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Attn Mets fans !!

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I hate NY...mostly coz of the yamkees...(i think).. but nontheless, but i still got a bitter taste of the WS that the mets left in redsox fans mouths. That said, J franco has been a devoted mets player, but enuff already !! this guy cant win... i dunno how else to say it, but this guy is DONE !! cut him loose, he's costing the team a whole lotta much needed wins to crawl outta the basement. Geezus, i know loyalty should count 4 something.... i know, even myself, i was choked when Franco got hurt and he said during the press interview " my son asked: was it coz we played catch?" that shit got to me... i still think he's outstanding, but pahlease, dont drag the whole team down with ya.... You've been offered a position with the team after retirement..Take it, and give the younger players a chance to rise. Just my $0.02... Dont make it a disgrace of your legacy.

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NONSENSE. Don't give advice to the team that owned you in 1986...


NYC is a big city, the fuckin yamkees have owned its good graces for too damn long, a change is in order....atleast i know the mets dont have a lifelong grudge against the red sox, let alone the WHOLE damn league due to their deep abyss pockets !! Now, if that idiotic statement had been from a met fan, then and only THEN would i give two shits about what you have to say, ..till then, enjoy your $$ induced immortality assclown .

nuff said !! Now go back to toasting a win from a team that doesnt even come close to your payroll.

P.S talking of owned, 6-1 Till you match or tie, you know where you can take your lame ass comments.

nuff said :D

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I completely agree....as would most, if not all, Mets fans

I am with Mets fans, and when they play against the Yankees, I feel as part of them because we are of the same cause.........beat the goddamn Yankees. With that being said, Franco is an embarassment and is doing nothing to help, only hurt, that squad on the field. He is an ace in the clubhouse, but he's gotta move on to managerial positions just because he completely lost everything he had.

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NYC is a big city, the fuckin yamkees have owned its good graces for too damn long, a change is in order....atleast i know the mets dont have a lifelong grudge against the red sox, let alone the WHOLE damn league due to their deep abyss pockets !! Now, if that idiotic statement had been from a met fan, then and only THEN would i give two shits about what you have to say, ..till then, enjoy your $$ induced immortality assclown .

nuff said !! Now go back to toasting a win from a team that doesnt even come close to your payroll.

P.S talking of owned, 6-1 Till you match or tie, you know where you can take your lame ass comments.

nuff said :D

Ignorance is bliss. In your case, you entertain yourself counting your team's performance on a daily basis (or should I say only when they win - otherwise, you make like an ostrich and burry your head in the ground). I could care less with how many wins my team can compile this year or last year... get my drift? What matters is total success... when you can beat the Yankees when it counts (take out the dictionary and look up "never"), then talk shit. Until then, keep your red neck mentality in New England along with your lack of knowledge or baseball.

Reminder, performance during the season (or up to the beginning of August for that matter) means absolute shit if your team has a consistent record of falling apart in the last several months. Consistency is something you guys are good at; however, it has no correlation to positive results.

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i know, even myself, i was choked when Franco got hurt and he said during the press interview " my son asked: was it coz we played catch?" that shit got to me...



by the way the real score is still 26-5

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Ignorance is bliss. In your case, you entertain yourself counting your team's performance on a daily basis (or should I say only when they win - otherwise, you make like an ostrich and burry your head in the ground). I could care less with how many wins my team can compile this year or last year... get my drift? What matters is total success... when you can beat the Yankees when it counts (take out the dictionary and look up "never"), then talk shit. Until then, keep your red neck mentality in New England along with your lack of knowledge or baseball.

Reminder, performance during the season (or up to the beginning of August for that matter) means absolute shit if your team has a consistent record of falling apart in the last several months. Consistency is something you guys are good at; however, it has no correlation to positive results.

:blah: :blah:

just incase your jaundice ravaged eyes missed it, i will reiterate,... the topic of the damn thread reads : "Attn Mets fans" try and analyze that statement. If by chance you can grasp this 'big' concept, you will understand that not all threads are about the friggin yamkees. Get over yourself asshole.

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Ooooooohhh did i strike a nerve Maggie. Speaking of classless , just go back and read all of your threads

And your right every thread isnt about the yanks ..yet you still bring the Yanks into it on your own thread about the Mets


And being a redsox fan why the fuck should you care that the MEts are throwin Johnnie Franco a bone and keepin him around (btw he still gets lefties out)



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Ooooooohhh did i strike a nerve Maggie. Speaking of classless , just go back and read all of your threads

And your right every thread isnt about the yanks ..yet you still bring the Yanks into it on your own thread about the Mets


And being a redsox fan why the fuck should you care that the MEts are throwin Johnnie Franco a bone and keepin him around (btw he still gets lefties out)



First off, find a thread that wasnt.... and i stress the word wasnt already about the yamkees that I allegedly turned into a yamkee bashing fest. !! You have a skill of running your mouth on things you dont know..you already proved that to us.

Secondly, you keep talking of "owned"... that is one funny thing from where i'm sitting. Copy n pasting shit from other sites hardly makes you own shit and hardly makes you knowlegeable. keep feeding yourself that garbage. any clown with two sense can research shit... but sometimes speak whats on your mind... free thinking is encouraged here son.

Lastly, why is every last one of your posts edited you illiterate bastard :laugh:

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First off, find a thread that wasnt.... and i stress the word wasnt already about the yamkees that I allegedly turned into a yamkee bashing fest. !! You have a skill of running your mouth on things you dont know..you already proved that to us.

