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Hizbollah slams beheading of American as un-Islamic

BEIRUT, Lebanon (Reuters) - Lebanon's Hizbollah guerrilla group condemned Wednesday the beheading of an American hostage by Iraqi militants as an ugly crime that flouted the tenets of Islam.

"Hizbollah condemns this horrible act that has done very great harm to Islam and Muslims by this group that claims affiliation to the religion of mercy, compassion and humane principles," the Shi'ite Muslim group said in a statement.

An Islamist Web site Tuesday carried a video clip of the execution of the man who identified himself as Nick Berg, with a statement saying a group linked to al Qaeda did it in revenge for the abuse of Iraqis by U.S. troops.

Hizbollah said Berg's killing had diverted the world's gaze from an escalating furor over the abuse of Iraqi prisoners by occupation soldiers.

"The timing of this act that overshadowed the scandal over the abuse of Iraqi prisoners in occupation forces prisons is suspect timing that aims to serve the American administration and occupation forces in Iraq and present excuses and pretexts for their inhumane practices against Iraqi detainees," it said.

The Syrian-backed group, which the United States deems "terrorist," said the executors' behavior was closer to "the Pentagon school -- the school of killing and occupation and crimes and torture and immoral practices that were exposed by the great scandal in occupation prisons."

Washington blames Hizbollah, whose attacks forced Israeli troops to withdraw from south Lebanon in 2000 after a 22-year occupation, for 1980s suicide bombings against its embassy and Marines barracks and the abduction of Westerners in Beirut.

© Copyright Reuters Ltd. All rights reserved. The information contained In this news report may not be published, broadcast or otherwise distributed without the prior written authority of Reuters Ltd.

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yeah i got it off drudge.

yeah because these guys do the same types of shit that they are condeming thats what i am saying. they are fake. they are just pissed it is taking away the heat on us.

If Muslims saying nothing then people like you are complaining about the lack of moral outrage about these acts. And when Muslims slammming acts like this, then it's 'fake'.

People like you will never be satisfied. You only want to hear ugly things about Muslims. That's why I never will be a part in this stupid game. I shall say: go ahead, I don't give a fuck what you think about me

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first i have never said anything EVER like that EVER.

second what dont you understand about my point? the same group that deploys suicide bombers to kill INNOCENT victims said that "this" act was to much and not following what they believe as muslims?

you honestly believe that these fucks are sincere?

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If Muslims saying nothing then people like you are complaining about the lack of moral outrage about these acts. And when Muslims slammming acts like this, then it's 'fake'.

People like you will never be satisfied. You only want to hear ugly things about Muslims. That's why I never will be a part in this stupid game. I shall say: go ahead, I don't give a fuck what you think about me

Its not that we want to hear "ugly things" about muslims, as you so intellectually put it, its just that muslims tend to do "ugly things" all the time, so we come to the conclusion that they are an "ugly culture", therefore they are "ugly people".....

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People like you will never be satisfied.

By the way I will be satisfied, the day humanity is able to put a leash on those uncultured bastards,

oh another thing, dont think of me as a racist, I am pretty liberal on my views, and I am also sure there are a few muslims worth of being labeled as "humans", and to them I wish nothing but prosperity, its the extremist which I despise so much, and to them I wish nothing but illest of fate.

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....oh another thing, dont think of me as a racist, I am pretty liberal on my views, and I am also sure there are a few muslims worth of being labeled as "humans", and to them I wish nothing but prosperity,...

how noble

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You wrote this on another topic:

"Originally Posted by dnice35

Hiler should have gone after those filthy muslims instead of the jews, at least jews are productive members of society, what have those filthy muslims ever done besides kill in the name of "allah"."

you're right, your not a racist, but a nazi

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muslims shouldn't be erradicated by genocide, that's not right.

But they should fuckin' become more tolerant and modernize their immature religion. It's not the dark ages anymore, get with the times.

the reason that there are so many crazy homicidial fundamentalists who are fucking it up for the civil peace loving unprejudice muslims is because the religion allows it.


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You wrote this on another topic:


Hiler should have gone after those filthy muslims instead of the jews, at least jews are productive members of society, what have those filthy muslims ever done besides kill in the name of "allah"."

that's probably the smartest thing i've read so far in this forum

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muslims shouldn't be erradicated by genocide, that's not right.

if not genocide then another crusade needs to be staged & have them converted to one of the more peaceful religions otherwise civilization is doomed. they're multiplying like camels in heat

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if not genocide then another crusade needs to be staged & have them converted to one of the more peaceful religions otherwise civilization is doomed. they're multiplying like camels in heat

Nobody gives a flying fuck about your bullshit opinion anyway. Civilizations are doomed if we have more rats like you running around.

Don't you have some money to steal or something?

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You wrote this on another topic:

"Originally Posted by dnice35

Hiler should have gone after those filthy muslims instead of the jews, at least jews are productive members of society, what have those filthy muslims ever done besides kill in the name of "allah"."

you're right, your not a racist, but a nazi

A Nazi? I fail to see how you came to that conclusion.

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