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fucked up!!!

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every country has it's ills..every country has it's problems. but at least these countries own up to it. russia kills 150 people while tryin to save them from that theatre...theyre like HEY MAN WE FUCKED UP. Macedonian govt officials stage a "terrorist attack" and kill 4 innocent muslims and then they own up to it ..with no pressure from anyone else. Even pariah nations like Cuba recognize the fact that they may do somethings wrong. but the US..oh the high almighty US can do noooo wrong!! they consistently blabber on about civil liberties violations and censorship and freedom of speech...when coupled with the Patriot Act theyve managed to curve a great deal of civil liberties once enjoyed by US citizens. my point is...stop f'in lying to me..tell me the truth..tell me u went to iraq to control oil supplies..tell me u went to iraq cause saddam beat ur papi in the 80's in a game of squash..but dont tell me ur going into iraq to liberate people who really..really..realllly do not want to be "liberated" by an occupying force of "christian infidels." as rough as they may have had it under saddam..im pretty sure they were like EH AT LEAST HE'S MUSLIM....u think they like being under the control of an outsider?

daniel berg is dead because of US foreign policy that went wrong...calling mercenaries "contractors" really messed shit up for a lot of legit contractors down there...and put their lives in danger. stop sugarcoating this mess..stop telling CBS not to release photos of coffins...motherfucker we know people r dyin over there...i dont have to c a coffin to beleive it.

look..im rambling...to sum it all up..what bugs me is this "we can do no wrong" attitude the bush regime has adopted. might dont make right..no matter how u flip it.

.........wurd :woah: preach it man :bowdown:

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...do you feel the same angst towards the terrorists that beheaded this man in the name of their religion...a religion as i'm informed that does not preach violence...i'm not disagreeing with you - my cousin and i were just talking about the "contractors" yesterday...i agree - i just want the truth...and it's ok to say we fucked up....but there are a couple of things, if not more, going on here...

1) Because of our error-laidened foreign policy, we are in a damned if you do and damned if you dont scenario

2) Our "enemies" are using false justifications as well - does not make either party right but it should definitely be acknowledged in all this

...just some thoughts...

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yooo ppl need to stop blaming Bush and the administration for EVERYTHING.....the FBI states that after detaining Berg they told him it was unsafe in Iraq and offered him safe passage home....The Islamist cocksuckers are way over the edge and I soooo support Bush, you can say wut u want want about him, at least he has balls and is trying to keep America safe...If we pull out of Iraq, ummm guess what terrorists wont stop, they will just come here and attack us.....what makes me sick is that those pussy terrorists cover their faces and make Nick Berg say his family members names b4 they kill him...sooo f'ed up

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yooo ppl need to stop blaming Bush and the administration for EVERYTHING.....the FBI states that after detaining Berg they told him it was unsafe in Iraq and offered him safe passage home....The Islamist cocksuckers are way over the edge and I soooo support Bush, you can say wut u want want about him, at least he has balls and is trying to keep America safe...If we pull out of Iraq, ummm guess what terrorists wont stop, they will just come here and attack us.....what makes me sick is that those pussy terrorists cover their faces and make Nick Berg say his family members names b4 they kill him...sooo f'ed up

yah just dont get it do ya

we get attacked cuz we keep stickin our noses in where it doesnt belong, US has a really bad history of that me thinks.

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every country has it's ills..every country has it's problems. but at least these countries own up to it. russia kills 150 people while tryin to save them from that theatre...theyre like HEY MAN WE FUCKED UP. Macedonian govt officials stage a "terrorist attack" and kill 4 innocent muslims and then they own up to it ..with no pressure from anyone else. Even pariah nations like Cuba recognize the fact that they may do somethings wrong. but the US..oh the high almighty US can do noooo wrong!! they consistently blabber on about civil liberties violations and censorship and freedom of speech...when coupled with the Patriot Act theyve managed to curve a great deal of civil liberties once enjoyed by US citizens. my point is...stop f'in lying to me..tell me the truth..tell me u went to iraq to control oil supplies..tell me u went to iraq cause saddam beat ur papi in the 80's in a game of squash..but dont tell me ur going into iraq to liberate people who really..really..realllly do not want to be "liberated" by an occupying force of "christian infidels." as rough as they may have had it under saddam..im pretty sure they were like EH AT LEAST HE'S MUSLIM....u think they like being under the control of an outsider?

daniel berg is dead because of US foreign policy that went wrong...calling mercenaries "contractors" really messed shit up for a lot of legit contractors down there...and put their lives in danger. stop sugarcoating this mess..stop telling CBS not to release photos of coffins...motherfucker we know people r dyin over there...i dont have to c a coffin to beleive it.

look..im rambling...to sum it all up..what bugs me is this "we can do no wrong" attitude the bush regime has adopted. might dont make right..no matter how u flip it.