Secondly, you keep talking of "owned"... that is one funny thing from where i'm sitting. Copy n pasting shit from other sites hardly makes you own shit and hardly makes you knowlegeable. keep feeding yourself that garbage. any clown with two sense can research shit... but sometimes speak whats on your mind... free thinking is encouraged here son.

Lastly, why is every last one of your posts edited you illiterate bastard :laugh:

Maggie you are OWNED and its proven by every one of your useless posts that spout shit about shit and most of it just negative bile about the Yanks

I have proven you wrong over and over again and wauit for responses on those threads and ...poof magically you dissapear and never respond to those threads ....thus your are OWNED

ANd what the fuck are you talking about copying and pasting shit...if i bring up a stat that can be proven ...yeh dickwad its usually from a book or a site ...if not its my own opinion or experince

otherwise genius i would end up lookin like you and posting complete bullshit

and here is the EDITED part cause i relaize i didnt respond to your first sentence

Yeah you make up a thread and you still had to bring the Ynaks into it and how u hate them its right there at the first sentence of you original post moron

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and here is the EDITED part cause i relaize i didnt respond to your first sentence

Yeah you make up a thread and you still had to bring the Ynaks into it and how u hate them its right there at the first sentence of you original post moron

lemme ask you something..... and i ask this in a sincere manner..

what do you do for a living ?

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i just want to know why he came out swinging at johnny...

do a search on his threads and you will question a lot of things he writes.

He also had a very bad Krylon/inhalant problem, but i think he did go to rehab and is in recovery

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he's just still bitter cuz the mets won in '86....

re-read what i first posted,... you certainly dont come off as the sharpest knife in the drawer if you know what i mean. btw, i just recently noticed met 'fans' come out of the woodwork lately now that the mets are playing around .500 ball. are you a seasonal fan ?


and as for the other clown -googleboy aka bxbomb, you are trully a mental case or you plain love to hear yourself rant. On the 1st page of the thread you mentioned about the mets throwing johhny a bone..... and now you are gung-ho on how johnny is the real thing...... boy, i bet you got the best face tan on this board on account on how many asses you kiss :laugh:

Johnny has had a stellar career, i said that...i applaud him for it, but throwing an occasional scoreless inning should not be something to go gaga over for. No wonder the mets are in bad shape. open your eyes.

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are you insinuating i am a seasonal mets fan or jumping on a band wagon??

i was born and raised a mets fan...just because i dont post all the time on the sports bd doe not prove that i just started liking them...

i snuck to a tv when my parent put me to sleep to watch that ball go past bukner...i have suffered through the bad....i usually watch the mets game every night....dont assume i am a jumping on a band wagon because its the first time i have discussed the mets with you.

the world doesnt revolve around you......

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re-read what i first posted,... you certainly dont come off as the sharpest knife in the drawer if you know what i mean. btw, i just recently noticed met 'fans' come out of the woodwork lately now that the mets are playing around .500 ball. are you a seasonal fan ?


and as for the other clown -googleboy aka bxbomb, you are trully a mental case or you plain love to hear yourself rant. On the 1st page of the thread you mentioned about the mets throwing johhny a bone..... and now you are gung-ho on how johnny is the real thing...... boy, i bet you got the best face tan on this board on account on how many asses you kiss :laugh:

Johnny has had a stellar career, i said that...i applaud him for it, but throwing an occasional scoreless inning should not be something to go gaga over for. No wonder the mets are in bad shape. open your eyes.

once again douchebag, Read what i wrote in the first page I said he still gets Lefties out!!!!

ANd WTF are you talkin about how am i gung ho on him being the real deal?!?!?!all i said to manjibu was ..GOOD JOB on making you look like you dont know what your talkin bout(but that has been an easy job all along)..


because you obviously need supervision


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are you insinuating i am a seasonal mets fan or jumping on a band wagon??

i was born and raised a mets fan...just because i dont post all the time on the sports bd doe not prove that i just started liking them...

i snuck to a tv when my parent put me to sleep to watch that ball go past bukner...i have suffered through the bad....i usually watch the mets game every night....dont assume i am a jumping on a band wagon because its the first time i have discussed the mets with you.

the world doesnt revolve around you......

Insinuating?? not at all, i dont sugarcoat anything I write dude. From all the ranting you posted, i couldnt help noticing that you forgot to mention how J Franco blew the pooch over the weekend. Guy is shot. period. Funny thing is, I was begining to believe you are a lifelong Met 'fan' till you posted that "i snuck to a tv when my parent put me to sleep to watch that ball go past bukner" Let me guess, at the time, you had a feeling something great was gonna happen at that tender age.. .. Its pure bullshit..i'll call you on that. You try too hard to prove that you are a fan. Bro, you come off as a bandwagoneer....I bet you got an Angels, Marlins, Yamkee and D'back jerzees hanging in your closet..and an empty hanger waiting for the winner of the Pistons-Lakers nba series just in time to floss for the summer. You go boy, do your thing....if it wasnt for wagoneers, merchandize sales would be really bad for all sports, you are part and parcel of the whole system.

Googleboy, from all the asses you've kissed, i suggest you find another, coz like yours, this one is full of shit :laugh:

Carry on !!

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and no response...

Responses are always here if you are patient enuff. You got bent outta shape coz i called you a wagon jumper.... dude, i've been called worse, i just laugh it off...and still here. You got two choices, either grow a thicker skin when you post on the 'sports forum' or stay in the 'sex' forum and continue specializing on "Post your Tits" threads...This is not free advice, you will be getting a bill in the mail shortly son. :aright:

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