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saddam hussein ... what a swell guy... Timeline


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Just a little reminder what a great guy we are dealing with, and who a large number of people seem to think we shoule have kept up the status quo, and let him keep doing his own thing.

1958 - kills his brother in law, a communist.

1959 - is part of a hit squad that wounds Iraqi general

1963 - takes part in coup that kills leader kassen

1979 - purges the bath party killing thousands

1980 - starts war with Iran which kills close to 1,000,000 people including 20,000+ iranians from chemical weapons

1984 orders sumary execution of 3,000 prisoners at the Mahjar prison

1988 - bombs kurdish civilians with chemical and nerve agents killing entire villages. 5,000+ killed mostly women and children.

1990 - Invades Kuwait after accusing them of driving down oil prices. Tens of thousands killed. Whole country is looted. Wholesale rape.

1991 - ignights 95% of kuwati oil wells, over 700 causing environmental damage previously unseen.

1991 - Brutally puts down Shite rebellion after war. Iraqi leaders privately acknowledged that 250,000 people were killed.

1992 - 120,000 kurds are expeled from kirkuk and their belongings seised.

1996 - Kills his two son in laws two days after they are promised safety

2000 - Is ranked 55th on Forbes wealthiest people at 7+ billion also orders execution of over 200 political prisioners.

2001 - the U.N. Commission on Human Rights condems iraq for the 300,000 people that have dissapeared. Torture methods included hanging, beating, rape, gouging out eyes and burning alive.

Damn.... anyone have a calculator????

was anyone here bitching at the time, or don't they count because they were not americans??

Im sure the death toll in iraq will eventually be over a thousand americans in iraq, but I think its about 800 now. A travesty for sure, but so was leting that fucker continue (continue to breath if you ask me)

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Originally posted by xxgrooveericxx

Saddam was a bad guy. No question or argument about it. Just remember the US gave him all those chemicals and stuff......

I can see this thread going and back forth already ;)

The US didn't exactly give him chemical weapons!!! Some US companies sold him some things that could be and probably were used to create them, but the germans and russians did exponentially more, and bottom line was Iraq manufactured them and used them

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makes you wonder what kind of environment he grew up in to have so little value for other lives. I saw a documentary on him, and what he did....horrid. tyrants like that should be slowly totured to death so he will feel the pain he put his own people through...

I'm all about an eye for an eye, which is not buddah-like, but in saddam's case I think it should be...

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by sobeton

Do the Ends Justify the Means? only time will tell..;)

100% yes!!!

Everyday I'm more and more leaning toward Bush. Sure Iraq has it's problems, but the world is a better place. No question about it. Just look at shroomys post..

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saleen's oh so intelligent babble:

"Please keep Latins and Foreign trash out of Broward county...

Support Prop 46, Build a Wall to keep them out!!"

not to hijack, but Saleen, why are you such a RACIST?!?

People like you should be killed off already :mad:

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Much has been said about Saddam's lack of knowledge of the world. We forget that he obtained his law degree at the University of Cairo and his rise up the ranks of the military, considering he was just a country boy from the provinces was not due solely to his ruthless style.

Lets keep in mind that Saddam, of course, was not alone killing all these people; all of those who supported him should be prosecuted as well.

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Originally posted by saleen351

100% yes!!!

Everyday I'm more and more leaning toward Bush. Sure Iraq has it's problems, but the world is a better place. No question about it. Just look at shroomys post..

Iraq is a mess.. there are still regimes in power, which would make Saddam seem like Mother Theresa. we took out one lunatic... as far as the world being a better place, that is quite subjective. hence my statement "Do the Ends Justify the Means? only time will tell";)
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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

u forgot Cuba....

..exactly. ..... Cuba would be "freed" from Castro in about 6-7 days if the US chose to invade .

PS...but they won't , since a Free Cuba would literally SUCK ALL THE TOURISM industry AWAY FROM FLORIDA ........all about the $$$$$ . :blank:

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Originally posted by mursa

PS...but they won't , since a Free Cuba would literally SUCK ALL THE TOURISM industry AWAY FROM FLORIDA ........all about the $$$$$ . :blank:

eh..maybe...i doubt Cuba will take that much away from Florida (domestically)..it will be a long time till Cuban can become what it once was...:(

what WOULD be interesting (if Cuba was free) is WMC being moved to Cuba....:idea:

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I don't give a shit how bad he was. Was he a threat to the United States of America? It turns out, NO!! No one disagrees here. No WMD. How would you like to be a family member of a dead soldier?

Don't you all forget what was presented to our representatives, The Senate. Story after story of WMD. This was the entire reason we went into Iraq. His threat to The United States.

I don't care how many Kurds he killed. We didn't care then and we didn't care when 850,000 africans died in ruwanda in less than 100 days. What he does in his own land does not threaten The US!


We were misled by the leaders of our country regarding IRAQ!


No one has a problem w/ going after the Taliban.

Our soldiers are dieing for "no threat to the Unites States!"

And in regards to timelines, the bush family timeline will be very surprising to you. Granpa Bush, weapons central/south america(50's), Bush 1 CIA Head (Hello!!!!! Wake up!! We all know what the cia did in the 70's, AND HE WAS IN CHARGE!!!) And here we are in 2004. About every 20 years the Bush's are in something heavy.

God Bless America and The Presidency of The United States.

Please, let's just get a new president. I'm tired of hearing of more dead soldiers. We had no business going after Saddam. Period.

fyi I served in the US army and have paid my dues.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by sobeton

Iraq is a mess.. there are still regimes in power, which would make Saddam seem like Mother Theresa. we took out one lunatic... as far as the world being a better place, that is quite subjective. hence my statement "Do the Ends Justify the Means? only time will tell";)

iraq is not a mess. 2 cities with problems, and we are just waiting on a peaceful end to it. 40k died when we liberated France, so I think 13 months into this war, we are doing A OK. New money, new flag, new goverment etc... And a new outlook on life for those iraqis. I have faith that a kid born today in Iraq is much better off than his parents ever were..