You really do have a lot of insight on US foreign policies and although I've really disagreed on your positions in the past, I completely agree with what your saying right now. The point you are missing is that every government sugar coats and covers shit up, there is no "honest" power and never will be. This whole "US is perfect" image is such a farce that its comical. As for these people that carried out the beheading....I cant even put together a clear opinion without breaking up with anger. This specific case leaked out to the media, imagine all the other shit going on that we dont know about.

As for Bush, the blame might not be pinpointed to him in this specific case, but this guy is the worst leader this country has seen in any of our lifetimes in foreign affairs. How can one administration single-handedly manage to get every country in the world detesting our postions in the middle east besides the UK? It takes a true genius to manage that.....and this guy is our leader

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ppl say we stick our heads where it doesnt belong, 9/11 changed our stance from one of containment to pre-emption, bla bla bla iraq wasnt an immediate threat, ya oookkk guyyy so i guess we just wait til we get attacked then we attack back, f' that yoooo....no matter wut we do terrorists think we are the Great Satan and will continue to attack us, so stop sympathizing with these pussies and realize the world we live in......

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HAHHAAHA liberal response to everything BLAME BUSH blaaaaa, I didnt get a pony when i was 5 for xmas...blame bush, i was beat as a child...blame bush, my gf broke up wit me....blame bush, im an unpatriotic faggot...OoOOOo guess wut im gonna blame bush......STFU guyyyyyyy

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ppl say we stick our heads where it doesnt belong, 9/11 changed our stance from one of containment to pre-emption, bla bla bla iraq wasnt an immediate threat, ya oookkk guyyy so i guess we just wait til we get attacked then we attack back, f' that yoooo....no matter wut we do terrorists think we are the Great Satan and will continue to attack us, so stop sympathizing with these pussies and realize the world we live in......

Saddam and Osama are polar opposites in their stances and actually hate each other....what one does in no way effects the other. Al Queda attacked the US, not Iraq........the attacks just gave Bush the excuse he needed to invade Iraq even though one had nothing to do with the other.

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HAHHAAHA liberal response to everything BLAME BUSH blaaaaa, I didnt get a pony when i was 5 for xmas...blame bush, i was beat as a child...blame bush, my gf broke up wit me....blame bush, im an unpatriotic faggot...OoOOOo guess wut im gonna blame bush......STFU guyyyyyyy

someone tried to kill my daddy...why dont we attack a country :rolleyes:

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yooo terrorists dont just pop up out of nowhere wit millions of dollars to take classes to hijack planes and plan the whole thing.....they go to terrorist camps, and get funding from gov't and other terrorists, all of this went on in Iraq, besides the fact they were uncompliant like 5 billion times, you prolly agree we had a right to attack Afghanistan bc of 9/11.....well should we just wait for another 9/11 to give us that reason to attack Iraq.....its all how u look at things, i just think pre-emption is the way we have to be...sad but true

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u hit the nail on the head genius!! ..the $$$$$ osama used came from US sources. the same money was used to train him and taliban fighters during the afghani-soviet conflict. so...following ur logic..the US should blame themselves, no?

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listen casper, first of all cant believe ur defending iraq under saddam leadership, if we were thought to be making wmd or even illegal weapons we would have to answer to NATO or UN, so would any other nation, Iraq was thought to have had wmd and was making illegal weapons, so plzzzzz spare me the bs devils advocate bla bla bla, i guess we shold just let iran and other third world countries make nukes bc who are we to stop them, ooooookkkk guyyyyy good idea, 2nd of all u cant really believe that Osama still is using $ from when we helped them in that war....ur tellin me we gave him enuff $ to last like 10-15 yrs yaaaaaa ooookkkk, he gets funding from other countries and its documented too dick pycee

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:clap2: montreal!! :clap2:

...too bad there are like 0 jobs there :half:...

i'll live off the land, skin a bear n live in a cave :afro:

truromeo, ya gotta get your facts straight, I don't know dick as much compared to ghost n others here but I do know that what we've been doing in Iraq is a no go and the reason why 9/11 happened was cuz US been stickin its head in the Arabs world way to much, ask them why and they'll tell you. It doesn't excuse what they've done to us or any human being but I don't think the US is making the situation any better at all, recent events are pretty much proof o that.

With that said....i will not shut the fuck up but I will go pee :peeright:

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i wrote this long ass response to this kids answer..but rereading his last couple of posts i realized im wasting my time. it's like tellin Wesley Snipes the flat top aint cool no more...he just doesn't get it. i also realized im arguing with someone who calls themself TRUEROMEO...damn

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