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the TRUTH about the beheading of Berg


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wow, I haven't seen other pictures of the prison, but that chair looks Photoshopped in. It looks really fake. As far as the other stuff, it all seems like a big stretch to me. I will do more reseach but, it is highly doubtful.

you think there are no fat errorists and don't have access to clean shoes? :bigfinge:

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You must be kidding. The points in that article are well, for lack of better words, just ridiculous. Ok, so let me begin...

First the white plastic chair. I'm sure that the Berg's captors were able to find one measely white plastic chair in Iraq. I would wager a hefty sum of money that you can easily find a multitude of white plastic chairs in Iraq, excluding those that were brought over by the Americans.

Second, the pullet proof vests. If you look at the picture where Berg is sitting in front of the captors, you will notice that the captors are not wearing bulletproof vests. What they are wearing are bomb vests. The type of vests that a suicide bomber would wear.

Third, the Orange jump suite. Hmmm, that is quite perplexing, so I'll give Marc Perkel that one.

Fourth, the physical characteristics of the captors. The picture that shows Berg's captors, well they are all dressed up, so I can not see their skin color. So the question is, how did Marc Perkel determine their skin color, hmmm??? What I do see is that they are of varying sizes, tall, short, lean and fat. I'm pretty sure that Arabs just like the rest of the human species, come in different sizes and shapes. Also, there many middle eastern people, that are of caucasian ancestory, therefore they would look exactly like your normal Joe schmo white guy.

Fifth, Berg's demeanor. Well I'm pretty sure his captors probably told him he'll be alright, that he won't be killed for the sole purpose of having him be calm through the filming of the speech. If they told him that he would be killed prior to the filming, he might have struggled, forcing the captors to kill prematurely resulting in no Anti-America speech and no beheading.

So sorry I just don't buy Marc's consipiracy theory, it just seems to much of a stretch.


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excellent points there kiddskydrol, though I don't know about the wall color, that may or may not a be a comon color for walls in Iraq

and not only the lack of convulsion but what about the lack of blood? there should be a lot of it, a real mess, but there isn't...

I wouldn't necessarily conclude that it's a fake, but there are so many other weird inconsistencies in this guy's story that I'll bet there's some very surprising information regarding this case that has not been made public..... yet?

and his 13 day detention, could that have been just some kind of alibi or something?

here's the least biased piece I've read to address this incident and the larger context of current events http://usa.mediamonitors.net/content/view/full/6834/

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Second, the pullet proof vests. If you look at the picture where Berg is sitting in front of the captors, you will notice that the captors are not wearing bulletproof vests. What they are wearing are bomb vests. The type of vests that a suicide bomber would wear.

sorry, but those vests are designed to carry spare ak-47 magazines. i don't see any external wires, batteries, switches, tape, or other evidence that they have been converted into "bomb vests."

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This just goes to show how some people just want to believe anything.

The terorists were trying to make a point..... duh.....

they wanted to make their prisoner look like the other prisoners they saw in order to draw paralells between them and the americans.

and english military time???? wtf is that?? you mean the same 24hr clock in every trainstation and camcorder in europe??? lol.. time in english... its fucking numbers!!! and like these genuses who want to fool the nation (along with bergs family enough that they sent a headless corpse to his house as his remains) wouldn't turn off the time???

the military never denined that they picked up berg???

there are so many things wrong with this conspiracy theory it makes the typical conspiracy idiots seem briliant.

btw I knew plenty of muslims who wear gold rings. and ask most people and islam foribids the type of kiling of innocent people like they did too... but oh boy, the appearance of a ring in a few frames of a webcast edited for a website it the clincher.

fuck are people stupid ..................... there are plenty of ghosts out there, you don't have to make more up.

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