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John Kerry

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Originally posted by trancetastic17

bad example my friend. 80-85 percent of your money goes to the governement. what do you get in return healthcare which is even 5% as good as even the worst hospital in the USA. u have to wait 5-6 months for any surgical procedure if u can even get it. your education is free but when you graduate your make shit money cause it all goes to taxes.

Wow. Where do you get your information? Can you please support that?

As far as examples go, neither true socialism nor true communism have ever actually been tried. The U.S.S.R. which was often referred to as communist was not even *remotely* that. It was a fascist state.

Canada does have more tax supported services that America, as do England, Norway, and many European countries. However, they all produce decent numbers of millionares.

Also, could you please give some documented examples of Kerry's socialistic agenda?

And lastly, trancetastic, I think that you are *totally* missing the point of most of these posts. Nobody gives a fuck what Kerry's record is, all they want is Bush out of office. If the fucking Democrats had presented us with a decent choice, then things would be better. Of all the Democratic potentials, I disliked Kerry the most. However, I will absolutely NOT vote for Bush. What would YOU suggest I do?

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Originally posted by trancetastic17



Originally posted by shroomy

I wonder if you know what one is or if you just found it in the word of the day calendar.


i know what it is moron. "progressive taxation system" come on man. he dosent want to penalize the wealthy. how can you penalize someone who is already rich that makes no sense.

he want to keep future genertations from accumlation wealth by taxing the crap out of us. Of course he wont be able to do it in such a short term as president, but if you keep voting for these types of politicans, they will erode our capitalist system piece by piece.

um... dipshit,

1) how can you penalize the wealthy..... take their money duh... am i missing something??

2) unless I was hit on the head with a brick and am walking around in a daze without realizing it, your gross exagerations aren't even socialism. socialism is when the government controls most of the economy. When Kerry advocates taking over the fortune 1000 and having them owned by "the people" then you will have a point.

till then, at least pick something reasonable and that you understand if your going to spew you pseudo-inteletcual-psycho-bable. And come on with Kery you have almost as many issues as bush to choose from and he hasnt been president.

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Originally posted by fliptoniaaa

swden is doing pretty good, and they r a very progressive nation, and they have some semblance of socialism mixed with capitalism!!!!!!!!!!!!

my mom went to Denmark a couple of years ago...and they get free health care, free education (when i say "free" i dont mean literally free..they are taxed to death) all the way till Univ...they are very smart people and speak 2-3 diff languages...granted they are taxed for every time they take a dump in the toilet....but they seem to be doing fine...

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