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Bad News for Jersey

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How about bad news for us guys?? All this means is that we'll be buying the same amount of drinks for some (not alll!!) of these girls but paying more for them as well as paying their cover charges!!

Smart move by the state as it merely increases liquor tax revenue which can be put to good use.

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give me a break..... i mean guys complain enough when the ratio isn't high...

(girls to guys) and now they are going to complain about ladies night????????

oh this i gotta see!!!!!!!!!!

Not complaining - just stating facts - I always have and will continue to buy drinks and pay covers for any lady who both appreciates it AND doesn't expect it!! :pint:

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I have no problem with that!! I love when my b-day's on a saturday because you can celebrate all weekend and not get any crap for it!! D'Jais Friday, D'Jais HH Saturday, either Headliner or Tempts Saturday night!! Sunday - who knows, who cares, i won't remember anything by then!!! :bounce::pint::bounce:

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ok ok .. well i kind of told a little white lie.. my birthday is actually June 30... so it's the following Wednesday.. but hey i am girl.. i can celebrate my birthday as if it were Mardi Gras can i not??????????? haha...

my girls and I will be at Djais that Saturday... havent been there since last year.... i am horrible ... horrible... need my djais fill.......... lol hope to see you there... :bounce:

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"David R. Gillespie said it was not fair for women to get into the Coastline nightclub for free and receive discounted drinks while men paid a $5 cover charge and full price for drinks."

Apparently this David guy wasn't getting in ass for the last few years at the Coastline and decided to get back at all the women who dissed him! :biggrin:

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