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what makes a girl WIFE MATERIAL... ?


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can cook

can clean

can fuck(sucks a mean one)

isnt a slut(hasnt fucked your friends or anyone u know)

looks good in the morning

isnt a bitch after a few months of seeing the real her

good with children

willing to role play in bed or try new things

likes to travel

does anyone have anymore ????? please add !!!

youre both in love (with each other) fun to be with, sociable without being overly flirtatious, low mileage but has experience, intelligent, aware of her surroundings, family oriented, goal oriented, not lazy, share similar intrests but like enough different things that we do not have to do everything together, not paranoid, not overly-motherly, not needy or clingy, independent, enjoys my cooking and more importantly laughs at most of my jokes... :aright: just a few things off the top of my head...

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youre both in love (with each other) fun to be with, sociable without being overly flirtatious, low mileage but has experience, intelligent, aware of her surroundings, family oriented, goal oriented, not lazy, share similar intrests but like enough different things that we do not have to do everything together, not paranoid, not overly-motherly, not needy or clingy, independent, enjoys my cooking and more importantly laughs at most of my jokes... :aright: just a few things off the top of my head...


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First of all, girls are whores if you let them be. If you treat a girl right...she'll appreciate and won't be a whore. It's the way a lady is treated. Every action, get's a reaction.

That's my thought on this.

absolutely false... and you can say the same about guys and i think its false...

"if you let them be..." who are you to let anyone do anything??? ppl are ppl, and theyll do just what they will... there are some things that are in ppls nature and some things that arent... "you cant turn a hooker into a housewife..." has been thrown around loosely through the years and i think its true... same way you cannot turn a cheating man into a decent husband... every action gets a reaction however the same can be said about inaction, a neglected wife/husband will seek attention and comfort elsewhere, or mental stimulation elsewhere... i dont know you from adam but i disagree with your post...

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I'm not saying that's me. Men are just quick to judge all the time. They do things without even thinking. I'm not saying people are going to change everyone should be who they are. What I'm saying if you're good to women and give them the respect and attention they deserve then I don't see the reason to go out and find someone else. If you're happy where you are why change it?

That's not what I was trying to say in my last post...you twisted everything around.

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I'm not saying that's me. Men are just quick to judge all the time. They do things without even thinking. I'm not saying people are going to change everyone should be who they are. What I'm saying if you're good to women and give them the respect and attention they deserve then I don't see the reason to go out and find someone else. If you're happy where you are why change it?

That's not what I was trying to say in my last post...you twisted everything around.

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I'm not saying that's me. Men are just quick to judge all the time. They do things without even thinking. I'm not saying people are going to change everyone should be who they are. What I'm saying if you're good to women and give them the respect and attention they deserve then I don't see the reason to go out and find someone else. If you're happy where you are why change it?

That's not what I was trying to say in my last post...you twisted everything around.

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can cook

can clean

can fuck(sucks a mean one)

isnt a slut(hasnt fucked your friends or anyone u know)

looks good in the morning

isnt a bitch after a few months of seeing the real her

good with children

willing to role play in bed or try new things

likes to travel

does anyone have anymore ????? please add !!!

I'll turn her into a freak ! i'll teach her what i want her to know ! ... thats how she'll be a freak in bed !

hey beauty, r u a freak in bed ?

.....so basicaly....be madonna/whore like at the same time. Take care of all you do without saying a word back... someone almost not human...no mistakes permitted

so why having a wife?....just get a slave and train her...for doing all your cleaning, wasking, cooking, sucking, fucking, not talking, not dissagreeing....you name it.....cause I don't think you will find such a woman in her right mind who will lovingly do it all for you...and you will RESPECT her for it in return

damm :puke: most of you boys just got the significant and the essential of a relationship mistaken by your loony toony fantasy land

but why do I even bother....right :bootysha:

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I feel bad for you that you put all women into this category...you must have really been betrayed by someone who meant alot to you. Just remember that time heals all wounds, I'm sure someday you will find your soulmate.


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so why having a wife?....just get a slave and train her...for doing all your cleaning, wasking, cooking, sucking, fucking, not talking, not dissagreeing....you name it.....cause I don't think you will find such a woman in her right mind who will lovingly do it all for you...and you will RESPECT her for it in return damm :puke: most of you boys just got the significant and the essential of a relationship mistaken by your loony toony fantasy land

but why do I even bother....right :bootysha:

its not what she can do for you but what you both can do for each other and your children... the old fashioned way of think is just that, old fashioned... if you want a housewife go to some antiquated 3rd world nation... and as far being perfect goes, there is no such thing as the perfect person, its are you perfect for each other... long story short imo, when i was in a long-term relationship, the things that i seemed most fond of in my girlfriend was the fact that she snored, or farted, or occassionally snorted while she laughed... it made her human, and in turn made it more realistic, although she was beautiful on the outside and inside she was down to earth and real... i dont want to date a picture perfect woman, or a marry one because thats not real... thats not reality... reality is ppl are idiosynratic, and are different by nature... and once you can really appreciate the differences then i think you can move forward in your relationship... but sitting there and nitpicking what annoys you or what makes the person imperfect will get you nowhere, and make you a lonely shallow individual... not sure if you could follow my train of thought there, in a rush and just quickly jotted that down...

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-she has to be able to open a beer bottle with her teeth

-light a cigarette, iron my clothes and hold the baby at the same time

-has never heard of versace, louis vuitton, gucci, etc.

-thinks k-mart is the greatest place on earth


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-she has to be able to open a beer bottle with her teeth

-light a cigarette, iron my clothes and hold the baby at the same time

-has never heard of versace, louis vuitton, gucci, etc.

-thinks k-mart is the greatest place on earth


well that disqualifies me :(

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its not what she can do for you but what you both can do for each other and your children... the old fashioned way of think is just that, old fashioned... if you want a housewife go to some antiquated 3rd world nation... and as far being perfect goes, there is no such thing as the perfect person, its are you perfect for each other... long story short imo, when i was in a long-term relationship, the things that i seemed most fond of in my girlfriend was the fact that she snored, or farted, or occassionally snorted while she laughed... it made her human, and in turn made it more realistic, although she was beautiful on the outside and inside she was down to earth and real... i dont want to date a picture perfect woman, or a marry one because thats not real... thats not reality... reality is ppl are idiosynratic, and are different by nature... and once you can really appreciate the differences then i think you can move forward in your relationship... but sitting there and nitpicking what annoys you or what makes the person imperfect will get you nowhere, and make you a lonely shallow individual... not sure if you could follow my train of thought there, in a rush and just quickly jotted that down...

yeah....just about

Iwas attacking some of the lame boys on this board who got it all fucked up....with the wife stuff material...

anyway....glad 2 read you got the love :bounce:

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