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U.S. Employers Add 248,000 Jobs in May

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By LEIGH STROPE, AP Labor Writer

WASHINGTON - U.S. employers added almost a quarter million workers in May, extending a nine-month hiring spree and accommodating enough new jobseekers to hold the unemployment rate steady at 5.6 percent.

Payrolls swelled by almost 1 million in the last three months alone, the Labor Department (news - web sites) said Friday. Employment figures for March and April were revised up to reflect the addition of 353,000 and 346,000 jobs respectively.

But because tens of thousands of jobless are renewing their search for work in the wake of an improving labor market, the overall, seasonally adjusted civilian unemployment rate did not improve from April's 5.6 percent figure.

Nevertheless, the snapshot of America's employment situation in May met the expectations of most private analysts and fueled anticipation of an increase in interest rates when the Federal Reserve (news - web sites) meets at the end of this month. The Fed's main interest rate has been at a 46-year low of 1 percent, but analysts expect that to end with the jobs market steadily gaining steam.

Hiring last month was widespread, with businesses adding an overall 248,000 new jobs across the economy. Industries that posted the biggest gains included construction, health care, professional and business services and hotels and restaurants.

"What is really key is that every major sector had improvements," said John Silvia, chief economist for Wachovia Securities. "That suggests these gains are sustainable."

The struggling manufacturing sector also is reawakening, adding 32,000 new jobs last month. It was the fourth straight month of payroll increases after almost three years of continuous losses.

The payroll survey by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, reflecting the addition of those 248,000 new jobs to business payrolls, is separate from a survey of U.S. households. It is that survey which determines the unemployment rate.

Friday's report was good news for President Bush (news - web sites), who has been counting on continued employment growth to boost his re-election prospects. The economy was expected to be a major drag on his campaign, but that may prove otherwise.

Bush still is on track to be the first president since the Great Depression to have lost jobs during his watch — but those losses are shrinking. His administration was widely criticized for an overly optimistic forecast that 2.6 million new jobs would be created this year. But economists now say the chugging economy could approach that mark.

"What a difference a year makes," said Commerce Secretary Donald Evans, noting the big payroll gains in the past three months. "A wakeup call has been sent that the United States economy is back."

Still, the economy is far from the booming 1990s. Last month, 8.2 million people remained unemployed. While the overall jobless rate stayed at 5.6 percent, it was much higher among blacks, at 9.9 percent and Hispanics, at 7 percent.

The average duration of unemployment rose to 20 weeks last month, up from 19.7 weeks in April. Almost 22 percent of all jobless workers have been without work for 27 weeks or more.

Construction employment rose by 32,000 in May, with 91,000 new jobs added since January. In services, professional and business services added 64,000 new jobs, fueled by hiring increases in temporary employment firms. Hiring at such firms has grown by 14 percent since April 2003.

Hotels and restaurants added 33,000 jobs over the month, and financial services boosted payrolls by 15,000.

But some industries lost jobs, including telecommunications, which shed 5,000 positions last month. Also, there were fewer government jobs last month, as employment in that sector decreased by 27,000

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The economy has been performing excellent in all aspects, but you would never know it based on the media coverage.....

They sure didn't mind covering the economy when it was underperforming..

The Kerry campaign and the media sure didn't mind saying "it's the economy, stupid" endless times just a short while ago.......do they still believe that?..hmmm

Oh yeah, my mistake.....can not give valuable ink and news time to positive reporting.......need the space and time for the prison photos again....

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are you sure this wasn't from the scam that bush has been trying to pull over the public.. I read somewhere that he was trying to change the qualifacations for the job sector moving blue collar workers to another level inthe employment line, thus when they are placed in this "new job bracket" it would look as if he created a shit load of jobs but in reality he just too blue collar workers and relocated them in the white collar sector to try to stimulate the economy and make the public and the world think the economy is growing hardcore, which would gain him support but meanwhile it was just our govt playing a numbers game.... I do not know if this is 100% true but I am asking if you have heard about anything like this?

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are you sure this wasn't from the scam that bush has been trying to pull over the public.. I read somewhere that he was trying to change the qualifacations for the job sector moving blue collar workers to another level inthe employment line, thus when they are placed in this "new job bracket" it would look as if he created a shit load of jobs but in reality he just too blue collar workers and relocated them in the white collar sector to try to stimulate the economy and make the public and the world think the economy is growing hardcore, which would gain him support but meanwhile it was just our govt playing a numbers game.... I do not know if this is 100% true but I am asking if you have heard about anything like this?

i didnt hear about this...but if the story ur talking about is coming from a liberal source...i dont believe it...i usually TRY to get the news from AP or Rueters...i try to get as much unbiased source that i can (if that even exists)...

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are you sure this wasn't from the scam that bush has been trying to pull over the public.. I read somewhere that he was trying to change the qualifacations for the job sector moving blue collar workers to another level inthe employment line, thus when they are placed in this "new job bracket" it would look as if he created a shit load of jobs but in reality he just too blue collar workers and relocated them in the white collar sector to try to stimulate the economy and make the public and the world think the economy is growing hardcore, which would gain him support but meanwhile it was just our govt playing a numbers game.... I do not know if this is 100% true but I am asking if you have heard about anything like this?

I heard that BigFoot and the Loch Ness monster are in on it too....

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Yes that is what i am talking about... he is re positioning the job sector... so the labor sector is now considered a manufacturing job... thus this new shift in structure "created 1,000,000 new jobs, on paper but in reality he is just playing number games... the mcdonalds thing is one example of this...

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Yes that is what i am talking about... he is re positioning the job sector... so the labor sector is now considered a manufacturing job... thus this new shift in structure "created 1,000,000 new jobs, on paper but in reality he is just playing number games... the mcdonalds thing is one example of this...

i am being totally honest...i have not heard nor read this...so i dont know...

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at my summer job i work with, this fuckin moron says he cant get a good job and its the presidents fault. hes about 35 or so

this is seriously what people think

its his own fault because he is a lazy fuck and he thinks that jobs should be provided to anyone

he thinks that someone should come and knock on your door and give you a sweet job with benifits. no one wants to bust their ass anymore for anything.

everyone is so used to getting shit handed to them (thanks to the liberals) that they are all lazy as fuck and EXPECT to get something for nothing

it drives me insane

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and people say they cant find a fuckin job???

after school was over this semester it took me all of about 1 day to get a fantastic job where i make about 750 a week. GIMME A FUCKIN BREAK

i guess the difference is i bust my ass and no one else wants too.

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