his fucking team THAT MUCH!!!!!!! :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by babyfacewrior

You guys should have parades every April. Then you can come to NY for ours in October!

if i am not mistaken there hasn't been a parade for the SKANKS since like 2000?!? :laugh: :laugh:


wow i hate them so much.

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Originally posted by l155a

if i am not mistaken there hasn't been a parade for the SKANKS since like 2000?!? :laugh: :laugh:


wow i hate them so much.

Last season I hardly watched the World Series, as long as we beat the Red Sox, I dont care. Aaron Fucking Boone ring a bell? Not only did he break the hearts of the fans in Boston once, he did it a second time with his layup that translated into Alex coming to the Yankees.

I've been the first one to admit that Boston has a SOLID team this year. Before the season started, I predicted the Yankees to take the Wild Card. But again, its early and the Sox are known for coming out strong and fizzling 3/4 of the way through the season. Boston's bullpen will be tough. As for Manny, that motherfucker can hit. I'd like to see him get his teeth knocked out but he definately is one hell of a hitter.

You better win this year because next year its over for the Sox, too many free agents and dont be shocked if you see George offer Nomar money to play second base just to piss you assholes off.

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We are doing ok without him now, we will resign some of our fa, scilling will be here foulke will be here,we have a deep bullpen full of young leftys,why can't we win it this year and next. Our jewish gm has out gm'ed your jewish gm, whose to say we will not get better next year?

The yanks on the other hand still have holes in the bullpen(lefty),holes in the starting rotation(four, five), holes in the outfield (center) holes in the infield (second,first).

I really do not care if we beat the yanks all I care about is the ring.

well i kinda like it when we beat them

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Originally posted by njdionysus

Last season I hardly watched the World Series, as long as we beat the Red Sox, I dont care. Aaron Fucking Boone ring a bell? Not only did he break the hearts of the fans in Boston once, he did it a second time with his layup that translated into Alex coming to the Yankees.

I've been the first one to admit that Boston has a SOLID team this year. Before the season started, I predicted the Yankees to take the Wild Card. But again, its early and the Sox are known for coming out strong and fizzling 3/4 of the way through the season. Boston's bullpen will be tough. As for Manny, that motherfucker can hit. I'd like to see him get his teeth knocked out but he definately is one hell of a hitter.

You better win this year because next year its over for the Sox, too many free agents and dont be shocked if you see George offer Nomar money to play second base just to piss you assholes off.

at least you sound like a civil NYY fan.....which is hard to come by. codica from the sports forum is another one, i will admit she is a cool chick despite the fact that she is a Yankees fan but she is very civil with the Bos/NYY rivalry crap.

and once again, i think most boston fans didn't want a-rod anyways. he wouldn't have added much and he doesn't fit in with how our team plays. i am happy with who we have :)

good luck to both teams this year, hope to see you in the playoffs when you win the wild card ;)

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