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UFO's Spotted In Iran ??????


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I personally think it is our Military looking for Terrorists training sites using the latest remote controlled air vehicles for surveillance.

I can only assume that the people that live in Iran haven’t seen anything like this before and think it/they are UFO's. So far I haven't found a single link from Iranian news sources in English about it. They have lots of info on other things in English though. Strange!!!!!

I saw a sample clip last night on the news and I must say, if those are our militaries aircrafts then they are very very interesting. I don't doubt we have the technology to create such a craft and being that Iran is currently on our "Access Of Evil" list then I can only assume that it is us keeping an eagles eye on Iran's nuclear capabilities.

Just thought I would share this info with everyone.

Feel free to provide links if you find them.

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I was watching a documentary the other night on Area 51 and it was very interesting. The guys making the doc camped out around the location and secretly surveyed it, knowing that they were being very closely monitored at the same time. At night, there were these crazy lights zipping through the air, obviously testing come kind of super-secret high-tech military aircraft and it lasted only a few minutes and then the place went dark. The employees who work there are seemingly under contract for their lives, like it's understood that if they talk they will be killed. They are flown in and out everyday on an unmarked plane from an unmarked airport parking lot. The filmmakers followed one guy who came out of the lot all the way to his home in suburbia, and when they knocked and he cracked the door they mentioned Area 51 and the door was immediately slammed in their faces. It's really quite scary, although necessary, when you think about all the stuff that the government keeps hidden from us.

I guess my point is, Obby, you're probably right. ;)

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Guest saleen351

The thing I preach to people is look at the year things are built...

F1 17 Stealth fighter was built is 1978. The SR71 was built in the 50's.

The space shuttle was built in the 70's..

Thing about it, the Stealth fighter has been around for 26 years, and we are the only ones with it.

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I wish you guys could see the video that the Iranian government aired last night. Very impressive stuff. I was in awe from what I saw. If those are our crafts then I would hate to be any enemy of the US.


I want a remote controled advanced aircraft!!!!!!

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area51 is a pretty tripped out place. i went and camped nearby it years back when i lived in vegas.. as soon as you get to the no tresspassing zone you have humvees keeping pace with you in the distance. at night we had a couple blackhawks (i think.. may have been something else) fly overhead really low to the ground on complete stealth mode and no lights.. was a fuckin trip.. but even at our vantage point, we still had quite a ways to go before seeing anything interesting

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Originally posted by ringmastercrew

area51 is a pretty tripped out place. i went and camped nearby it years back when i lived in vegas.. as soon as you get to the no tresspassing zone you have humvees keeping pace with you in the distance. at night we had a couple blackhawks (i think.. may have been something else) fly overhead really low to the ground on complete stealth mode and no lights.. was a fuckin trip.. but even at our vantage point, we still had quite a ways to go before seeing anything interesting

wow, but that doesn't prove that they have anything to hide though :rolleyes:

now i really wanna go :)

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Originally posted by obby

I wish you guys could see the video that the Iranian government aired last night. Very impressive stuff. I was in awe from what I saw. If those are our crafts then I would hate to be any enemy of the US.


I want a remote controled advanced aircraft!!!!!!

u can.... goto a hobbie store, buy one of those mini-copters, go to radio shack buy a wireless CCD-TV camera.

Mount it on the mini-copter, turn it on, and fly the mini-copter.


I think they are testing more then flying objects.

We got all the good toy's!!

I saw a show on the discovery channel about our future comandos' all hi-tech shit. They even showed the soundwave gun with uses concentrated sound to effect the human heart. Now I thing that shit is scary.


but I think club space got some of that top secret shit with that new sound system, ever walk near a sub? kinda hard to breath right... :D

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Originally posted by tired

wow, but that doesn't prove that they have anything to hide though :rolleyes:

now i really wanna go :)


let see, its a place were people have gotten close, taken pitrues of, they have airplane bring in the employess. tight security. and yet they say, there is no such place.....


people ask ok then why is there something there and protected, they gov comes back with, there is nothing out there.

kinda like looking at the color red and having the gov keep telling you is not red, it green. But I don't think that the president has full access to that place. so is there a higher government then the one we know? Maybe this government was put in place to protect us from what we fear in Sci-Fi movies?

.. :D maybe area 51 is where pizzahut comes up with there special toppings?

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What confuses me is that if we have satellites that can zoom in on details such as the license plate of a car.....why would we need to send unmanned aircrafts on risky missions that our satellites can do.

Our we testing our new toys????

I went to a message board where allot of the Iranians have been posting their comments and here are a few of them:

"I live in Tabriz Iran.I saw one og them 20 days ago.

after that every night one to 3 ufo appeared in iran sky.

Qazvin,zanjan,Isfahan,dezfoul,bonab(a nuclear reserch center is there) tehran and tabriz are cities that ufo's was seen last week.

They (on TV) say this are super technology spy vehicles."


Im an iranian guy who live in tehran. as I studied so much about UFOs it was my chance to watch Ufos live on International and Local Tvs in my country! It's about 2 week UFOs are over the skies of some provinces here in iran(still not Tehran). rightnow that I'm writing this thread my TV shows 2 different reports live from 2 different Cities, one in Isfahan and other in Ghazvin.

here is the whole real reports from the bigening from 2 weeks ago:

first, in West of Iran in Chehel Dokhtar City people visited an UFO with a shining light, the UFO stopped

over city at night at 10: 30 , Airfore of Iran seeked this object, They first thought the american plane but when they took care they vist a light spot object in night. it viewed the city after they departure iran sky. IRAN BROATCASTING TV reported to all channels.

Next it was RESIDENTS of northern Iran have reported a string of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) moving at low altitudes and emitting different colours, the state news agency IRNA reported.

-resident of the northwestern city of Tabriz, Saina Haghkish, was quoted as saying she saw one object flashing red, green and blue moving slowly from the east to west.

Identical sightings were also reported on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday over the northeastern town of Ghonbad-Kavous, situated on the opposite southeastern edge of the Caspian Sea.

and Right now they are in Isfahan and Ghazvin. Professional astronomists say sometimes they move with a speed about over than 1600 KM/H flashing red, green, blue.. colors.

so Stay tuned for my photos and pictures about this SHOCKING EVENT.



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Originally posted by TheMrs

I agree on the breathing part. Too much bass!

yeah it is.

dunno if u ever went to the last Zen Fest here in Miami.

they had a tent hosted my a production group call 3M they had sooooo much bass that people were having problem breathing 20 feet from the stage.

now thats crazy. I remember walking infront of the sound system and my eyes couldn't focus right...

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Originally posted by mursa

(scientific-logical) UFO sightings (funny lights in the sky) are cause by irregularities in the electro magnetic field & its interaction with the earth's magnetic core . :idea:

knowledge . :)

In some instances. Not all.

truth :)

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