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Originally posted by saleen351

iraq is not a mess. 2 cities with problems, and we are just waiting on a peaceful end to it. 40k died when we liberated France, so I think 13 months into this war, we are doing A OK. New money, new flag, new goverment etc... And a new outlook on life for those iraqis. I have faith that a kid born today in Iraq is much better off than his parents ever were..

you can't be serious. :confused: Iraq is on the verge of a civil war, Red Cross can not get aid to the people that need it, there are pockets of resistance all over Iraq, people are kidnapped on a daily basis at will, Al Qaeda has already blown up a few buildings, etc. so Iraq is not a mess ?? Ummmmm okay. :blank:
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Originally posted by xxgrooveericxx

Saddam was a bad guy. No question or argument about it. Just remember the US gave him all those chemicals and stuff......



Different times call for different measures. We gave him those weapons to fight off Iran. In those days Iran was the enemy (still are). He bit the hand that fed him and now he has felt the wrath of the the US Military.

E Ya

Originally posted by mrjoebudious

I don't give a shit how bad he was. Was he a threat to the United States of America? It turns out, NO!!

You need to read up more!!!!!! The war is not over yet buddy. We are still on the hunt and finding out more and more as the days go by.

Tuesday, April 27, 2004 4:40 p.m. EDT

Jordan WMD Plotter Confesses to Iraqi Involvement

At least one of the al-Qaida plotters arrested in Jordan earlier this month as part of a weapons of mass destruction plot that Jordanian officials say could have killed 80,000 people revealed on Monday that he was trained in Iraq before the U.S. invaded in March 2003.

In a confession broadcast on Jordanian television, the unnamed WMD conspirator revealed: "In Iraq, I started training in explosives and poisons. I gave my complete obedience to [Abu Musab al] Zarqawi," the al-Qaida WMD specialist whose base of operations was in Iraq.

Excerpts from the WMD conspirator's confession broadcast by ABC's "Nightline" late Monday show that the WMD plot was planned and trained for in Iraq more than a year before the U.S. invasion, with the terror suspect admitting, "After the fall of Afghanistan, I met Zarqawi again in Iraq."

U.S. forces vanquished the Taliban government in Kabul in December 2001 - 15 months before the U.S. invasion of Iraq.

"Some of the details appear to be fairly significant in terms of the planning," reported "Nightline's" Chris Bury: "$170,000, a lot of meetings, getting instructions from people in Iraq, people inside Syria."

"This doesn't appear to be a mom-and-pop operation," he added.

Al-Zarqawi, who also ran a camp for Jordanian recruits in Afghanistan, has been linked to a series of terrorist plots, including the attack in Madrid last month, the bombing of the U.N. compound in Baghdad last summer, and the 2002 killing of an American diplomat in Jordan.

On Monday al-Zarqawi took credit for the attacks on Iraq's oil terminals in Basra over the weekend, "Nightline" said. The attack, though interrupted before it could do maximum damage, killed three U.S. soldiers.

The Jordan chem-bomb plot was to be executed in three stages, according to a video re-enactment released by Jordanian officials.

The first stage was to involve a car carrying several al-Qaida operatives, who would approach the gates of the Jordanian security service in Amman and gun down the facility's armed guards.

The car would be quickly followed by a specially equipped track laden with conventional explosives that would break through the security service gate and crash into the main building.

In the third stage, the plot called for three tanker trucks to follow the breakthrough vehicle, loaded with a combined total of 20 tons of chemical weapons laced with conventional explosives. One truck was to crash into the security headquarters, another the U.S. Embassy nearby. A third was to hit a building within a few hundred yards of the other two targets, the Jordanian video showed.

The ensuing cloud of poison gas could have killed 80,000 people, Jordanian officials said, an estimate that was revised upward from an anticipated death toll of 20,000 last week.

In film footage broadcast by "Nightline," Jordanian television showed hundreds of plastic containers that had been removed from the trucks that Jordanian officials said were filled with chemical weapons.

Jordan's King Abdullah said last week that the five trucks originated from Syria and were intercepted just 75 miles from the Syrian border. Syria has long been suspected as a repository of Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction.

But yet this means nothing to some.

Can you say: Horse Blinders?????

Originally posted by saleen351

iraq is not a mess. 2 cities with problems, and we are just waiting on a peaceful end to it. 40k died when we liberated France, so I think 13 months into this war, we are doing A OK. New money, new flag, new goverment etc... And a new outlook on life for those iraqis. I have faith that a kid born today in Iraq is much better off than his parents ever were..

I can't beleive I am actually going to say this but......

Well said Nick!!!!

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iraq is a f@ckin' mess. History repeats itself. I think it will be like India, once the US pulls out, there will be a huge power vacuum and some ruthless mo-fo's (with great training from Saddam) are going to battle inside. A civil-war of sorts. Right now evryone there has a common enemy, once the US leaves, they will look into themselves. You will see. This is a can of worms that is rotten in the bottom. It was a political gamble bush took. Had he found wmd, he would win the election. He had no choice otherwise politically. Economy is shit so we watch bang bang on tv instead of focus on our wallets.

Saleen, it makes so much sense you like bush.

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Originally posted by obby


Different times call for different measures. We gave him those weapons to fight off Russia. In those days Russia (Communism) was the enemy. He bit the hand that fed him and now he has felt the wrath of the the US Military.

..not the russian , but yes IRAN . :idea:

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